>white nationalist board
>hates white women more than any other race of women
This is probably the most baffling thing about Sup Forums.
White nationalist board
Other urls found in this thread:
Only bitches.
>implying this board aren’t all shit skins who have been rejected by white girls outside of rape
Traitors are more dangerous than enemies
Sup Forums is mostly blind misdirected hatred and rage. It just want the destruction of everything. It is like a retarded and furious child.
This. Sup Forums isnt even white so its opinion on white women is worthless
I've seen violence towards white women (not just coalburners) celebrated more here than I have on even /r9k/. And I mean white women specifically, not women in general.
No, if you spent anytime here at all youd know that a large majority of people here want nothing more than a traditional wife
it's a white nationalist board with jungle fever
get it right!
Why do feminists do this thing where if you say you don't like 1 single woman they act like that means you hate the entire gender as a whole? Lauren Southern is a dumb coalburning whore, she deserves hate. If I hate her but love my mother or gf, does that mean I hate every single women? If a woman hates Trump does that mean she hates every single man?
Women are the easiest group for indoctrination, thus they are only as good as their environment.
Never give western women respect, just look at the popular culture.
All of this is pretty true. I'm not fully white, but I still identify as a white nationalist. I've been rejected by a shit ton of women, mostly white. These same women go out with so many fucking dudes later. I see other women of other races being more loyal and modest too
> the most baffling thing about Sup Forums
I'll take "What are shill threads?" for $500 Alex.
We aren't interested in females with Brillo pad hair, thank you.
paki plz go
this. Sup Forums is mainly asian, black and hispanic dudes. Somebody post the Sup Forums meetup pics
>This is probably the most baffling thing about Sup Forums.
It isn't once you acknowledge that Western women (typically white American and Western Europeans) have been exposed to feminism first and strongly but thanks for the REALLY MAKES YOU THINK post.
Stay woke.
Full res of pic on the right?
i second this motion
Stupid gringos don't know how much a qt neguinha is worth. Shame.
>This is probably the most baffling thing about Sup Forums.
What's baffling about expecting them to act like adults?
It's because we love white women more than any other that we hold them to a higher standard
>when white women die in refugee attacks, Sup Forums celebrates because hurr durr they were probably liberals anyway
>when white women are killed by non-white boyfriends, it's seen as justified
>when white women are harassed, assaulted or hurt by non-white men, this is also regarded with bemusement
>white women are hated for being liberal
>oh wait, they're actually the least liberal women
>white women are hated for racemixing
>oh wait, they are the least likely to racemix
>every other demographic is more likely to date outside their race, but none are hated for it to the extent white women are
>every other race of women are more likely to be liberal, but only white women are singled out for it
I just don't get it.
>gender as a whole
It's more like the intersection of race and gender. I want to talk about why white women specifically are hated more than any other.
Feetfags will be right behind mutts in the line for the gas chambers.
Boomers destroyed the family, the Church, and Western Civilisation in 3 generations with Feminism.
White women are complete fucking garbage now mate, and if you had ever dated one you would know what we're talking about.
We only have what they've turned into
Not what they could be
It's an ongoing effort to !nonsense!.
You know most people here are larpers and not even European right?
Yeah if you're talking about the Sup Forums hivemind, I dont know. I think it's just a leak from /r/incels and /r9k/ and their perception of white women based on the media. They see these coalburners on instagram and sluts on tinder and since they dont talk to women much they assume this is how all white women act when it's a minority of attention whores online.
As for the first 2, they see it as comeuppance for dating a non white. Like a "what do you expect" kinda thing I reckon
>pic is mostly face and body
>feet barely visible
>hurrr footfags gonna burn
Don't project like this user, embrace the feetpill and enjoy this qt's little angel feet
>I want to talk about why white women specifically are hated more than any other.
>That vicitm complex tho
Welcome newfriend. Have you heard the good news about Sup Forumss opinions on Jews and Niggers yet?
I'm a white woman and know white woman are shit, but the BBC meme is just a meme.
I live in a major city, so you know it's largely black. The only coal burners are fat, super trashy, or failed woman.
All the females I know are disgusted by race mixing.
Traditional wholesome white women are the most valued thing on this board. That is roughly 1% of all white women however.
always kill a traitor before an enemy
I'll enjoy the look on your face when you're made into sopa de huehuehue and fed to your enslaved brethren, footnigger.
Lel faggot roasties. Stay ass blasted roasties, the white man isn't going to cuck anymore.
WOOOO feels good to be WHITE man.
I consider them a genetic necessity but I don't feel anything for them anymore. I'd prefer to have babies with white women but have a romantic relationship with a non white woman.
Aha you're the attention seeking whore from the other thread. We don't hate white women. We hate attention seeking whores. and not just online
I guess some of tumblr's bravest females have come forward to ask /pol the most important questions. Of course it would be a woman to ask why they aren't liked, as if they react to anything else at all
>using the word roastie unironically
Gas yourself
What percentage of Sup Forums do you think is actually white? It's kind of depressing if it's a minority.
White women are hated less than Jews and black people, but more than black/Hispanic/Asian/Arab women, even though the latter racemix more and vote liberal more. It's really fucking weird. I'd say white women are the third most hated demographic, from my experience.
>Cuckold BDSM canibal sopa eating fetish projection
you sure have some weirdness flowing there m8
>only hates white women
we dont discriminate
>the bong couldn't sense the irony
i live in suburban san diego and 2nd this. any girl that is sleeping with a nigger around here is pretty looked down upon subconciously
My huwhite ancestors will smile upon me as I reclaim your land in the name of purity and righteousness.
