Stop sleeping 8 hours
Stop sleeping 8 hours
>only Trump has a problem with his sleeping habits
I sleep 10 hours and I'm still at loss with what to do with all this fucking time I have. Sleeping in is the one thing I truly enjoy.
Lack of sleep listerally makes you retarded, who cares what some old fags did/do
half of those people also wiped their ass with their hands and didn't fucking bathe because they thought it would let bad air into their skin
checking to see if its right
Just have kids - you'll never sleep 8 hours again.
t. parent of 3 white children under 5.
Don't believe this at all. Those sources are shit and no-one sleeps two fucking hours, certainly not spaced out over 8 20 minute naps.
this sound like a jew lie to give you healthe issues. Why would they say how much do they sleep? also, no sources
i sleep from 5-6am to 10am then go to work at 11am ( i live 10 mins away) and then come back at 6-7pm
aaand repeat
loads of these goyim are lying, except perhaps some of those inventors, who were legitimately autistic and so probably didn't understand humans' need for sleep.
I feel like sleep is a waste of time as well. That's 8 hours I could be learning or doing something other than lying there
Dude that's fucked up, how are you even alive? you must be wanting to kill yourself every waking hour with a schedule like that
Sleep 3-4
Wake for 10-30 minutes
Go back to sleep for another 1-2 hours.
In the day have a nice 40-80 minute nap after work.
i yawn a lot, but that's about it.
i don't really do any physical activity or move a lot, the only exercise i get is a 10 minute walk from my job and back - at my job i sit all day writing code.
i feel like if i sleep more i'm missing out on a lot of things - like watching movies, playing games etc.
Nah, sleep is one of the few things in life i have to look foward too
t. soyboy
i do sleep 10-11 hours on the weekends though, forgot to mention that lol
If you want to sleep so little, you really need to be consuming the blood of children and siphoning spirit power from the demon chained in your basement
>Not true
Just like Trump?
Oy veyy you summoned a Jew
I have narcolepsy, I take medication that puts me to sleep for 8-10 hours a night. I used to get 2/3 hours of sleep a night, it was fucking horrible
Yeah but he was the first black president
Why are you on Sup Forums instead with your kids or wife? Typical soyboy behavior
Begone, demon
Most of the people on that list were also either suicidal or really fucked in the head
I'll stick with my 6-8 hours
I stay awake for 36 hours then sleep 12. I get more time in the REM stage of sleep but sleep for less time.
>his pattern fucked him up but he got better
>this is good
Trump?has also been on adderall since the 70s.
>fucking up your health because muh money
Sounds like a lie mutts on Sup Forums concoct when claiming to do school full time with labs while working full time jobs.
Start using coke.
Get a fucking job
im a solid 8 hours a night sleeper.
During the great meme war i only slept 5-6 hours a night and felt fine.
I typically sleep for over 10 hours wherever I can, unless I have to get up early, in which case its about 6
I also sleep around 5 hours a night during the work week. It's completely fine.
It varies depending on what I have to do
If I have to go to the courthouse for probation like I do about 3/5, but sometimes 5/5 times per mon-fri, i'll sleep from 4-6am
If I know I dont have to go, I sleep from 5-12~
Every morning I have to call at 6 to see if I have to do a pee test, and if I go in early at 7:30, theres no wait and a female does it, meaning i dont have to have my dick watched. So usually 5 or so until 6, and then sleep until 12, either getting back from the urinalysis at 8 or 10:30 if theres something else to do (there usually is)
and then I work from 1 until 10-12pm
churchill wasn't 'napping' he was sleeping the booze off. he was a hardcore alcoholic, and as any alcoholic knows, you drink and drink and drink and then pass out when the booze wears off for a few hours, then start again.
Im self employed and haven't used an alarm clock for about 6 years. I just let my body wake up when it wants to. i sleep about 7-8 hours.
Some das I do not sleep, other I sleep for 4-5 hours
sleep is completely unneeded. i quit sleeping 2 years ago and i'm fine
Churchill was the single greatest POS in all of human history
fuck that I love sleep. Sleeping in late is one of the few joys in life.
Its hilarious how they constantly push bias and choice of wording per their agenda
My sleeping pattern is always fucked up, I can sometimes sleep for 6 hours and other days I can sleep for 12
>wagecucks bragging about how little they sleep
tick tock wagie
>Slept from ~4-11 before going to the gym from 11:30-3
>Came back and slept until 5
I have a retarded sleep cycle.
Jesus user what the fuck did you do? I only had to call in once a month for my probation, and its being ended 3 years early.
Have some tulips
Insomnia is one of the first and most important symptoms of severe mental illness.
Sleep is necessary for rewiring your neural synapses, an essential part of learning. Dreaming is your mind sending test signals through the new neural pathways your mind has constructed while you sleep.
Plus I love sleeping. Sleeping is delicious.
