Now, I'm not here to tell you how to think, or what's right/wrong. But I would like to know, if you are a white nationalist, what brought you to this particular philosophy? What does it mean to you? I don't follow that particular meme but I would like to learn why it appeals to some people, in order to gain perspective. Thanks for reading.
Let's talk white nationalism
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Experiences with other races. Racial statistics. Looking at the history and current state of various parts of the world objectively. Being a global minority. The desire to live with people similar to me.
This. Why would I want to raise my children in a violent 3rd world shithole? Why would I want to import the people that created that shithole to my country? Why would I give political power to people who don't share my vision for myself and my family?
The better question to ask is why should White people have to become a hated minority in their homelands and colonies that their ancestors buily?
Why does this have to be only directed at white people? isn't that a little racist? Can we also talk about Chinese nationalism or Spanish nationalism?
I don't understand how any of this excuses socialism though.
If you are a socialist you might as well be a nigger.
White nationalism, not national socialism.
Fuck off I hate leftists. Hail victory!
All white nats used to believe in racial egalitarianism. We grew up to realize WW2 was a mistake, and baby boomers (predominantly white kids of WW2 vets) are mentally ill fucktards be they right or left drinking the "hurr as long as they act American" kool-aid.
Sorry, not when they outbreed us, do more crime than us, vote against us, and sublimate our melting pot of European cultures into oblivion. All this has made me fed up with living around brown/yellow people. You all are mostly ugly and stupid as fuck compared to whites, and no matter how much you counterpost and shitpost here and IRL, I'll never see you as Americans but invaders that will someday have to be taken care of when things get desperate.
That day will come in the next 15 years, when the children and grandchildren baby boomers are still kids. It will be nightmarish, but it's the only way.
Nationalism has socialized military and police which is socialism.
If you want police and military you should have to pay for it.
Socialism is leftist retard.
You mean, that peoples you enslaved and opressed have built?
Well allow me to pay you to step off
>civilization is oppression
anecdotal personal experience is what got me interested in white nationalism. I thought "I wonder if my experience with non-whites is normal or abnormal?" so I started looking into the data. Luckily I was in college at the time and I had access to various databases and research tools and analytic programs that the public at large do not. I found that my experience with non-whites was normal. It fit a pattern. Discovering that the problem was a real physical phenomena, I began searching possible solutions to this problem. This is why I am a white nationalist.
However, I strongly believe that it does not take personal experience with non-whites to become a white nationalist, in fact, moving forward it is imperative for the next stage in white nationalism that we can get middle and upper class whites who have not had adverse personal experience with non-whites. We can do this with education.
Good on you OP for having an interest.
You already do with taxes you mongrel retard, Nationalism has taxes to pay for basic services.
Like every fucking functioning country does, direct pay to police has been tried and failed. It's effectively what shitbowls like India have, stop being a poo you fuckbrain.
Because the rest of the world is shit.
>rejection of white guilt
I got sick of the progressive narrative after being politically involved in the DNC for the primaries. I'm still a registered Democrat and I'm glad the DNC has imploded.
>being too poor to afford gold tier policecorp subscription
Truly evidence that socialists are niggers.
>sour grapes syndrome
Every group engages in war, conquest, and empire building. Even yours. The difference is that White people created and shared MODERN CIVILIZATION with the rest of the world. You're welcome.
I agree. I also believe we should have killed them all.
Btw you do realize that Iceland had this system before the lefties pulled that whole democracy scam. Now look at our failing healthcare system and corrupt politicians.
i believe in decentralization and freedom of association. those two positions are my politics. white nationalism is a part of that but not the whole. people weren't meant to live in massive superstates controlled by an elite bureaucratic class. people weren't meant live in sprawling, dangerous, polluted cities -- away from anything that connects them to the land and each other. we were not meant to live in a world where we are in debt from cradle to grave. in short, we've had the future stolen from us.
now what sort of rights do whites have? none. we have no israel. the situation is rwanda tier. you can say whatever you want about white people as long as it isn't positive. kill whitey, fuck wypipo, invaders, brigands, murderers and on and on... if it were any other group getting this kind of treatment some useless un agency would be ringing the alarm about imminent genocide. for those of us in the new world it's even worse because we are stuck in these countries. we have no right of return. no generically white person can apply for an eu passport. that scares the shit out of me when i see, read and hear the attacks on this sort of settler colonist identity most new world whites have. we've lost our countries. the future is bleak.
