Thin Blue Line?

What's your opinion on the TBL logo and what it represents?
Is it just something that shows solidarity with the police or is it just a way to signal how much of a "bootlicker" someone is?

Other urls found in this thread:

And on a similar note, what's your opinion of the Thin Red Line? I think it refers to fire departments but I don't get the significance.

Itt edgy teens, reddit faggots, and drug felons who can't legally own guns shit on contributing members of society, while other contributing members of society like adults with jobs try to be rational.

Definitely the latter, OP. Bootlickers have no place on /k/, btw. Who you think will be coming to take your guns?

>protip: it's not the military

Can't do that this early in the thread faggot.

I'm wholly indifferent to it.

alright but what's your opinion user?

ITT: some bootlicking faggot from a flyover state who worships the big powerful men who kill le dindus xD doesn't realize that the cops are the first to become the common man's enemy

It's called "Seeing the same shit 7 days a week on /k/"

No, but I'm sure it will be different this time.

Probably along similar lines as the "thin blue line", that being that the fire department is the only thing keeping your shit from getting toasty. This I can get behind since there's nothing politically contentious about the behavior of the fire department. They don't enforce gun laws and they appear to be less prone to power abuse.

They're a necessary part of society, and 99% do their job to a reasonable standard or beyond, but if you buy into what the media tells you, they all want to kill every black baby.

It shows the ever-growing disparities between the public and LEO. It signifies the fact that those in LEO percieve themselves as seperate from the general public and choose to act accordingly. Rise of the warrior cop. Rise of the police state.

This user is right. When you spout shit like "blue lives matter", this is what you're supporting.

>Unironically uses Flyover state
>All cops are the enemy
>Probably envisions some communist paradise
>Everything is one extreme or the other due to simplification by a simple mind.
Christ I never want to be a Cuckifornian liberal when this is what you turn into...

off topic but will there ever be a rise of the firefighter's state?

it's a tribal thing.

When a weak man see's a strong man, he tries to identify with him.

Thin blue line is the metaphorical equivalent of the cuckold. Only instead of just giving up their wife they give up their entire manhood.

god I hope so

>tfw never got all the crazy pro or anti cop shit
>tfw all the cops in my town are chill, ask you about the weather, offer to help you change a flat, and even helped an old lady across the street last week

I really see no issue with police. They never give me shit, and they help out.


No because firefighters are genuine civil servants who dont see themselves as some kind of para-military totally exempt from the law. They are a part of the community.

Cop here. We're not gonna take your guns either. It's supposed to mean that police are the only ones protecting the good people from the dregs. It's a corny symbol and nothing more.

>We're not gonna take your guns either.

Fuck all them. All jobs matter. I regularly am in a position of serious physical harm at work, but nobody gets on their knees to suck me off. Cops, by and large, are shit heads used to generate revenue for communities and do little to help me.

I don't think this guy is a cop. He's a bounty hunter, a civilian with arrest powers and a tacticool boner playing dress up. The reason he has his rifle lies solely within the context of the photo, of which we do not have.

Not all the cops are the enemy, but jesus all you're doing is buying into the militarization of police and the LEO power fantasy. The police already have their power, they need scrutiny, not blind support

He's a US Marshal

This, every time this.
We just had a thread about "do cops believe in gun rights", everyone screams "NO, THEY'RE ALL ANTIGUNNERS", some user posts a state breakdown that shows something like 87.9% are pro (higher than the general public), but despite having facts right in front of them, they still shout "NUHUH! GUN GRABBERS WITH A BADGE!"

People who come in these threads to talk about how there should be no cops think EXACTLY like all leftists think. Facts don't matter, only their feelings.

Big city cops, like big city people, are the cancer of the policing community.

>Something doesn't help me, so it serves no purpose.

Listen, some of us need condoms, but because you'll never need one doesn't mean they don't matter.

are you accusing him of being a rawdogger?

Its almost as if cops are people too... sometimes people are good, sometimes people are bad

Never said that, just that you're acting and talking EXACTLY like a liberal commie faggot who thinks everything is oversimple black and white because it's what's on the evening news.

I'm accusing him of being a virgin who'd be better off cutting the penis off his body as he'd be shedding unnecessary milligrams of weight.

