New movie promotes the Mexican religion of "death worship" as something cool and basically is a big middle finger to Trump. Should Trump ban this movie?
What does Sup Forums Think of ""Coco"""
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Why are gringoyms even making movies about us in the first place?
How can someone be so salty about a fucking childrens movie?
youre people are nothing but entertainment to us
Children are impressionable. Do you see how degenerate this movie is?
>The goys made this
>Implying Jews aren't just capitalizing on all the Pedro's they have been importing for the last 40 something years.
At least Im not pussy enough to hide behind meme flags
>death worship
No I really dont
>disney promised ralf 2
>instead we got diversity wars and mexicans
fuck disney at least they made cartoons about cute white girls before
I absolutely hate it. Disney needs to stop catering to non whites. Just got back from Disney World a couple weeks ago and about half the people there were speaking Spanish and rude as fuck. Unless they do something to bring more whites and less nonwhites to the parks, I'm done with Disney completely
Fuck you. This movie promotes the importance of family before and after your lifetime. It also shows you that celebrities are corrupted by fame and being rich.
go suck some somali cock sven
Didn't know EA made movies now.
So what is it about? Pretty lights and brown people?
Actually the complete opposite why don't you read the Bible retard?
>promoting non-white culture
>eating like a pig
>promoting "death worship" religion
>kid would rather hedonistically play guitar than work
ralf? You mean wreck it ralph?
It's about the Ancient Aztec religion of death worship which 10 million people still follow today. A kid stumbles into the afterlife and has to get back to earth. It's like Percy Jackson but non-white.
Xd epic burn my fellow magapede! You totally defended your own position there
That's Star Wars, desu
yeah, ralph, my spellings gets gradually shittier the later it gets and its pretty late here
a lot of us hate this movie, it's an insult to the virgin mary
It was obviously made by non-whites, they used words like "family" and "tradition" like buzzwords. Soulless film
So that's why there are all of those stories about dead Jesus and his sacrifices that are closely followed and passed down, leading up to his death for your sins, and even asking what he would do. Just because you don't like to call it death worship, doesn't make it so.
fuck off back to leftypol, you bolshevik scum
I support messycan death culture. it makes the after life look more attractive to the beans. Maybe they will choose to be immigrate there
Cultural appropriation.
Those fags just get everything wrong.
Fuck disney and pixar
"Mexican death worshipping religion"
Well most of us here are catholic im not im a protestant but anyway uh Trump is a Jewish controlled opposition fraud that sucks jewish dick than cleans the cum with his tounge
You don't seem to understand he didn't represent Death, we killed him, we crucified him it was because we are sinful and wicked. But he did not die, he still lives. That was the whole point of his resurrection. I'm not here to spoon feed you man, just study Theology and you'll hopefully understand it more.
Don't let any old and ignorant priests dissuade you from the truth.
Even if it's about beaners this was an extremely good movie with a really pertinent message about the importance of family. Definitely a sentiment that the US needs more of right now.
What a shit thread. Fuck you for making this thread OP and wasting my time with it.
I dont know why but everytime i see a russian flag here i get calm for some reason
wreck it ralph was degenerate man, promoted videogames
Shut up the fuck up libertarian nut
The afterlife looked like hell
You a Mexican death worshipper?
OH look, another thread where salty whites lament the fact they have literally no culture
It is still worship of his death, even if it's a different flavor of the OP's worship of the dead. I'm sorry that makes you feel uncomfortable, but many people do this in the name of your religion even if you don't do so(or think you do so) yourself.
looks like a cute movie, thanks for advertising it senpai
>libertarian nut
you commie filth reek a mile away
letting people freely decide is too much for you
As a hispanic hearing about the shit my Mexicans believed I was shocked. I remember something about the Santa murte and the narcos saints and the sacrifices they perform. These motherfuckers are straight up fucking pagans there is no other way around it.
meme flag sage
I actually really liked the Book of Life, but this seemed like a total rip-off to ensure Disney maintains their constant stream of multiculti shit.
>banning movies
Fuck off authoritarian kike
Muh free speech
"DEATH WORSHIP OMG" dia de los muertos is the only way for the mexican desert niggers to cope with catholicism
Look up Santa Muerte. They literally worship a God of Death, but they call it a Patron Saint of Thieves.
White countries always had obscenity laws up until recently
OP is an autistic faggot and judging by his praise le kek flag he's going to call me a shill, making him even more of a faggot.
Man the election really fucked this place up.
>Not pay for
>It is still worship of his death
No its not
Our Lord Jesus Christ CONQUERED death
The movie is in fucking mexico, dude. Its about honoring your family, your home and their memories. Its literally a celebration of life. Goddamn, how autistic can you get?
You use the word degenerate like Leftists do racist. Stop devaluing the word, you Kekistani little faggot. Please, kill yourself.
