why does /lit/ censor right leaning threads?
/lit/ - cancerous leftist noir place
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/lit/ is a containment board for brainlets
why do leftist like Catcher in the Rye so much?
Peacoats are fashy af my doggy.
I don't go there because everyone is a pompous prick
/lit/ doesn't read anything. They just post pictures of their bookshelves to feel better about themselves and they want to feel more fedora-like than Sup Forums.
/lit/ is fucking insufferable, I swear they all sit around taking black and white selfies smoking cigarettes in between posts. Bunch of teenage internet cunts playing dressup
It's fashy if you look fashy
>/lit/ is a containment board for brainlets
far from brainlets, those are high ranking leftists mostly with a few sperg traditionalists. still on the "wrong side of reality"
>pompous prick
narcissims and leftism go hand in hand.
Im banned there, but I know how to troll them - not as easy since high IQ, I have a few pastas and tips in anyone is interested in pure narcistic destruction? act fact, banned isnt still official
>/lit/ doesn't read anything.
they are overread. Sartre and sociology students come in mind
I think it's autist in general, regardless political orientation.
I liked it.
Excuse me Croata, but if you had a decent navy you would love Colanis. They are a must-wear.
>black and white selfies smoking cigarettes in between posts. Bunch of teenage internet cunts playing dressup
I start threads there asking for recommendation for winter knitwear but get banned fast since Pozz is high.
>winter knitwear
that was the joke I made in my head at first with the image but wasn't sure if that's what you were getting at.
excellent grasp of English you've got there
Pea coats are cuck jackets, the superior man wears a CHAD BARN COAT.
>excellent grasp of English you've got there
Anyway its a whole quasi-leftypol place with "suave nihilism" and narcissim. Sammy saw trough their coLL3g3 bs years ago
Two consecutive days they delete my threads and got me banned.
Parkas are the real man's jacket. Functional and you can hide your face when you need to stomp on some niggers so (((they))) don't find you.
>wearing a non-insulated non-waterproof coat because it looks fashionable
anyone interested in anti-/lit/ pastas?
someone needs to do the Gods work and mock those pompous faggots
>Parkas are the real man's jacket. Functional
functional my ass, too heavy and overkill if not Scandinavia.
my nigga, KEEPIN IT REAL
>Barn Coat
looks ridiculously American
Parkas are great of course
>prefers plastic jackets over wool jackets
>I love the way the dark fabric contrasts with the cover of my book so people can tell what I'm reading on the bus.
An overcoat is what you're looking for.
hey guys, Im looking for some solid smart-looking knitwear coat for this winter, Ive heard from Sup Forums this is where I can get good advice on peacoats?
what are the best brands?
advice on sizing?
also, ask them is TNF appropriate wear if you study English literature and shit like that...
>better technology is worse because I want to look like a pretty princess
Wool is best tech
Syntheticucks can't into breathability
in defense of homosexuals, wool DOES breath far better than poly insulated jackets, but far more expensive and heavier + not zip closure pockets on those coats so its no for me.
this, preppy fashion is the most red pilled and everyone who can't afford to or doesn't look good in it should keep being redpilled and conservative that way my dads business has lower taxes and I can get my cigarette boat next year
You won't wear a certain coat because you saw a bunch of leftist wear it? Pls join their rank you're just an embarassment so you'll fit right in.
I recall something where they sperged too hard on some talented chick and she just sort of shut down once.
sounds like you're just mad that they've published shit and you're just an asshole on the internet. pic related is the autobiography of the third OP at the time of posting.
>You won't wear a certain coat because you saw a bunch of leftist wear it?
I was being illustrative you LEAF. now do me a favour an post this with a pic of a peacoat
its symbols my leaf, symbols. And I like the colour red btw.
