How many responders would a new crusade get? Would modern Christians answer the call of Deus Vult?
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First volontier
Men who gave up their life in a near-suicidal quest to save Europe and atone for their sins
>mordern christians
Bugmen who can't give up their internetz and think saying the name "jeebus" gets them a free ticket to heaven
no, violence is not the Lord's way
Weev is recreating his anti-semitic anti degeneracy online sermons soon.
i will answer the call
it has been for a thousand years
Save Europe? You mean save the Byzantine empire that was on its last years due to a myriad of other problems.
Not if it's Catholic in nature.
I only hope Hezbollah has the supposed 1600 rockets to fire per day on Israel. I could give a fuck less if they fired 20,000 missiles on those fucking Hebs.
i'd save the the byzantine people if they convert themselves to catholocism
P R E S E N T E !
Im not christian but I would do it just for the memes and because i hate muslims
I would not fight for God but to dispose islam
I am ready...
Fag protty
buddhist czeching in
i wouldnt think the pope wouldnt like it, if we made an anti-pope and make him le pope we better get a crusade
>forgive me padre for I will sin
About 20k tops
There will be another crusades type war in the future, but King Jesus will be at the lead and we will follow His command, not a command from anyone less.
Away with you, Jew. Your kind is not welcome here.
They would have to kill each other for approx. 100 years before they finally agreed on the 'correct' interpretation of their jewbook.
If protestants can join
Only if you keep your Lutheran bullshit to yourselves.
"Muh ((Templars)))"
Bretty accurate, desu
To liberate the Holy Land from the kikes
Where and for what purpose?
Agreed Christians gotta get over their differencees to be united
Fuck off faggot, that "jewbook" has informed the European world for over a thousand years. You're shitty deracinated country that is just a worse version of America has no connection to real European traditions, unless of course, you are a Quebecois, in which case you would be Catholic and not talking shit.
There are still modern martyrs. For the most part not in the West, but the Christians who were attacked in the Pakistani church last month and the Coptic Christians in Egypt are still dying for their faith. We haven't experienced hardship, but if we do people may return to a spiritual sanctuary, God knows they need it in our new consumerist hell hole.
Splitting the Catholic Church weakened the Christian body, and made us much more vulnerable to massive social change due to economic and technological factors. Let alone the mentally retarded interpretations by countless heretical sects.
Proteststants, catholics and orthodox gotta unite but still be able to keep there own traditions.
Martin Luther was one of the first to stand and speak against the Jew. Lutherans are based.
The only heretical sects i can think of are mormons and jehovahs witness and other cults
>that "jewbook" has informed the European world for over a thousand years
>You're shitty deracinated country that is just a worse version of America has no connection to real European traditions
Pick one. This country sure as fuck wasn't founded atheist.
A blanket ban on Americans would absolutely be in order.
Could you actually imagine the cringe inducing landwhale brownlets you'd see pouring out of that country if a Crusade was called for? *shivers*
que bonito italia
im about to cry
anglican which might as well be althiest
>Christianity isn't Christian
>Europeans aren't European
You guys are def the future.
theres still byzantine catholics
desu there are a lot of shitty protestants in America. I have been there for several years, and attended a protestant church where they were watching TV during their spiritual struggle session. That itself should be enough evidence that Protestants have fallen. This was a normal suburban church, but it looked like a warehouse and we sat on fold up chairs in a gymnasium. It was completely anti-spiritual. It is not surprising that people abandon their faith when that is the popular image. Luckily most churches here are nice and old, they are big and beautiful and promote the spiritual.
You are gay and your countrymen sodomize dogs because you have lost all vestiges of culture.
>How many responders would a new crusade get? Would modern Christians answer the call of Deus Vult?
Not a lot. The sad truth is that modern Christians aren't willing to die for their faith.
Mussies are willing to die en masse for their faith.
Ha! Crusaders lost the culture war. They lost the minds and hearts of people. You think they could make a comeback? People are losing faith because people are getting smarter. The only crusaders you're going to see in this day and age are Muslims
research churchs in communion with catholicism
if the end goal is to destroy israel and jews, yes
Christians are still dying for their faith, they just aren't Westerners.