Does the quality/standard of living depend on the race of the people who run the country, or on simply running it efficiently?
Running a country efficiently is a meaningless statement because efficient for a politician is how quickly he can shove his constituents money into his pockets. Race isn't meaningless because it refers to the fact that people evolved in different places and are therefore different on average, however it is irrelevant when you consider the actions of individual politicians because I don't care about the average way a person steals my money. I care about the individual who is actively stealing my money.
Race isn't meaningless? I have found it difficult to find meaning in the idea because the evolution of different people is cultural, which then becomes biological, and that is dependent on clusters of people instilling the same memes, not the ethnicity of the people.
"White" nationalism is a fucking meme. It was constructed by Americans because we live in a multiracial society. This board cannot even decide what is "white."
Realism. Objectivity.
>Does the quality/standard of living depend on the race of the people who run the country, or on simply running it efficiently?
Look at Ukraine...
I like the idea of each culture maintaining their traditions and values instead of becoming a diluted Americanized multicultural hodgepodge. I want people not to be displaced in their own countries. I don't want to watch documentaries about the American Revolution or Rome where blacks play Europeans. I think it's hypocritical that countries in Africa/Asia and Israel can have homogenous countries and no one bats an eye but whites are required to be good samaritans and open their borders to the whole damn world. I don't want to kill anyone or conquer anyone, I just want each country to stay it's own country.
Then please explain why black people are so much worse off in America even though the same exact laws apply to them. Whitey never put a gun to the black mans head and forced him to leave his children yet black fatherlessness is rampant. In fact it has increased since the civil rights movement. So are they more racist now than in the 50s?
They also commit more violent crimes throughout every tier of society. The poorest white people commit less violent crime than the richest black people in America. How could that be anything other than genetic? Black people have higher measured levels of testosterone.
>what is Poland or any other racially homogeneous country
Sorry that you're an angry 56%er, but living next to shitskins isn't desirable anywhere in the world
>I think it's hypocritical that countries in Africa/Asia and Israel can have homogenous countries and no one bats an eye but whites are required to be good samaritans and open their borders to the whole damn world.
>Whites are required
By fellow whites. The West would not be in the situation now if it weren't for the compliance of Westerners.
Poland is ethnically homogenous, you fucking idiot. "White" Nationalism would mean 20 million Spaniards, Germans, English, and French could move there without an issue. Do you think Poles want that?
Europeans moving in a small number to other European countries has always been a thing but the modern world just makes it far too easy so the numbers have gotten large even still Paweł over Pajeet any day of the week.
Yeah, I understand preferring a European over the other races, but White nationalism is equivalent to someone saying they are an East Asian Nationalist.
I want a future not filled with shit. Literally and metaphorically. Space calls to us who have the desire.
a libertarian society requires a white supermajority
its the only way
its the only thing that cares about it's native Nation and People.
all the rest is jew and profit oriented without giving a fuck about people lives
(((fellow whites)))
I kid but you're right to an extent. There's reasons for that though. It didn't happen overnight. At least here in the US, with the 1965 Immigration Act they were insisting it wouldn't drastically alter the demographics if they passed it, but it did the opposite. I think it's the natural inclination for altruism white cultures have that clouds their judgement and people being mislead about the extent in which immigration is happening until it became too late. Also I think the people who push these policies a lot of the time (rich liberals) are only exposed to the talented tenth of a minority if they're around any minority at all so they assume ALL people from these parts of the world must be like that and capable of assimilating.
Well, its compatible with the biological reality of evolution. To be altruistic towards your group is to increase success of group selection. It's the same reason you put yourself in harms way to save your children. It's the same line of thinking, but stretched across the entire spectrum of humanity.
I guess the major thing that brought me to this is understanding that the genetic identity plays a role in how people and cultures manifest themselves, and ultimately how society is shaped. Humans are not equal, they adapted to different environments, meaning different traits were developed for survival and prosperity. It's abundantly clear that, based on their environment, white people were designed to be social creatures with a strong altruistic tendency. This has been taken advantage of with generations of indoctrination, that they were taught that ideology was the only thing that mattered, while countless aliens flooded their streets. With the rise of diversity and the destruction of monolithic homogeneity, we are slowly becoming a low-functioning, low-trust, third-world society. Ethnic cleansing is the only way this can be reverted.
I can go into more detail about specific aspects about my ideology if you want.