>sounds like you're just mad that they've published shit and you're just an asshole on the internet
they sound like a bunch of post-pubertal Beat generation poseurs from a french caffe.
it's cause the lit jannies are shit. someone should complain to gookmoot
>they are overread
I've not visited /lit/, but I'd assume that they are also simply weak. Physically weak and mentally weak. It doesn't matter how high one's IQ is and how much he has read, if he's not confident in his strength, his philosophy will be weak as well. This is why in a good society thinkers shouldn't be allowed to be weak.
>I've not visited /lit/, but I'd assume that they are also simply weak.
offcourse they are. bunch of evil numale twats honestly. but dont go the other way - if you want to be competent intellectually you simply wont have the time to be as strong phisically as someone who is strong only in that dimension.
>This is why in a good society thinkers shouldn't be allowed to be weak.
I agree partially, considering my previous statement. Nietzsche also agrees (Apolonian VS Dionizical).
Pls, do the antilit pasta for me pekka
>they are overread
its a weird thing, I definetly think its highly blueppiled to not be informed and intellectually strong, but when there is too much intellectualism its often a sign of mental unhealthiness and often bad intellectualism (notice that Stalin and all commies were fantastically wellread/overread).
The "cultured thug". Good lecture by Bowden on this somewhere.
Lit is quite a good though actually, and I've put up many right wing threads there, (TS Eliot, Pound, Wyndham Lewis, even some New Right ones) which have had good conversations. Like Sup Forums, you need to filter the shit to find the gold.
Oh and obvious memeing and Sup Forums slang will get it pruned, its a different style of board.
I'm sorry, but this is crap, sure many people are physically weak and intellectually cowardly, but there also very strong men who are total fags in their opinions and some dweebs who are totally on point.
You cannot be too well read. It is not possible. Cultivating mental strength is more important than physical strength, although they are both vital.
sherpa lined denim master race
You guys sound litke niggers mad at people smarter than you with their high-falutin' book-learnin and shit.
Stay dumb fags.
>sound like
>not are
>The "cultured thug". Good lecture by Bowden on this somewhere.
havent watched that from Bowden but I get all what you are saying. There is a reason French are so strong intelectually and frown upon masculinity.
>but there also very strong men who are total fags in their opinions and some dweebs who are totally on point.
but I agree with this, I dont glorify the greek ideal of strenght.
t. /lit/ noir photography and knitwear afficionado
My sides. Have a (you) for that pic
>>haven't watched
>>cant fit books in my vcr
>>leftist noirvjvjnvj reeee
Yet I'll never understand how French men seem to have conquered womankind totally, every French woman I've ever met has been refined, attractive and good company and the men literally do not give a flying fuck they just slob around and are rude and somehow they keep shagging them. I have a deep reservoir of respect for this.
On the strength thing, I think its really about courage, which is probably linked in a lot of people to being physically strong, and obviously you feel more confident when you are in good shape, but equally some people just have that attack dog mindset where they will say anything and don't give a shit.
I haven't given up on the lit/left/cultural elite though, I genuinely think that we can work right wing ideas into what they believe. They are all massively elitist, (just look at lit to confirm this), and that gives us something to work on.
>Yet I'll never understand how French men seem to have conquered womankind totally
french are sophisticated and a complex case, but they definetly dont value masculinity much.
>On the strength thing, I think its really about courage, which is probably linked in a lot of people to being physically strong, and obviously you feel more confident when you are in good shape
strongly disagree, some of manlets are mentally strong af, while muscle bound jocks dont have the mental strenght. most of are army generals were under 5 8, while we are a tall nation. superficial strenght isnt character but superficila strenghts shouldnt be frowned upon.
>I haven't given up on the lit/left/cultural elite though, I genuinely think that we can work right wing ideas into what they believe.
hope so but I doubt it...its a highIQ/highest level reddit CJ revolving around narcissims and nihilism. Same as Kerouac, Dylan, Sartre...apolitical existentialism at first but with strongly leftists implications.
Ive posted many anti-noir arguments in the thread you can engage with if you want.
