Why do leftists take the moral high-ground when they are evil? My younger brother is a highschool student and he tried to commit suicide because of so much leftist bullying and exclusion because he likes Trump. This is what the left wants and they are nasty. He's now in a mental ward and will be for the rest of Christmas Break at least.
My younger brother tried to commit suicide because of SJW bullying
Him supporting Trump explains his failure to commit suicide - he's pathetic
You need to take your brother camping. Start a fire, slap a beer in his hand and listen to him complain. Do not, I repeat, do NOT join in on the complaining otherwise you may as well have gone to get your nails painted.
Be the bigger brother, show him he can be strong. Strengthen your bond with your blood.
>slap a beer
He's 17 illegal to drink where we live
Also my mom would never approve of camping or anything like that since it could be dangerous. But why did you say let him complain but i can't join in? He's in the mental ward right now so i can't really take him camping.
So why are you here crying instead of cracking someone skull?
>Also my mom would never approve of camping or anything like that since it could be dangerous.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Who cares if she doesn't approve. Give him a drink and take him out away from other people so he can let it all out. After that make sure he knows what he attempted is wrong and find a way to let his anger out on someone other than himself. All the therapy after what he is going through won't help at all. He needs someone he is close to that he trust and talk it through with himself. Coming from someone that has been in that position as him before.
I'm not a degenerate criminal
What? I mean we could go camping but he'd never be allowed to go unless the parents came with us.
You've never stated how old are you?
>give him a drink
I'm 20, even im not allowed to drink, where would i get it?
> take him out away from other people so he can let it all out. After that make sure he knows what he attempted is wrong and find a way to let his anger out on someone other than himself. All the therapy after what he is going through won't help at all. He needs someone he is close to that he trust and talk it through with himself. Coming from someone that has been in that position as him before.
That is probably a good ide
20 years old.
post logs or no sympathy
Why the fuck are you waiting for your parent's permission to camp outside?
both of you are adults.
sue the school and the the parents of bullies
I get that you're probably afraid of being caught, but just lighten up and drink a beer with your bro, the benefits outweigh the risks. This assumes you have beer in the house, I wouldn't advocate buying it from someone.
He's 17, still a child under U.S law
No alcohol in my house. Parents are anti-alcohol.
>Complains about liberal bullies
>Gets bullied by own mother
>when you feel bad just have one of these bro!
You call a friend that is over 21 for a favor and get some. If friend ask why be honest if friend is cool but make up something and pay him extra if he isn't. Brother doesn't need a whole bottle of shit just enough to loosen him up to talk.
So then don't tell them, genius.
If they had any clue about what was best for him he wouldn't be suicidal.
These SJW harpies will not go very far in life. Your brother should realize these folks won’t be around him forever. He should be almost finished with HS in a year or so. The time is coming that the LARPing SJW Marxists will have to put up or shut up and resign themselves to tumblr screeds. The traditionalists don’t want this fight because they know it exactly what it entails: wholesale destruction of cultures and people, and fortunately many traditionalists have seen combat and realize war isn’t pretty. Have him build a skill or something to instill confidence and as a form of therapy.
Did your mother just not care at all what you did growing up?
I don't have any friends
How would i leave without telling him? I have to tell my parents where im going, what would my excuse be?
Except these SJWs will go onto become the ruling class after graduing Yale and Ivy League
This is Generation Z in a nutshell
100% Agree with what he said.
My parents care about what i do and where i go but they're not controlling my life, and you need to let them know that they can't control your life too.
I've experienced the same shit as your brother, but I end up calling leftists cunts and tell them to go lynch themselves
Top post champ.
Op, if camping and drinking is too much then think of something else like going to the beach, bike ride, bushwalking. Do something outside of his normal activities thats non competitive (this is not the time to take your lil bro out to play basketball and dunk all over him).
I would be telling him that you both are going to spend a day together when he gets out of the ward. Give him something to look forward to. He's currently away from the normal grind that almost killed him. Give him a life line to hold onto while he's going through all this. Help him. He needs you.
Quit blaming other people for your brother being a beta bitch. That’s no way to maga
>meme flag
>fake and gay blogpost
>no timestamp
Frig off
Reaaaaally starting to think the SJWs are not the real issue here
That y'all can't even stand up against your flesh and blood is exactly why others are picking on him as well.
>SJW bullying
What a pussy.