This. Cops are not your friends, even if you're the one who made the call. Their job description does not involve your safety. On the other hand even if they're an absolute shitbird, the job of firemen and first responders is to keep people alive.

Also the thin blue line as a slogan has some pretty shitty history that cops really shouldn't want to associate with but that's a whole other story.

damn cleetus that's a lot of buzzwords

What's the history?

Worse. A wizard.

And the vast majority are basically fine. Combine that with the percent who are good or better, and suddenly it kind of makes everyone pretending they're all babykillers look like faggots.

Well since they are virtually exempt from punishment, and throwing ‘nades in cribs, people’s feelings on pigs are more than warranted.

>Lame attempt to call me a virgin as if it's some argumemt in favor of American police.
Compadre, American cops protect the rich and serve themselves. They generate revenue by enforcing petty statutes and do NOTHING to protect the average middle class Joe.

Defending them is insulting to electrical workers, loggers, fisherman, construction workers, and the ilk.

I'm sure those statistics would be interesting, but like all statistics they are also irrelevant.

>all these people bitching about cops

You're either a drug addled whore who has had your ass dealt with by the cops, or you're some asspained minority/liberal who buys into the "copes are evil" memes.

Guess I repost what I said in the other thread because I didn't see this thread.

Honestly the thin blue line thing is kinda getting cringe and tells you what the mentality of some Americas police officers are these days. Police deaths have been on the decline since prohibition and you'd think they're operating in Afghanistan with the way many act towards every day tax payers.

Drove on to a Coast Guard base and the base police scanning CAC cards at the gate were wearing thin blue line flags on their vests. Must be tough telling people who forgot their ID to turn around and chase after people for parking violations.

> We're not gonna take your guns either.

I respect your stance but It only takes one generation for this to change and I think it has already started. I worked fr a JO that didn't like the fact I owned several AR15s and that I owned more ammo than I could carry. She felt such things shouldn't be in "civilian" hands. She didn't trust me and I stooped respecting her on a personal level.

I would go to the brig before following orders to confiscate guns.

And yet all true. Crazy. Enjoy trying to convince everyone that Marxism is the one true form of fairness.

There you have it, females tend to be more progressive left leaning and antigun compared to their male counterparts. Not like an inner city progressive cop like those New York City cunts or the local capital police are any better

>Itt edgy teens, reddit faggots, and drug felons who can't legally own guns shit on cops, adults try to act rationally

You sure about that?

Why do you assume everyone who doesn't want to suck off those in power are communists?

yes I am a communist you're right

Vicarious power fantasies are a hell of a drug, apparently
Say that again, bitch.
>inb4 wapo
Balko was a Reason journalist before he got a permanent space at the post.

To your point, obviously not all cops are bad. That's silly. But if the high profile cases of police misconduct are considered "by the book", if fellow officers and the FOP all rally to every officer's offense no matter how heinous, if no punishment ever comes for egregious violations of individual rights it does impugn the honor of the police at large. A "good" cop who doesn't testify against a murderous cop isn't "good".

Except you dont protect anyone.

You only punish after the crime was committed.

Also, the vast and convoluted web of laws and authorization means that every person is a criminal and extended exposure to police will only lead to eventual prosecution.

Also war on drugs, racial profiling, abuse of authority, militarized police, police unions for gun control, and for profit prisons.

It was a good movie.

Yeah the "us vs. them" mentality in police departments is way more widespread and insidious than most civilians realize

Cops are going to shoot you if you have a gun no matter what and even if you have the chance to live through one, getting a lawyer would be too expensive and the police are not going to listen to you if you have a gun.

Having a conceal carry license isn't gonna make a cop feel comfortable but going to make the cop feel threaten and would likely pull out his gun and shoot you or arrest you.

All that shit is just silly though. To take some highlights though:

>fuck off, all drugs should be banned
>thinking the poor should get gibs for free lawyers when being a lawyer is expensive as fuck
>promoting chimp outs instead of REAL protesting (AKA peacefully holding a sign and being in a public area, no whooping or screaming or blocking areas or so on)

It's hardly limited to police stations. And, if I was a betting man, I'd bet that social identities like ''us'' and ''them'' permeated police culture a long time ago.

