Is this how Sup Forumsitics die?
Other urls found in this thread:
>earn decent money
>apply for jobs
Okay I applied for literally every job in town I'm qualified for and didn't get a job. Now what?
This was the hurdle for me as well. I failed for 6 solid years to find work worth shit so I had to leave and move to a horrid city
Also, test test.
>get a girlfriend
>lose money
Dude, we're here because we can't get past step two of "leave Sup Forums"
If i could fucking socialize i wouldn't be here in the first place
You need to keep pushing. I remember way back when I tried to applu for an internship without connections. It was hard and took me much time (over a half a year of applying almost everyday) to end up with a shitty but rewarding position. I suffered but now that I look back at it I wouldnt be in the position I am now if I hadnr took jobs nobody wanted. you need to keep pushing. you need to RISE
this is the biggest cancer going on right now, and I visited Sup Forums to confirm
Man this is some bullshit, I've been living on my own for 5 years, had gfs out the ass, have friends, lift three times a week and do BJJ twice a week, and I still find time to shitpost here.
Pursue and persevere.
Remember, excellence is not art, it's habit.
You are what you repeatedly do.
All I'm saying is it's not useful advice.
Do you think anyone looking to earn money hasn't thought of applying to local jobs?
The advice states the obvious and provides no additional information on what to do if it doesn't work.
>If you've failed, accept it and move on.
The best advice is usually the simplest.
What if you do all of that and post on Sup Forums? Some of us actually try
Yeah good for you mate. So do I, but that's not the case of many people here. How do you cure people that are on here 24/7 no life no gf no motivation etc.
bye, bye Sup Forums you made me a better person but it's time to move on.
also, i'm now a >Namefag
Personally, I'd vote for some sort of suicide pact or cult. But only if we all did it in person
Well, you do make a good point. How many of those are there, though? Maybe we could make a poll of some sort? I don't think there would be that many NEETs outside Sup Forums and /r9k/
Still here
Yeah if literally the 1st step in the first section doesn't even work you have to question the validity of anything the image says
I fuck around on Sup Forums for funsies, usually no more than an hour a day. outside of that I play guitar almost every day and jam with friends when we can link up. I run 2-3 times a week and do alternating arm/leg/core days. I read all kinds of books, work at least 40 hours a week, am fairly succesful with women (I get nervous around ones I think are really pretty, but they actually like this, you just have to be talkative. to them nervousness means youre into them, and they like it. Just stay positive and outgoing) and am currently looking for someone to seriously commit to. I have a great friend group in my workplace, we are all very good friends outside of work. I'd say my major detriment rn is drinking too much, it's such an easy go to for social activities.
all that to say, in my midteens I was an absolute NEET with no future prospects. I think the biggest detriment of excess Sup Forums is cynical judgment: a sense of superiority that comes from thinking you know everything thats wrong with society, and thinking that all women are bitches and all cool guys are chads. This attitude will cripple your progress, and you will not have anything to show for holding onto it. Drop that, and youve got a serious headstart over most people here.
This will hopefully motivate low test men to better themselves
Does that Jim Profit thing even work?
Sup Forums
liberate yourself
Let's try. Jim Profit
No, this is just how Sup Forumsitics changes spheres.
allah akbra
Find people who've helped put you and your country in its sorry state.
Don't let them escape. If this ship sinks the least you can do is make sure some rats who thought they'd flee cannot.
>put some gay shit in the name field
>put some gay shit in the name field
>newfags dont know who jim profit was
This. What a dumbass suggestion to get a normie job.
Get your asses to /biz/ and start making some real money.
What the fuck do you do then. I'm detail.
why it doesn't work?
What the fuck do you do then. In detail.
This is an interesting idea, we need to meme this to help some/pol/acks to cut off the internet a bit and improve on their own personal lives.
And when I'm a 4chanless alpha married rich guy, what then ?
Money is useless. Even with all the money in the world, you cannot liberate yourself from pathological depression and antisocial tendencies.
wake up and realize it was just a dream.
suicidal rate amongst billionars is very low though
That doesn't answer the real question: what if I manage to accomplish all that OP asked me to do, what then ?
>suicide pact
Only if we drag some wretches down into hell with us.
>join military
>get paid, shit pay but still pay
>get trained, even if you don't want to (good if you lack self discipline)
>automatically get better because of PT and carrying heavy gear
>get laid, there is always women that likes men in uniform
Easy way out if you fail at everything else.
I did everything in reverse order.
What if I don't like men ?
you end up back on Sup Forums but spend more time on /trv/ than Sup Forums
then you join the navy.
>socialize by drowning yourself in alcohol
>fuck used-up roasties ridden with STDs
>work at jobs made for shitskins
Might as well tell them to an hero.
Village People taught me not to
This thread is going good. To make Jim Profit an official meme we just need the blessing of the eternal digits
How old is this shit? Pretty sure the only way to get banned for a month+ these days is to post cheese pizza
anyone have advice for arguing with a women?