>a fucking leaf
Agreed. From the sound of it, OP's having more of an over protective parents issue.
OP, did you brother tell you why he did it?
>gen z
No he's right, strong actions should be taken to protect his brother!
If anything, make sure that it's done somewhere hidden, American schools have problems when it comes to dealing with retaliation.
>meme flag
>having cowardly family members
Nothing to see here folks
You realize social exclusion and bullying has an effect on everyone right, and saying "don b a bitchz" doesn't change basic psychology
Yeah he said he felt like a freak everyday at school since he would be constantly yelled at and inconvenienced to the point he could tell no one liked him and wanted him around. Like knocking his food out of his hand and when the teacher left they'd pull his binder and start ripping stuff. He had to eat in the bathroom but they found out and a bunch of guys went in and cornered him in the stall and one kept punching him in the arm and choking him.
so why are you not defending your brother? +why is your brother talking about politics in high school?
Also, sage
You are cowardly.
>My younger brother tried to commit suicide b
Post his feet
Crack heads, you LARPing pussy
Does he have any hobbies?
>Also my mom would never approve of camping or anything like that since it could be dangerous
>You are cowardly.
says the man who let`s his brother to be bullied
>so why are you not defending your brother
He's in a mental ward right now they are dealing with him
>why is your brother talking about politics in high school?
Because what else would middle schoolers/high schoolers talk about or do while they are there? Do you not remember high-school at all?
>bullied by leftists
What a faggot. He must really be a weak ass bitch, when I went to school the leftists were the ones getting their asses kicked by the kids who unironically liked reagan and bush..
Only degenerate pussy criminals do violent stuff that gets them thrown in jail
What's so fucking funny
Yeah he makes memes but none ever catch on
I didn't even know it was happening retard i don't go to his highschool.
By leftists I don't mean purple haired sjws I mean centrists or guys who say "both hillary and trump suck". The guy who wanted to be the captain of the football team is a black guy and HATES my brother because he likes Trump and he's way taller too.
>Because what else would middle schoolers/high schoolers talk about or do while they are there?
sports?video games? movies?future plans?
Sounds like they're both suicides waiting to happen. Or would be if OP weren't just trolling.
For the love of -
No wonder he's having problems! Tell him to join of club, get some friends, do something outside of school!
Heck, I'm an anti-social shut in and even I have a few friends!
I suggest you take him out somewhere, anywhere that you could have relative private- a suggest a cafe sunday evening and push him.
If you don't intervene now, it'll only get worse.
You're fucking soft. You don't let anyone fuck with your family, ever. Cowards like your entire family is the reason this country is going g to shit.
Read 1984, sports are for sheep
That, but you don't just talk about movies all day
>future plans
My brother is going to be on disability when he's older.
Find the head bully and kick him in the nuts repeatedly. Or bomb the school. Oooor even better call in a bomb threat as one of the bullies. What are they, trannies? Maybe stash a clock in their purse.
Or fuck their gfs?
Do what outside school? What club
So you think the solution is to be a violent cirminal and end up in prison? You're an ape
Can you tell a little bit more about the situation your lil brother is in?
I've said everything in this thread.
Anything. Heck even making him join a gym is healthier than staying in all day.
That faggotry is your problem. Stop being a bitch and strap your sack on.
>hurr durr muh mommy doesn't give me permission.
Fuck all that noise, maybe this is part of why your brother is a suicidal mess.
Bullies gonna bully mate. Both of you should enrol in judo or some other self defense class. It doesn't seem he knows how to physically defend himself or his stuff. This isn't for him to fight off his bully, just more comfortable in a conflict situation. Make some friends, build confidence and self worth. Talk to your parents.
what hospital+proof and we'll send him gifts
actually nvm don't post anything here.
learn the art of Brazilian jiu jujitsu it is cathartic to learn to defend yourself or krav maga
>violence is degenerate
>getting defensive you're too much of a faggot to stand up to your mother
>making memes is a hobby
>not talking to your siblings
nice slide thread, user
>e's now in a mental ward and will be for the rest of Christmas Break at least.
He's a faggot and so are you. Commit seppuku.
Oh no, it's a stick! Watch out it might bite!
Oh gosh, now there's stars out, and they're shining, the horror!
Also, stop pretending that your parents really give a shit about his safety. If they did then they wouldn't be sending him to that school.
