Is the black cuckoldry in America a real phenomenon or just an internet hoax?
Is the black cuckoldry in America a real phenomenon or just an internet hoax?
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Its a Sup Forums meme.
Semi-hoax. There are some cucked dudes that's for sure but they're mostly self-hating left leaning KEKS who live in big cities and believe in polyamory as actually being a viable option and not just them being beta bux while their girl fucks and dominate loser.
Go to any porn streaming website. Type "cheating".
See it for yourself.
>its this bad
it's pretty real in my opinion. White women have always craved black cock, but now they feel less shy about expressing their desire for it.
I asked for real answers. You know damn well 57% is just ridiculous
It happens subtley. If you are with your woman and a black guy starts talking to you, if you come off as too friendly you become a bullseye.
Why don't you take a look at the top trending videos on pornhub & see for yourself.
>America has a population of over 300,000,000
>every other country has a population around 50,000,000
White people hating themselves is a largely American manifestation. The black cuckoldry thing is tied to that self hate that liberals have. Don't worry (((they))) will export it to anywhere there is white people.
so close
Pretty much only liberal Soyboys believe in this shit. Any real
Conservative man would never put up with that shit.
I know a lot of women and even the progressive liberal feminist ones only date white guys. They always use the excuse ‘not that there is anything wrong with dating a black guy, it’s just not what I’m attracted too’ bs to justify their hypocrisy
Anyway, it’s just a fucking meme created by weak wristed liberals to make them feel better about themselves.
I don't think porn statistics mean that much. I was asking americans if this a real thing they encounter on a day to day basis
I thought it was just a meme, but I having been seeing more and more black-guy/white-girl couples when I am just out running errands or walking around downtown. Not sure if it selection bias due to me paying more attention to this kind of stuff.
If you go on xhamster and click on the cuckold category, you'll see around 10-15 new amateur wives being blacked daily. I'd say it's pretty common for white women to cheat with black guys, especially nowadays. Women have careers now and they meet new guys all of the time, as well as social media.
i interpret it as more of a metaphor
Yes, it is. It's a liberal thing though. Liberals have fantasies of black men impregnating their wives.
It's a survey conducted only in English, I'm actually surprised the other nationalities are that high.
sounds like a shitskin fascination. gas yourself
Stop falling for this nonsense.
Are you actually retarded? Read the article dumbfuck, out of all the cuck porn that's searched online by all nations recorded Americans were the country that searched up cuck porn more than any other for a total of 57%.
Please delet this thread immediately
Sup Forums is my safespace
on this site its spread around by stormfaggots who think it will rally nerdvirgins to their cause. See pic related.
At least on Sup Forums a lot of it is Shareblue.
do you think americans can visit the bedrooms of their neighbors ??
-go to a porn site
-create a fake tinder-profile as a black guy
and you will see the truth..
Essentially every single American invites a male niggerape to violate his bride on their wedding night. It is a pretty fucked up tradition.
White women are the most racially loyal. Even black women hate black dudes and want to have mullattoe babies with a white dude. Worst demographic period is Asian women. Soon We're going to have another race because of the sheer amount of Asian whores marrying white betas.
You'll have statistics that back that up that aren't porn streaming searches?
Honestly I think those searches are made by black dudes, looking at the statistics. Every black friend of mine is open about looking at porn frequently while at least half of whites I know try to hide it. Which means that at least a fraction of whites actually don't look at porn but almost all (or at least more than white) blacks do.
That could be a reason you see the ebony porn searches skyrocket in the areas of the old slave states.