I recently got into an argument with my gf recently, and I am not one for getting angry at all. I realize women simply get caught up in their emotions, and will often reiterate points that they think that you don't understand because they feel they are being misunderstood. And in consequence, they will try and further their arguments by sneaking in remarks on your character as if you are the angry irrational one.
In effect, they often misrepresent your arguments. Is only answer just to STFU until they ask for your opinion?
for example if the convo were to go..
>here is what i think based off of wrong reason X and that means you are being Y
and because you are being Y, you are also Z
Men: .....silence....
Women: So do you understand?
What do you say, if anything at all? can anyone provide their ways of handling bs women arguments such
Can confirm. I have a pretty solid amount of money for my age. I think about killing myself almost every day.
Bought realistic dream car. Still thought about killing myself that day.
I definitely enjoy having the money, but it sure as fuck ain't a cure all for being happy.
faggot I am doing it all yet still able to sit here and shitpost
fuck faggots trying to change the tide
And if anything, I'm more antisocial now than I was years ago. Have a couple closer "friends" turn to niggers looking for money and you stop enjoying people's company as much.
I've known too many vets who've committed suicide or got what on by uncle sam.
A fuck ton of people are simply hopeless. Globalism is the stubborn refusal to accept this simple fact that's been damming our planet for decades. It dooms societies sure as No Child Left Behind dooms white kids and while schools.
This is why a crash is inevitible. Rot has become a pillar of society.
Forget success. Focus on surviving the upcomimg shitticane. Focus on learning to truly hate and how to best express it.
*shat on by
Why do you care what other people shit
Just to add on. Some valuable info that I learned in comparison from the last relationship is that I have yet to apologize for anything. If I misunderstood I will simply acknowlede that I did so. So far every time I have argued with my gf, where she often gets overly invested in the arugment, she always apologizes once what I have been saying goes through to her head. after she calms down of course.
Not apologizing to just end the argument has been a big advancement for me. But I feel like there is still more that can be done. Any advice?
Dont know about OP but I Consider Sup Forumsacks as the best group of friends I have never met. I care about you fuckers
You are basically failing at lateral thinking, which is something women are good at. That's why she's pointing things out to you that connect but in ways that you aren't getting.
It's not something to be proud of, since lateral thinking IS something you can get better at. Learn to connect events holistically.
Also, your note on 'wrong reason' is the second half of the problem: you assume your interpretation is accurate. Given your lack of lateral thinking, that's not a good starting assumption.
This normie propaganda will not go unpunished
So the boomer pill pretty much?
Fuck my race, fuck my country, fuck my nation. As long as I'm able to create a bubble of comfort around me.
One day your daughter might bring a nigger home. Don't be upset, Sup Forumsitcs dont matter, right?
Or your son will be beaten by niggers in school.
Or you knocked out on the street.
Or the kindergarten teacher will decide to bring a satanic tranny to teach your kinds about transgenderism.
Or any ad on tv and internet will have interracial couples.
Or your son will be taught how evil white men are and he should feel guilty.
>Implying I want to become a fucking mindless drone
Get the fuck out. I rather rott here on Sup Forums than going out socializing with fucking retarded leftist cucks.
Tell your kids to pull the plug, boomer filth.
please work
You asshole
so basically live a normal life? what the fuck
and you can still browse 4chinz inbetween you cuck
just dont talk about politics irl because frankly,no one fucking cares
it's sad that this shit has to become some kind of guideline for some people to "rise"
>would rather stay on mom's basement than make a living
Typical Sup Forumstard
you mean /crypto/? because thats all its about these days
not saying that its a bad thing,kind of free $
>>would rather stay on mom's basement than make a living for migrants
Got my own apartment and a job, but we can pretend I live with my mom if that makes you feel better. Still, I rather sit at home, in my spare time, than go out and socialize with fucking rapefugees and swedecucks.
>Is only answer just to STFU until they ask for your opinion?
I'm always using "stop fucking talking please,leave me with that bullshit" acting like I've a hard day
and also if you get in such pointless arguments you should consider some stuff buddy,might end bad when the seeds grow into weed
nice blog
>leave 4chin
Stopped reading there.
>anyone have advice for arguing with a women?
Here, i'll let my man pullo sort you out.
How about going out and finding yourself a proper Swedish shield maiden? You should get to her before Jamal and Achmed do.
What's an exact example? I feel I get the gist of what you're saying, but your example's too abstract.
You guys don't need to leave Sup Forums forever you just need to get laid. Maybe leaving Sup Forums helps you in doing that but if you can hook up with girls you can stay here, it's not a problem.
I broke a years long dry spell recently and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Much more confident and calm. Just get out and there and sex with somebody, you will feel a lot better.
Already got myself a Norwegian shield maiden. Swedish women who aren't leftist feminazis are scarce.
>woman arguing about incoherent retarded shit
>ask what's the matter
>brings up even more incoherent emotional bullshit
>user confused what to say seeing that every alternative makes woman more upset
Understand now?