Why can't Alaska be the white ethnostate?
>natural resources
>access to ports
>current population is very small
>cold, meaning shit skins can't handle it
Only savages live there
have you even been to alaska you dipshit?
It's full of inbred retarded whites, just like the rural south. Except the temperatures are -40F and you don't get to see the sun in the winter.
There's nothing to do there besides freezing to death, and raping animals like most whites do up there.
>Running away from your problems
what do you fags mean by "ethnostate"?
Do you want your own little country up there that would get bullied even worse than Canada?
>never any sun half the time
>always sunny half the time
>cold as fuck
>right next to russia
pussy 56% Americans can't handle cold. you'll never be as white as us northerners
alaska is usually colder than the more inhabited regions of scandinavia though
why do white (if that murican is actually white) people run away from their problems instead of fixing them?
I'm in Anchorage now. It's 44 F in fucking January. The last few winters have been pretty relatively warm.
and we've got Greenland, Danifying snow gooks
Because we will never have a supreme leader who will just shove all of our problems in a helicopter and drop them into the Pacific Ocean.
nigga you in denmark. you're not a snow nigger you are more of an island nigger lol
>establishing ethnostate
>running away
Just keep living among blacks and spics. Maybe you if you stay, they will magically vanish one day. Maybe if we have a super based candidate next election WE CAN FIX THE PROBLEM! Duuudes!
we bleach polar gooks though, it's good for the white race
>be traveling for christmas
>be in airport
>see gate for Anchorage
>nothing but niggers, spics, fat asians I assume are Inuit, and downtrodden whites who look like they shop at Goodwill
Ethnostate? Yeah, nah.
I don't understand why Sup Forums gets so fixated on ethnicity. It's not traditionalism, because you don't care if an Anglo marries a German.It's not IQ because if that were the case we'd all be emulating China.
So what is it? Why are you all so fixated? Surely you're not entirely ruled by tribalism are you?
I've always thought Alaska merged with Canada would be ideal (minus Ontario, of course)
You mean like how shitskins run away from their third world shitholes?
44f= 7c?
Hahahahaha it was negative 26c here on chistmas eve, you guys dont know what winters are, it would be a nice ethnostate for pussies maybe.
fuck off we're full
go fuck yourself you smug cunt
you have no idea what cold is gulfstreamnigger
gee i wonder why
what could be causing this
oh well its a mystery! vOv
Could it be because Europe is amazing and has been the site of wonderous advancements? Could it be that people all over europe are civic minded, polite and their nations are functionally superior?
suuuurely not
>Scandinavians think their countries are cold
>Maybe you if you stay, they will magically vanish one day
So.....your solution is for the whites to just flee the US and leave it to the browns?
perfect idea, Finfag
You could say the same of any high IQ population. Europe isn't a magical bastion of humanity.
Native Alaskans are shit drunks, and unlike niggers can use their guns.
Be prepared for forest, plain, tundra, mountain and snow combats.
Do you really want a white ethnostate right next to the Eurasian ethnostate / Chinese protectorate that is British Columbia?
I think many of us fear that if things keep going leftist we will end up like the French Haitians and get murdered by barbaric niggers.
Because Alaska is rightful Native clay.
Get your filthy white hands off, it will never be yours.
There are 743 million people in Europe.
At the current rate of migration, it'd take 700 years to make Europe 50% white
>not into classical music
Nigga there is no other people with souls like ours
Actually due to being adopted by Alaska natives I have tax free soveriegn land even though I'm 100% Anglo Saxon ancestry
t. Anchorage fag
Don't you have some Lysol to drink and gas to huff edward?
sounds like the perfect place for it desu.
This is proof that modern whites are uncivilised, like beaners and the chinese. We fix the problems in africa, we raise in arms against tyranny
"Shitskin" is one word faggot.
>illiterate cuckstain deported from Alaska
That's not what my Bible says.
You're idolizing the perfect white image and ignoring the actual white people around you, most of whom, like any demographic, are losers.
Sure there's more quality whites than quality blacks, I won't argue against that. Doesn't mean you have to sperg out and focus on ethnonationalism instead of achievable ends.
Go to Cabela's and buy tannerite with cash it's legal hi ex
>We fix the problems in africa
>we fix the problems in africa
>muh inbreeding
The most tired meme
Who /comfywinter/ here?
Lmao @ these nigs talking about sub zero temperatures and shit
True. Lifelong Anchoragite and in the past 7 years niggers have been shipped in and our crime rate is beyond out of control in large part due to SB91 bill that essentially decriminalized all crime (in process of repealing now tho so that's good) also Tundra Wookiees are giant welfare babies unironically more low IQ and violent/rapey than niggers with multi generational inbreeding and FAS. Lots of Samoans as well some are okay others might as well be niggers. South Anchorage is the only safe area of town because that's where the oil company employees live. The state population should still be under a million tho so maybe there's hope
no one's mentioned the natives.
native americans doing native things (getting drunk) are super common
The CARRS on benson keeps mouthwash locked in a glass case because of natives. They also try to filter hand sanitizer through bread and drink it
>t. Portunigger
daily reminder that Portuguese are the most niggerified people of Europe
Actually the panhandle and southern coasts of Alaska are fairly temperate and liveavle
Bitch ass niggas, it was -38 celsius two days ago. You are like little babies.