He's a marshal but even if he wasn't 9 out of 10 bounty hunters are barely better than the skips they chase.

Cop here.

Gun control is a joke, my department shares the view.

Hassling minorities for no reason would be dumb, that's time and paperwork I'd rather not do.

If you've been fucked with by a cop, 99.9% of the time you earned it but leave THAT out of the story.

Thin blue line is dumb, but a hell of a lot less dumb than
>Punisher skulls
>POG operator shit

Didn't become a cop to have power, became one because it's an opportunity to help people who need help. That's it.

That, and I get to write off ammo, and building my patrol rifle on taxes.

If that all means I'm a jackbooted thug who should die, cool, enjoy your first amendment, just try to be civil if you get stopped for doing 55 in a school zone at while kids are getting home, AND I CAN SMELL THE FUCKING ALCOHOL ON YOUR BREATH YOU TITANIC CUNT!

Look at this thread and ask yourself why there's an us vs them thing going on...

I think it's pretty dumb honestly but I'm not a big fan of the police. I mainly dislike the LARP vibe I get from it with people like Yeager always blabbling about "muh brothers in blue".
It's just a job, I don't get the crazy following over it.

>>thinking the poor should get gibs for free lawyers when being a lawyer is expensive as fuck
It's a fucking constitutional right, you dummy. You better not be one of those "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" types for 2A, then forget or undermine the 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments, even though those are almost invariably more important than the 2nd.
>The prosecution with its effectively unlimited revenue stream should have overwhelming power in a court case and the poor shouldn't even get a defense lol

>implying that civilians are somehow responsible
it's literally their job to serve us you fag

Nice blanket statement there bud. Glad that I now know the only feasible reason one could be against the police is because they are edgy, degenerate, or incapable of of contributing to society. You really opened my eye user.

You are wrong friend it's not the cops first it's the brown shirts/black shirts or some variety of fascist. The cops and the military are then crushed under the new regimes heel and they install their knuckledraggers at top military police and political levels.

Eat a dick. I've been pulled over by shit heels who swear I reak of alcohol when I hadn't drank in weeks. That swore I was going 72 in a 55 when I know it's a speed trap and wouldn't imagine even 60.

Cops are, by and large, cock suckers. You don't have to stand up for them.

Glad you know the truth now.

You have the right to a barebones minimum "like I give a fuck" free attorney that we all have to pitch in to meet the pro bono requirements. I'm not working my ass off to get a couple peanuts as compensation. Call me when you're in a patent lawsuit where there's a good $50 million on the table and I get 33% of the final damages.

However, the cops themselves are pussies who only exercise their authority over the law abiding who play nice.

Such as why the pipeline protesters and OWS sit ins got maced and water cannoned and the Bureau of Land Management standoff got unharassed even though feds were ready to roll hard BEFORE guys with guns showed up.

It's like the video of the sheriff's department getting caught in the fatal funnel. They wanted to be billy badass but the MINUTE someone can compete with their violence of action and make them use all the tac gear they justify the police fold and allow the suspect to surrender on his terms.

Police are a joke and not necessary.

>HURR police are needed because katrina and LA fall apart when they leave

If the police only exist to keep nigs in order when everything is easy and normal that is the DEFINITION of being a useless department.

>3 cops and 1 cop from a different agency or department
What am I supposed to be upset about in this image?

>Cops are going to shoot you if you have a gun no matter what
This is untrue.

>cops shoot unarmed man over suspicion he has a weapon (not a crime)

The divide between jews and plebs.

Have one on my bumper. Haven't been pulled over once.

>put it on a car as a bumper sticker
>don't get pulled over as much


Solidarity is a meme concept. Just take care of yourself.

Leftists really can't meme can they.

Very stupid flag, it really hammers home how America should be divided by Black and White with a nice blue police state running through the middle to keep all the worker drones in line. It is pinnacle of a shitty designed flag if you think at all about what it represents.

this great evil...

It's true, bootlicker

>long wall of text
>"wealth distribution" and "conservashits have low IQ"
The left can't meme

You know that you've hit rock bottom when you pride yourselves on dank memes.

Can you at least try to be offensive? We promise you that you can get away with it here, no liberals are watching.

>t. leftypol faggot who can't meme