Why aren't you?
So you support this degenerate movie? If so fuck you shill
So what exactly does this flag mean?
>death worship
>degenerate movie
It isn't degenerate in the slightest
it means you're a newfag and should lurk moar
>calling things out is devaluing the word
Actually not using it all devalues the word, of course you know this and are trolling
> In Santa Cecilia, Mexico
It promotes Mexicans living in Mexico with Mexican culture.
No need to be a dick leaf boy, you're country is ice shit
>promotes non-white culture
>promotes scary non-white foreign religions
>literally death worship
>promotes eating like a pig
The dog is also a mongrel dog.
Fuck off shitskins, you already got BTFO in the Mexican pride thread last night.
You are seeing ghosts friend, the movie is about family.
Where does the movie take place in?
> wreck it ralph was degenerate, promoted videogames
>literally no niggers
>tells a story about white orientated hobby
>story is centered around white dominated sport
>depicts marriage of whites as highest reward
>one of main characters superpower is literally fixing and building shit, you can't get any whiter than that
>shits on EA and activision in the process
>vanellope is a massive redpill on (((them)))
>Go on Sup Forums
>Post salty post about a movie for children that promotes a religion of death worship
>Sup Forums is literary a "religion" worshiping death.
That's a good question because they tried to appeal to your niche with Elena of Avalor, the stealth latina Disney princess with a TV series instead of a movie, but all her merchandise is in the bargain bin now because even niñas prefer gringo Disney princesses to her.
Coco should've been released in October, nobody else in the world cares about skeletons outside of Halloween. It was released a little too long after Dia de los Muertos as well.
>you're country is ice shit
And yours is just shit filled with shit people.
Most of the United States is non-white
And it's not death worship, it's the celebration of family. I know family is a foreign concept to whites, you get kicked out of the house at 18 and then return the favor by putting your elderly parents in retirement homes, but that's beside the point.
Exactly! We whites need to stop this maddness right brother!?
Sup Forumstards really don't like the first amendment do they?
>Halloween: innocent celebration for kids and numales
>Dia De Muertos: Death Worship
for most of us, is the same.
Not true dude have you ever been to northern mexico where i live? We are not shitskins
>Most of the United States is non-white
No, we're still mostly white.
>Celebration of family.
Family is a human concept that it's impossible for you to actually have, just emulate. You have nests or broods.
So mexicans in mexico celebrating a mexican religion is what?
Whatbkinda mental gymnastics are you trying to pull off?
I heard this movie promoted good family values
>We are not shitskins
You kept posting pictures of yourself last night, you are a shitskin.
lel, my family is from Sinaloa and everyone is brown af dude
This euro-Pedro knows
White culture is superior they should be trying to replicate British Aryan culture of high-Germanic people.
WIR2 is dated for this coming March, comrade. Incredibles 2 is also this year, then Frozen 2 in 2019.
Not looking forward to the latter at all. At least 2018 will be a good year before 2019.
Oh no my mask!
Its falling off
>kicked out of the house at 18
Living at home past 18 is hell why would you ever want to do it.
whites have so much culture that they literally made the majority of the western world speak their language and emulate their societies
>Posts picture of shitskin with faggot shopped over his face
>We're not shitskins guise
you have to go back el sverigar
lmao. I do, but when I get angry I want to make everyone just stop.
It means you follow soygon you fucking fagtron
This, it's /ourmovie/.
First Amendment doesn't protect your right to watch a degenerate movie Dumbass.
Fucking this. The movie wasn’t absolutely amazing but it got me thinking about my family and the time I shared with them. These dumb fucks are so utterly blinded by their dumb pointless fucking ideology that they don’t get to understand what the movie was trying to convey.
Its called a joke dude. And look im not that brown to be considered shit
This. It was actually a non degenerate movie. Shows the importance of family, remembering traditions, and that celebrities aren’t shit.
>they don’t get to understand what the movie was trying to convey.
Tolerance and acceptance of a culture of subhumans that are actively harming our nation?
It quite literally is. You are a shitskin, little more than an animal and arguably worse than one.
The fuck is wrong with you’re finger nail color. It should be pink like the rest of us you soulless fuck.
Yep, standard burger ignorance.
I've been to the Florida Disneyland many times in my life and I've also been to the Disneyland in Tokyo once.
80's and 90's US Disneyland was a better place than it is now, it started getting kind of shitty in the mid 2000's but now it's beginning to feel just as trashy as Six Flags.
I went to the Tokyo Disneyland in 2012 and my god, it was as if I took a step back in time to a better place. Everything was much cleaner and for the most part everyone was much better mannered, especially other guests.
It's sad to know that US Disneylands will never be as well kept or enjoyable as the Tokyo one because America lacks a sense of unity because there is a divided cultural unity and no racial unity.