Kek massively underrated
He didn't deny himself sleep as part of some great physical discipline. He used hard liquor to fuck up his sleep cycle. If you want insomnia just drink a heavy nightcap. It'll interrupt your natural sleep process so that you'll wake up early with insomnia.
And yeah Churchill was a piece of shit who took great pleasure in sodomizing younger students when he was in school. A horrible specimen of humanity.
>"trump deliberately only sleeps 3 hours because he's a fucking idiot"
>"Margaret thatcher became famous for only sleeping 4 hours a night"
sold on 6hrs
Bullshit. That nigger got more than 9 hours a day and you fucking know it. Nigga didn't even get up till 10:00 and he was the fucking president.
Am I the only one who does the following???:
Somedays I sleep 2 hours
Others I sleep 14 hours
And I am always perfectly fine
Can't a man take a shit and post on pol in peace
Doesnt that much sleep deprevation makes you feel like shit in the long run?
Me too, sleeping is overrated
going back to sleep for a couple hours gives the best dreams
I usually go to sleep 3-4AM wake up at 7-8AM
I find the night the most productive as everyone is asleep and has fucked off.
When I worked on Wall St I slept 2 hrs a night on average
also smoked 60 newports a day, did coke and slept all day Sunday. Also took naps in the toilet. Perfected the art. Go in the stall, pants down, underwear down. Take elastic bands, set phone to vibrate, set 10-15 mins timer. Use elastic band to strap phone to head so it'd wake you when it vibrated. Do this 2-3 a day. Also stuffed toilet paper in my mouth to prevent snoring.
>Protip from Wall St (((banker)))
>all of those horrible sleep schedules
It's like they were in eternal exam week.
>set 10-15 mins timer
How does that even really do anything? your brain doesn't even have a chance to get into any other phase
Citation needed
when you're that sleep deprived you enter REM instantly upon closing your eyes
the only pain in the ass were meetings, i'd come from a nap stall with blatant red aftermarks on my forehead and it was obvious
also had to pinch myself nonstop during meetings to stay awake while the headkike was talking about useless shit
Yeah i can easily go one day without sleep and still function pretty well. But if i had 3-4 hours sleep for several weeks it would really start to wear.
I go to sleep at 11:00pm or 12:00 am and wake up at 5:00am every day except on weekends. Those days I wake up at 6 o 7:00am, I always use and alarm clock.
Well france is saved then, macron doesnt sleep at all like Napoleon
>yes goy, you only need 6 hours of sleep. w-who wants to sleep 4 hours anyways?? your 2 hours are up goy, back to work!
Doesn’t matter how much you sleep/don’t sleep. Everyone dies and your accomplishments die with you eventually. Even the most famous people in history will be forgotten. Sleep or stay awake. In the end it’s all the same. Everything is pointless. Just live a happy life how you want
>Believing anyone who claims to sleep less than 5 hours a night on average
People who claim they never sleep are like people who brag about having a gluten sensitivity.
I do okay on anything over 3 hours of solid sleep ... but what's the point of having more hours of being a lazy faggot with no drive?
Calm down Camus
The DaVinci one is just an utter lie BTW.
>tfw stay up until 2/3/4 each day due to sleep pattern being fucked since birth
>wake up at 6 for school
>sleep from 2-4 pm each day
Is this healthy?
The stranger is a good book
Podesta? Is that you? No more "problematic" cinema to screen in your underground theater?
Having a mental breakdown is fucking BASED
I slept from 7pm, to 3am last night. Good stuff.
I can function with just five, and be optimal brain capacity. Though, I will feel like shit.
I like my world schedual, where I go to bed at midnight, wake up at noon, and work till 8pm. Comfy as fuck.
sources are at the bottom, you illiterate nigger
i do that. usually go 2 days straight then sleep 14 hours.
>People before electricity went to bed at 9:00+
What does the author of this infographic think they did for like 4 hours, wander around in the dark?
This thing is retarded.
lol there was light before electricity
it doesnt say that, and that infographic is from before his campaign
Yeah, nah, I enjoy my 9.5 hours that I'm afforded the luxury of by being my own boss.
It's why I still pass for 30 at 45.
I usually do anywhere from 8:00 - 10:00 P.M to 4:00 A.M. Its not bad honestly
>parent of 3 white children
I'm happy for you, user.
Obama slept six hour at night and six hours during the day, that twelve hours not six.
Hardcore dude.......Newport's are tasty though. I met a dude who was a sniper in Nam and he would sleep sitting up with his water bottle on his collarbone for a pillow. He said they used to make him wear diapers too to not leave his position.
Mentally unsound
Legitimately insane
Don't know, probably fine
>Da Vinci
Mentally unsound
Legitimately insane
Just eccentric
Mentally unsound
Okay fine
Don't know
Mentally unsound
Mentally unsound
Don't know
Really says a lot about not getting sufficient sleep.
Franklin had the syph...
pathetic drumpfies with their victim complex. The paragraph on him isn't biased at all.