My soon to be SIL is Portuguese and her family claims to be atheists but I'm convinced they're Jewish. They just look extremely Jewish
because we already took all of america and we aint giving it up. not an inch
The fact is most Alaskans are low class, non educated, drug addicts.
literally garbage people
Anchorage isn’t that bad it’s nocolder than like minessota
>Less than 5% black
>Less than 1% muslim
But whatever helps you sleep at those freezing cold nights, my pseudogerman friend
Is it windy where you are? I'm hillside and it's been gusty as fuck all morning
I'd like to be one of them.
And just like that a get is wasted
Serbs are always welcome
is alaska a comfy state?, since alaska isnt much populated i guess land is very cheap there. Also what kind of industry is there? Are they all fishers there?
Do you honestly want to be like them? They only solution is a slaughter. We cant let them take ground from us.
Took it just for you
Perhaps you could take a picture that is right side up?
we're tall, white, robust, +70F summers is for faggots
It should be i agree
wheres your greenland flag?
it depends on the internet provider.
you're telling me that niggers internet bounces from greenland to Denmark and back to America?
That pic was taken in Australia obviously
dude but its true, while i was at vacations in spain I still had a german flag on pol since my provider for my flat is german.
this, burgers and euroshits have not even begun to comprehend the meaning of cold
Thats good, but you can do better.
I mean I tried but idk just rotate it and pretend it was uploaded that way I guess
pussy, it was -50 here a few weeks back
You need to go even further beyond. You need to spin it to win it! You need to try again!
just face it pol.
you losers are the rejects of the world.
no one wants you because you are horrible people.
youre the bad guys.
stop being in denial.
Cold day over there? *Alaska
I think its more likely he was a larper and is such a newfag he didn't realize we have greenland flags
Greenland is rightful US clay btw; his flag should be American in reality
Been vacationing out west and thought of this:
> 30k in the bank
> Get out of army in May
> Finish online bachelor's by next spring
> Work at fathers clinic in the meantime for 50k/yr wage, live like a neet for a year w mom, save about 30-35k
> go to Boston for graduate degree and stay with family friend free, earn sergeants BAH (2,500/mo) in addition to gi bill and working good full time job while going to school, save 40-45k a year for two years
> Save 100-150k, buy a 200 acre plot of land in Nevada for 90k, build steel house on it for 15k
> Raise sheep and goats, do a craft learned in college like glassblowing
> Get a wife that knows how to make textiles, use sheep's wool to make them for money
> Work online, run bed and breakfast and day tours through the ranch, sell goat milk, charge fee for hikers, make my craft for money, etc.
Do I have a good plan so far boys? After looking at the laws and the place, I love this state, a lot better than a loft in midtown for 3k/month
>what did the cosmos mean by this
>wanting the same high quality of life your ancestors enjoyed means your horrible
say that to your grandmas face and see what happens
you are a degenerate and an idealist uncomprehending of the reality around you. your ilk are an ever growing anchor on an otherwise successful society and have the nerve to call me horrible, as you drag your children and their children to a life of poverty and subjugation under a corporate boot
Natives were pretty much nonverbal and illiterate nomads that crossed the land bridge after getting kicked the fuck out of Mongolia. The only "okay" natives are the Aleuts and that's only because they were successfully colonized by Russians. My point though is they didn't have much any culture do nothing was ever really theirs to begin with. We've found Viking human/ village remains that predates any record of natives being here
Fuck off nigger go listen to your favorite toons
you can definitely make it work
sell the cheese or some shit, give it a hipster stamp on a brown package
"Steel House Reserve Nevada Feta Cheese" sell that shit for $15 for a tiny little box
Let's fucking do it.
Not in Anchorage at least. It's been in the Mid 40s today because a chinook wind is blowing through. The past few years I've noticed that whenever the lower 48 has extremely cold weather we'll get warmer weather than what's expected for winter
Well all i gotta say is
Oh shit! My mask sorry
Hey faggot, I wish it was as warm here as it is in Denmark.
It's Sup Forums you fucking shillberg. Friendly reminder that you and your tribe are kvetching on borrowed time
Fuck are you talking about? It's warmer here see my tan
Didn't think of that!
In addition, I know a pajeet who's super into yoga and new age shit (he's a Chad irl and uses it to slay white pussy, cool guy though) that is a part of hedge fund with a million dollar buy in, so maybe we could organize some bullshit wanderlust festival on a tucked away part of my property that could easily be cleaned up, I'd bet that could make insane moolah...
Nothing would make me happier than making insufferable normies make me money for causes they hate.
Is that too traitorous?
>Tfw she was later raped and murdered by an African migrant and was found under a bunch of rocks with leaves shoved in her cunt