>Do what outside school?
get him to learn some martial art ,especially since he has problems with bullies
Show him he can fight for himself, like some anons said force him into a situation where he has to make a stand and point it out when he does, on another note, leftists get away with this because they have the media, actually humans base their morals on other people, and who gives opnions about what is right and wrong? Thats right the media does, no one wants to be viewed as some scum so people naturally go along with the people around them, basically "the media disapproves of this thefore this person is a monster and I as a good person have to fight him". Kinda sad to be honest.
I thought we should "honour thy father and thy mother" christ cuck
My parents already said no to karate a long time ago since it was violent
parents don't want any violent stuff
Can't talk to him in the ward
oh my ghod, you giant faggot. you have no friends and you do everything your parents tell you to. No wonder your brother is a little faggot bitch, it's because you're an even bigger one. Do your brother a favor and show him how to commit suicide properly, at least then maybe he won't be a total failure at everything in life.
If someone pushed you and your brother down a hill, would you ever stop rolling? How round are you?
Honestly, your parents are two fucking faggots.
For not being SJW himself he sure sounds like just as big a faggot.
Obsessing over sports teams that you're not a part of is sheepish. Being actively involved in assorted sports yourself is essential for mental and physical development. That they also might provide him with a social safety net should sell them on its own.
At this point, you have an argument against them. Stop being a cuck and actually help your brother.
>Mom, dad, lil bro has to take karate
>"It's too violent!"
>Would you rather he commit suicide again? I don't think he'll mess up a second time.
Tell him to grow a spine, stand up to them. Beat them until they bleed from their eyes then curb stomp them
God these larps are hilarious.
Some of them give me a good laugh
Honor those that are worthy of it only.
Your parents were worthless cucks for ignoring all the warning signs, and frankly you haven't shown that you're much better yourself.
Is this the famous "German humor"?
Karate is aggressive kick punch bullshit. Grappling like judo or wrestling or even Brazilian jiu-jitsu is the way to go. They may have said no a long time ago. But today is a new day and maybe it's time for you to tell your parents that Sup Forums wants what's best for him. It's ok, you can pretend like you came up with the idea yourself.
From the content of this thread I can see your brother had no sort of positive role model growing up. Other people are saying basically what I am but you have to be that role model. You can find beer you just aren't looking hard enough. Beer isnt the important part though. Let your brother just vent to you. Your parents haven't been good role models for him or for you if by seventeen he's never had a beer and learning self defense is too violent. You have to rise above them. You're twenty goddamn years old. Take some fucking initiative. You may not be able to buy beer but you're your own person. Do what you gotta do. Your parents failed you and your brother. Don't let their failure stop you from helping him.
your brother is going to be disabled as long as he keeps listening to you and your parents
>"Do your brother a favour and show him how to commit suicide properly"
time to take those pills and cut your dick off then goyim.
He gets bullied because you and you're family are pussies. Too pussy to camp or drink at 17? If he was even slightly not beta then he'd be able to convince a couple mates to support trump with him at the very least. He gets picked on for being weak and teenagers smell weakness out very easy
No thanks Satan he'd go to prison
My parents are making sure he's going to stay in the ward and get therapy
He did try for some sports but was rejected from the teams
Don't worry what your mum allows you, you need to be at least 18 to post here.
>that's a quote
I don't get how i can be an ubermensch
To them it's all the same though like if they hear any asian word for a fighting skill they will assume it's like karate kid.
>republican symbol
>talks like ghetto thug on welfare
I am a positive role model
So because someone isn't a violent criminal they should be picked on? And what do you mean "to pussy to camp or drink" he doesn't decide the rules his parents do.
Why the fuck are fat fucking yanks not allowed to drink at 17? I'm my country legal age is 16 but start 13-14 usually
What do you mean by "his parents"
Fake. Anyone who subscribes to liking Trump realizes that anyone giving him shit is a loser. He'll realize later in life that no one is looking out for you and you can only ever rely on yourself.
We're not allowed to drink until 21. I'm 20 and can't drink
Ok, our parents. Sorry
Anyone who likes Trump knows that the comment you made is the most retarded thing ever. Trump haters are the establishment right now, the winners. You know this and are trolling.
It really seens like you just don't want to stand up to your parents, it's obvious that your brother's problems are related to him not having the ability to defend himself not only physically but verbally, while the first is your parents doing the second could easily be prevented by you not being a faggot.