How would you adapt Tsukihime into an anime?

How would you adapt Tsukihime into an anime?

Spend 2000 years in Autodesk Animator.

12 episodes of Ciel and Arc tearing each other's clothes off!

I'd rather not, to be honest.

And I am sure type-moon feels the same way. Why waste money on this when they can add a new Saber/Rin clone to their gacha garbage game and roll in dosh?


No way of doing it without upsetting fanboys and getting a lot of negative backlash. Even if you do everything right, it'll still be shit on.

>How would you adapt Tsukihime into an anime?
First you need to remake it into Fate franchise.


>Even if you do everything right, it'll still be shit on.

Why so cynical?

Adapted by Sup Forums in powerpoint using badly done mspaint drawings

It's how the fanbase works, it's not being cynical. Even the updated visuals for the remake like the picture posted above has been getting a lot of flack. You are not going to please the fanbase no matter how you approach it unless it's literally a carbon copy of the VN, and you can't do that with anime because they are two completely different ways of telling a story.

Why does everyone hate Ciel again?

Worst girl in a cast that's already host to several bad girls. Her backstory is so hilariously fetishized you can't take it seriously. Curry shits.

I like her but you can't really take her seriously. It doesn't help that her route is basically a canned Arcueid route from what I can remember.

Either the manga (which would not be the complete story) or a few OVAs for each route. They're just too many and too short.

People seem to like the manga well enough.

>no more comfy Tsukihime threads
>no more comfy Melty threads
Take me back to pre-F/Z anime, Sup Forums.

Her design in the original game is pretty ugly. She looks a lot better here.

I've fapped way too much to the Ciel sex scene.

don't complain if you aren't making the threads

Why does Type-Moon hates Tsukihime?

I wonder if there could be some way to delete Fate/Zero from history, but keep Strange/Fake and CCC

Who says I haven't?

>Even the updated visuals for the remake like the picture posted above has been getting a lot of flack

Why do you think that is?

They don't hate it, it's just an irrelevant franchise that wouldn't make them money.

It doesn't print money.


But seriously, is there really anything to even discuss at this point? Any Tsukihime threads made now would just be shitty image dumps. I'd enjoy Melty Blood threads where we set up games but I'm really shit at it.

It doesn't make any money

Everyone told me I should do Arcueid's route first, so I concentrated fully on her, but ended up on Ciel's fucking route anyway. I'll never forgive her for that bullshit.

Let's play right now. Do you have the Steam version?

You can do either first. Ciel's route is better unless you want to see Shiki rape Arc.

I don't have it installed anymore but it wasn't the steam version so yeah. Sorry m8

There were so many Tsukihime and Melty Blood threads because of Carnival Phantasm and Type-Moon festival inspiring people to check it out.

23 minutes of "Read the VN" printed on the screen.

Arc and Ciel have far bigger tits than that.

They're both straight though. Tsukihime was before Nasu got a Bisexual fetish and shoved them everywhere.

>Carnival Phantasm is popular on Sup Forums
>the amount of "Do I have to watch F/SN or Tsukihime first?"
>people watching series just to bandwagon on the currently popular one
>implying anyone played Melty Blood just for Carnival Phantasm and weren't just a bunch of secondaries


That's not a good adaption now, is it?


Look at the manga, basically.

In all 3 of Arcueid’s story modes, Ciel always appears as part of the main dialogues, just so everyone knows how gay she is for Ciel. (She even appears twice in Archetype Earth’s story mode…)

Meanwhile, Arcueid only appears in Powerd Ciel’s story mode as Warcueid, who proceeds with her casual flirting. And in regular Ciel’s story mode, she is only briefly hinted while Ciel secretly wishes to coexist with her (which connects with regular Arcueid’s scenario with her, where Ciel wants to straighten out their convoluted relationship).

What does the manga do right?

Really forgettable route with a really forgettable heroine.

She's a hierophantic bitch who's always trying to kill everyone over "muh inquisition" bullshit, and her personality other than that is pretty much just "senpai with glasses". She'd be a good side character, but she had no business being one of the main heroines.

It's better than the anime in every way. It really only covers the Arcueid route though. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to get to know Tsukihime but doesn't have the time to invest into playing the VN with the hope that it interests them enough to one day play it.

It's the Arc route but Vol. 4 features Ciel and Akiha, Vol. 6 features Ciel and Roa and Vol. 10 features an epilogue with Shiki and Arc reuniting.

Turn all the girls into lolis and have them kiss a lot.

I first heard about Tsukihime after I found Melty Blood in an arcade, and I went for Ciel's route first cause I thought she was a qt. So glad I didn't play Arc's route first, otherwise I would have felt Ciel's route was shit.

So Near Side routes are trash, Far Side is the way to go?

Is the Steam version not compatible with the non-Steam versions?

Staying home rather than going outside to the scary world is always better after all.

Pretty sure it isn't. The Steam version has much better networking anyways.

It already had one, and it was good enough to spawn the Type Shit fanbase we have today. If you don't believe me, find that blogpost from the guy who started the tranlations crediting the tsukihime anime.
inb4 that dumb meme everyone hates by now

Not that guy but I swear one day if I stop being a NEET ill get a real controller and we'll set up a game on the steam one.


What if it had another adaption that wasn't compressed or abridged?

Adapt the manga
Then adapt the other routes (except for Ciel's).

>tfw remake never ever

The manga already added the Ciel and Roa scenes from her route.

