Why do people like bittersweet/bad endings? Is it so wrong to have a happy ending in japan?

Why do people like bittersweet/bad endings? Is it so wrong to have a happy ending in japan?

Not everything in life goes how you expect and anime often takes from real life.

I think having trails and tribulations is great for one's character, but to imply that life is going to hammer you to death without a moment reprieve is false. If anime really wants to go that route than it should have suffering but solace as well, to end an anime with a bad ending, is like saying life is suffering.

Happy endings can come across as mawkish or contrived if you're a terrible writer, so it's easier to just hide it under a layer of edge.

Because no one ever lives happily ever after. No matter what "good end" you reach, there will be more trials and struggles to come.

Any story which ends on a happy note is just lying. No real hero's story ends until they finally lose.

>to imply that life is going to hammer you to death without a moment reprieve is false
Then you clearly have been extremely privileged.

>like saying life is suffering
So, Buddhism? In Japan?

Hm, you don't say.

Nope, born in a war torn country, didn't speak a lick of English, grew up poor. Graduating Magna Cum Laude, with a really good job. I suffered along the way, but I worked for what I got.

Because only grim and sad stories can be good. If everyone lives and there's a happy ending the story can't be good.

Life is suffering and you better get used to it. If you want to move up and experience any great rewards, you will eat many a shit sandwich. So pick as many with an olive and grin with the corn in your teeth.

If I wanted realism, I'll consume realism. Leave the mothering to social workers.

And not everything in life ends badly, you can have a happy end.

Mother knows best, but yours likely slept around just to have room in her finances to conceive your sorry ass.

Happy endings are easily forgotten
Bad endings are forgotten after a period of mourning
Bittersweet endings leave people emotional for far longer

Documentaries are a pretty popular media genre. The ones I watch can get pretty miserable at times. Again, if I wanted realism, I'll go watch realism. It's all it is, famtachi.

Documentary of a Whore: Why Promiscuity Erodes Personal Integrity

Japan taste is shit

>being this upset

Life is full of suffering and bullshit. If you want to watch endless happy endings just watch cape shit or any American movie.

Everyone's life's story ends exactly the same way.


Each life does not have its own story. There is no beginning and there is no end.

The nips love being cucked.

Happy endings are boring and most people don't get them

>Why do people like bittersweet/bad endings?
It's edgy. It's edgier than bad endings and it FEELS more REAL. Even though most of the time it's just as shitty.

Thought, thanks to it's overuse, when happy ends do come, that are enjoyable as fuck.