What is Sup Forums's second favorite anime behind K-ON?

What is Sup Forums's second favorite anime behind K-ON?


K-on is garbage.

Hibike fucking Euphonium.

K-On Second season



Uh switch that order around big boy
S2 >S1> Kumiko's anime > etc

KyoAni saved my life

K-on is dogshit.

K-On is the only anime thought




Serious answer is probably Azumanga Daioh, which might actually be #1 because it has fewer detractors than K-On.

probably Totoro or FLCL

Did they let you out early, Tyrone?

K-ON only has detractors who haven't watched it and hate on it because it's KyoAni, "moe" and popular.

Non Non Biyori


And Tamako Market is #3. Thank you Yamada-sama, thank you.


Good choice.

I couldn't appreciate this show because of unfavourable K-On! comparisons

Kiniro Mosaic

I'm so happy that this precious show has been getting more love over the years

>KyoAni show becomes a cult classic
Color me shocked.


>yamada-sama was just 25 years old when she brought the medium to its absolute apex

why even try anything anymore

The love for Hibike is unreal. Does it get good after episode 4 or something? That's when I dropped it because it was boring.

Episode 8 is the kicker. I'd give it until that episode, though. It's like a different show. Personally I don't think it's a good show, but I get why it's popular

Also K-ON


Go away leaf

It gets good in episode 1 you fucking nigger

fuck leaf

Yuru Yuri


rabbit girls were better

Favorite: K-ON!!
Second favorite: K-ON!