You know the challenges with this. It's the same thing people complained about with DEEN's adaptation. They aren't going to want to adapt just one route because they know they can get better viewership by incorporating elements of each route and making a more "complete" version.

Acquire Nasu's notes on unreleased route and adapt that one in cooperation with him

Probably adapt near side while either removing elements from far side or transplanting them into near side
Also make ending into Ciel good end


make them servants and magi in a holy grail war.

>take great girl
>paint her blond
>get best girl


>TM did NOTHING on April's fool again

They did more FGO shit, like the FGO Pokemon GO ripoff.

What about Aniplex doing UBW and HF individually?

>tfw no translations for 10 years anyways
>tfw not fluent enough to read it anyways

>Also make ending into Ciel good end

What about Arc True and Ciel True instead?

>melty blood gets a new manga
>nobody cares or bothers to translate it

Common complaints go down the path of Arcuid having a shorter skirt, arcuid looking too much like saber, complaining that things don't look like a literal potato anymore. Just the fact that the type-moon artstyle has evolved since 2000.

This and last year, thanks FGO.
We will never have a TMitter again, we will never have another Nero NicoNico stream, we will never have another game with Yumizuka as final boss, we will never have another wrestling showdown between Rin and Luvia.

Type-Moon's soul is dead.

What? Fate/Zero anime made Tsukihime relevant again for bringing up the dead apostles with Kiritsugu's backstory.

>Turn best girl into a seibah clone
>Turn best imouto into a Rin clone.
>Turn best meido into a wormslut clone
>All other girls are fandisk bait
>"Sacchin? Who is this Sacchin I keep hearing about?"



Just animate the manga but sacchin dies like in farside

One of Tsukihime R subplots is tied to FGO, so.

Tsukihimefags literally aren't intelligent enough to solve this

You absolutely should go through Arcueid's story, but yeah the Far Side routes are everyone's favorites because they have a lot more emotionally going on.

That was a minor improvement followed by a massive setback because F/Z brought in faggots that don't care about TM as a whole to the threads so they could shitpost about their new favorite anime series.

I don't "hate" Ciel, but I never got what reason she and Shiki have to be attracted to each other in her route.

Arc falls in love with Shiki cause he's the first person to treat her as a person rather than a weapon, and hanging out with him was the first time she ever did stuff for fun.
Akiha and Hisui both fall in love with Shiki cause they were childhood friends; and Akiha has a further bond with him as a result of saving his life.
Kohaku falls in love with Shiki cause seeing his face beckoning to her to come play was the only bright spot in the endless torture that was her childhood.

But Ciel? What reason does she have to like Shiki? She flat out admits to him that spending time with him was only a ruse so that she could kill Roa. She changes her mind after getting to know him, but I find it hard to believe she would fall in love with him in only a span of a week.

I also don't understand why Shiki views hanging out with Ciel as one of the happiest times in his life. All they did was eat lunch together and talk in the tea ceremony room a few times. Again, maybe they would have fallen in love eventually from spending time together like that, but within a week?

I also don't get why Ciel views Shiki as so special. I understand Arc, Hisui, and Kohaku viewing Shiki as special since they are all so isolated from other people. Akiha is less isolated compared to them, but again, she and Shiki have a special bond. As for Ciel, she has been an undead assassin for a few years admittedly, but she was still a normal human once. So she shouldn't view stuff like eating lunch together as so special.

Basically, one week seems like too short a time for Ciel and Shiki to fall in love; and unlike the other heroines, there's nothing special about Shiki's and Ciel's relationship which should drive them together so quickly. The lack of a bond between Ciel and Shiki can be seen in how Shiki still likes Arc in Ciel's route, and how Ciel's good end is the only harem end.


>route with This Chair

Near side routes beung similar till nero dies isnt a problem with ciel, its a problem with arc because everything if value besides deito and some a+ shiki one liners is in ciel route

Adapt Ciel
Adapt Hisui (Saori Gotou HAS to voice her since no Miyu ;_;)
Don't care about the rest

So why do people hate Akiha redesign?

It was a short apk with riyo chibis you can capture for free.
Roman waving goodbye at the player before the servers shut down in the end with sad music box ost music specially composed for that scene became the number one twitter trend in Japan. Blowing the fuck out Granblue event and BD releases.

Nasu just added more fuel to the fire.


Over 80% of the current fanbase doesn't care about TM Vns. Nasu said so.

I don't, I think my waifu looks pretty good

I absolutely love it. I don't remember anyone hating it other than pointing out that she had a black hairband rather than a white one in the promotional thing.

Fuck FGO.

Ciel relates to shiki as a previous roa and those boring moments drinking tea and shit are the only normal things shes done in literally decades

Meanwhile shiki just has ciel as his type

How did we go from this..

to this?

It was only after Fate proved to have a really strong fan base

Shiki had a super boring pseudo-neet life with the arimas and a genuinely pretty shit one before that, his standards are oretty low

That was the only memorable moment. Generally speaking, the mindfuck scenes get old after a while.

If they kept that, and every other character's color schemes like they did with Hisui and Kohaku, they would have been just fine. That being said, Ciel's redesign came out as the best looking one.

I don't even understand what the point of Ciel's route was or even Ciel herself. It's really more like a Roa route then a Ciel route.

Yeah, that's the current fanbase. Which is post F/Z. That wasn't the case back then.

>It's really more like a Roa route then a Ciel route.

Kinda like how UBW was an Archer route than a Ciel route?

So how long would Satsuki need to be at servant level anyway?
Two decades?