I have dated women from every race and white western women have by far the worst personalities and attitudes (slavs and white latinos are nice enough)
they're extremely entitled, don't treat other people well and think the world revolves around them, girls from other races are more down to earth and able to recognise other people exist
White women in cities are liberal and likely to fuck non whites. Get this fake shit out of here
>hates white women more than any other race of women
I have yet to see someone say something good about black women unironically.
Top jej, trying to take brasil is like wrestling with pigs, we already kill 60k of our own per year, so be quick about this reclamation or there will be nothing left to reclaim...
>white dating white is racist
>white dating black is normal
Last one is funny though.
This is pathetic.
It happens.
most of the people killed are men, you are thinning your numbers out for sex tourists such as myself
Do you know what is also baffling about Sup Forums ?
That it is a completely open board and anyone can post.
Including shitty journalists that then report on the "shocking" thread they have made while proclaiming it as central to the philosophy of "the group".
The clue is in the name. It is a forum. A public space.
Those women doesn't care about white men hating women, since they know the degenerating agenda pushed, and they (both men and women) being out of that spectrum.
It is a coherent thing indeed.
>I'm fucking white
Oh god. Too much.
Yeah, it must be easy to worm your way out of a genuine question by accusing me of being a shill.
>>hates white women more than any other race of women
I'm only going to criticize something that I care about. I care about white women's behavior because I care about white women and my people in general.
I DO NOT care about shitskin women's degeneracy. Shitskin women are by all metrics much worse than white women, but again, they're not my problem. I don't care about shitskin women's degeneracy because I don't care if they introspect or improve themselves.
It's like asking "why don't you care about this random native tribe in the amazonian rainforest?" Not my problem
It's a sign of fondness to set expectations for those you care about.
There is an answer here.
But only a qt could ever find out.
i third this motion
Sup Forums seems to bother you so much.
Artificial wombs are going to make women obsolete soon.
Does this sound fond to you?
>It happens.
Lol no, that would be zoophilia. As I said, don't take things you read here seriously, especially about women. There's a lot of autism and larping.
You're a pathetic race traitor most likely go choke on nig nogs dick
You're on here whoring for attention
And wonder why you're hated
One day you'll pay the toll
Women have no nation or race.
Set of biological genes defining race - sure, but mind of woman unable to comprehend such concept as "nation", "tribe", "them", "us" etc.
Therefore "white woman"is rather vague thing - sure you may want woman whose body carries genes of european race so your child wont become Elliot Rogers, but, mind within this body doesnt considers itself part of the "white race" because it does not divides its pool of breeders in parts - it is concept that only comprehended by minds of humans.
Remember - female is not your ally, but a resource you want to possess and control.
See? A clear example of banter or mental illness
No, it just confuses me.
Kek, saved.
>hates white women more than any other race of women
lurk more mohammed. I challenge you to find one thread in the archives that says one good thing about sheboons
You're wrong, what city do you live in?
Sup Forums is a robowaifu board, the tyranny of the ovarian menace is soon over
Hating the bad actions of women doesnt mean you hate women.
It's a bit like your are punching someone, then not only saying "ouch", but complaining that the person you hit doesnt like the experience like it is some sort of character flaw which justifies you hitting them in the first place.
I'm not even white, you pleb.
White women hate white women.
>but more than black/Hispanic/Asian/Arab women, even though the latter racemix more and vote liberal more.
They are trash, that is why. White women are held to a higher standard, so obviously people are going to be more pissed off when a white woman acts like trash than when trash acts like itself.
Post the updated one
INB4 you're
Whites are a minority even here.
>feels good to be WHITE man
Probably the main reason you only see brownish people at Sup Forums related functions is that those are the groups who have no chance of being labeled Nazis and actually looking like one.
If I went to something like that and someone posted my photo from said event to my boss then I would like my job. An Asian or Mexican would not
AHAHHAHA bong, you really come to HUElandia to fuck brasilian STD ridden pussy. I weep for you.
This place is an echo chamber (this ideas are banned everywhere so this is a congregation) and people here sees everyday the worst news about the decadency of our society and they get bitter and that's where those comments comes from, they're simply releasing that frustation with the current world.
Maybe this is all bullshit but that maybe one of the reasons.
>even here.
Odd that the smallest minority group on the planet constantly gets labeled as and majority.
It is almost like people are using the wrong words on purpose... what could be the reason behind it though?
Well you're a shill shilling up the board
You're on here acting like an entitled lol cunt.
You'll NEVER be British
>Paul is one person
You're not understanding. If we didn't care, we wouldn't be critical of their behavior. The reason nobody criticizes shitskin women for even worse behavior is because we do not care about them or if they improve themselves.
So Sup Forums needs a wrangler?
Maybe you only notice it so because you are one, everyone gets a hard time here.
The whole laughing at targeted white women, isn't necessarily to do with race or gender. More their perceived political affiliations. I can assure you that nothing triggers the WN like an innocent and honorable white girl being degraded.
A lot of it is the exasperated bemusement of the disheartened... gallows humour if you will
What's wrong with Seinfeld?
You are also right. Feels bad to see women wasting perfectly good genes with niggers and other genetic garbage. But still, not all the women do it I guess and hope.
His Chinese owner has him so well trained he's boiling himself alive, nose first.
Holy shit, user is right. You totally do act like the typical entitled bitch. Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with your gender? This is the same shit everywhere and you wonder why men hate you. How pathetically stupid can you be?