"God keep our land glorious and free." I guess Christianity didn't do us much good, eh?
The key word is WILLING user. None of those people CHOSE to die for their faith
no thanks you'll probably find some other creative way to let shitskins ruin europe. probably by killing v4 in an attempt to save europe.
You abandoned it, there is a difference between femdom lesbo bishops and real Christians.
Don't be an idiot, this has happened countless times before, they know the dangers of practicing their faith publically
Im against ecumenism because that will bring forth the whore of babylon. We should communicate, but in now way unite as a singular entity.
iM TALKING to all of you
We need new templars; a new wave, all united
Give me your best AnCap pics
>Men who gave up their life in a near-suicidal quest to save Europe and atone for their sins
>The average Sup Forums ack actually believes this
The crusades (especially from the 3-rd one onwards) were a pathetic excuse to loot, rape and destroy sacred places, let's not even mention how the 4th crusade was directly responsible for the muslimization of the balkans.
>If only we were more than two-thirds Christian, everything would be puuuure.
That's not what i'm saying you human enema, there are a multitude of factors, but loss of faith is one. Although that is also a synonym of greater social change. Fucking kill yourself before posting your disgusting uneducated opinions again.
Only if we get to bring our nukes.
>Spaniard LARPing as Lelouch
Pray that you will be brit in the next life buckaroo
Fuck off faggot.
>let me jsut cut out the two most important crusades to prove my point
Fuck off gypsie
>Loot and pillage
Know how much loot your average European knight, let alone a man of arms could bring with them from continent to continent with their given means?
Fucking nothing is the answer. In fact, most crusaders ended up bankrupting themselves because the logistics of Crusading were nuts.
>The 4th Crusade
While an absolutely tragedy, it was in a way inevitable. There's two sides two every story and as much as a disaster the whole thing was from start to finish, it wasn't without merit.
Not that I'd expect some fucking poo in loo to understand anything about European or Christian history.
Ain't that sweet: a G*rman thinks he is white.
> He thinks he has a military.
>He thinks Crusader armies were state sponsored military
Burger exposing his lack of anything resembling an education, as is tradition
Lol only Amerimutts care about being White. I am a Bavarian of Franconian extraction, I am not a cultureless weirdo who has to larp about my pale skin color because I have no identity like you Walmart subhumans.
There we go AnarcoTemplars people get jealous of our powerful digits
Shut your slutty mouth and give me more pics i posted lelouch just because
> buh, buh we were talking hypothetically
Time for you to surrender again, fag.
That doesn't even make sense. And was that some kind of malformed attempt at "bantz"?
Never get tired of pushing Kraut shit in.
>Supporting Crusades
U wot nigga?
freemasons are islam supporters - I wonder what you guys know about western culture
I am Bavarian Catholic, couldn't care less about Prussia or Hitler. Continue being butthurt because you have no culture and home that goes back 1000 years. Continue going to you big box churches and stores while stuffing yourself with the same meaningless trash as 350 Million Mutts. Only a pathetic Mutt would want to be White because he is so detached from any real culture. You are so mad you post the same memes over and over because I push your buttons.
Guys in pic related are byzantines
no there are to many denominations and we are to busy debating gay rights and fighting atheists
How many are watching Knightfall? I don't see anyone talking about it, so that doesn't bode well for DV numbers
Pretty pozzed from what I hear
Oh, I like Vikings so thought this would be the same kind of style.
>Oh, I like Vikings
You have some pretty bad taste, my man
He was also a pro Islam faggot that fucked little boys and supported the degeneracy of the nobelty for monies.
Protect the pilgrims no matter their religious beliefs maybe?
>a G*rman thinks he is white.
Feels like an Angolian saying it.
bait but whatevs
>Byzantine empire
>not an important part of Europe
pls die kike
Yeah, except Jesus would not need any followers.
how do we save christendom, the holy land, europe, and redeem our sins at the same time?
Could it be there is a way to do this?
Evaporate Germany once and for all!
>implying the P*pe would call christians for anything other than helping rapefugees