Because you don't read. You just post threads asking about le cultural marxism or kevin macdonald or mein kampf or evola. Read something real you brainlets.
Hah, before Sam Hyde lost his mind and went down the right wing rabbit hole he had some insightful perceptive things to say every so often. I miss the old MDE.
>before Sam Hyde lost his mind and went down the right wing rabbit hole
his whole comedy before going full nazi was a process of gradually rejecting leftists college existentialism. "not funny ald wise man advice" is the best bitchslap of Catcher in the Rye there is.
>Because you don't read.
Lets say I dont.
>every french woman is refined
Then why are there female french police? Did the zookeepers demand fresh meat?
>leftists college existentialism
by that I mean the whole bourgaisse wannabe suave snobbery (a phenommenon old at least a 100 years).
>I’m a citizen of the world echos of citizen of world [Learnsturbation] Charles: I went to film camp. I’ve read Sartre. I’ve read Thomas Pynchon. I’ve read Ayn Rand. I’ve been to Italy. I’ve been to France. I speak French. I’ve been to Spain. I’ve been to South America. I’ve been to Kenya. I’ve been to China. I backpacked across Europe. I prefer tea to coffee. I’ve been to Greece. I love Greek food. I’m a foodie. I’m always on the lookout for a great little place to get breakfast. I sometimes go to Barnes and Noble and lose track of the time. The black people that I’ve met said I have a lot of flavor. I love my MacBook but I also love my MacBook Pro, because it has the word Pro on it, short for prolapsed. echos of prolapsed I drive an ancient Volvo that barely starts. The Matrix and..and Inception are the first movies in the last ten years that made me really think. Yeah I paint, no big deal, I think conventional painting rules are…stogy, archaic. To bend the spoon, you have to realize there is no spoon. Think outside the box. Coexist. Coexist, and one more thing, If you don’t know the difference between your, and you’re and you’re and your, you’re a fucking idiot, get the fuck off my Facebook wall.
Nihilism can sometimes lead to a right-wing escape though. Julius Evola would have met that description in his very early life
>Nihilism can sometimes lead to a right-wing escape though.
only Nietzcheanic response to nihilism.
Evola was a dadaist FAGGOT with a right wing emblem. Overcomed nothing, achived nothing, ran away from everything.
>implying I haven't read numerous books on philosophy, history, politics, activism, and ideology.
how do we fix leftist existentialism on /lit/? and why are nihilist so self obsessed?
>not wearing military jackets
ask zizek
QUICK SOMEONE POST /lit/s greatest shame
Start right wing reading general threads. The nihilist has nothing to believe in or strive for and only has themselves.
nah, Im from pointing it out on their own turf but people arent down with it, despite the fact that lit poseurs are receptive to it.
also, many right wingers are nihilist nietzschean like Spencer, so not a problem by itself but deviates of nihilism are.
Nietzsche isn't true nihilism, it replaces old morality with a new moral system.
Probably because it's for books discussion and nothing else, and some dumbfucks from here make "books" threads with a clear different intention.
Sup Forums shit should stay on it's containment board Sup Forums is not Sup Forums.
I report Sup Forums threads on other boards.
Sorry not sorry.
>Nietzsche isn't true nihilism
lets not go into semantics on this one. existentially, nietzsche was a nihilist (God is dead), but he wasnt one morally speaking.
>because it's for books discussion and nothing else
that seems to be implicitly leftists and elitist for reasons mentioned in this thread, all french people for the last century was books and became leftists.
thought without work leads to communism...and /lit/ is overwhelmingly leftist.
Last week some leftypoltard was discussing communism and he got BTFO, and there ARE people defending capitalism
start dumping cuckshitniggerfaggotbitchfuckassboy
Im familiar with that, but the whole vibe of that place is college nihilism for a reason - overthinking and overreading with the end goal of a suave circejerk.
Anything Fred Perry.