Could you beat this guy in a fight?

Could you beat this guy in a fight?

> Could I beat up an ageing flabby LARPer who just sits in his car all day talking shit

probably, as long as he doesn't stab me in the head 48 times while my back's turned

>can you beat a 5'5 larper in a fight

Why are you even asking, I'm over 5'7


t. ahmed

t. Varg's mum

Can I use the shotgun?

t. ahmed

he doesnt look that strong, though nor am i, i feel weak and feel like i cant even
throw a good punch and i look like a total sissy soyboy.

Do the Indians in white countries really have a massive inferiority complex due to your cultures caste system?

hand to hand combat... probably not. but if he lets me grab him then he is outwrestled


>"Dude it was self defence, I stabbed him more than two dozen times in the back when he was running away!"
>"Do you have any witnesses?"
>"Yeah, just one"
>"Where is he?"
>"Suicide. Shot twice in the back of the head"


t. shittinda streetipali


this guy's a fag

Yeah he's old but I wont anyway since he's probably nice as fuck. I would have a beer with him.

she's a beauty!


I can beat him at life.

You don't fight guys who murder their own friends.


easy peasy

Fuck i'm 20 cm taller than him and i am a m*d.

>tfw I can beat anyone on Sup Forums in a fight

Depends, is he going to stab me 22 times in my sleep?



yeah if he doesn't try and stab me the night before.

I'd probably just pull my pants down, expose my tender asshole to him, and beg him to gay fuck me.

nice try, varg
I'd beat the shit out of you.

Yeah but only because im a fucking hardass

Yes, I live in a country with gun rights

I think I could take this old fuck assuming he doesn't use pagan witchcraft to cheat.

Yep, just take his welfare check. Fucking welfare manlet.

>knifing communists isn't based

state of my "countrymen"

Those punches are weak as karate shit they teach little kids in after school programs

Those kicks are virtually worthless because they broadcast his move before they can hit anything

In a real Street fight knowing how to throw a proper punch (boxing) and a few select grappling moves are all
You need to know.

As ghandi once said “everyone has a plan until they get punched”

I bet he smells like piss


oh man Hvis lyset tar oss was such a great album. Never thought it would come to this.

I just want him to pin me down and impregnate my boipussy with his Norse seed. I want to feel his blonde beard on my neck and smell his masculine völkisch musk full of intoxicating pheromones as he stares me down with his sapphire blue eyes, whispering to me about how much of a degenerate faggot I am in Norwegian before he stabs me and takes me out of my misery...just knowing I, a sissy faggot, would be murdered by such a man to save Europa is literally my dream.

also as mike tyson once said "everyone has a plan until you bite their ear off"

probably not
i got beaten up by a literal midget once

no one can

Why is Varg starting the fight hurt? Is his wife abusing him? Poor guy. :c

>Another Vargina thread
Why though?