You heard him White People

You heard him White People
You best be more respectful in 2018

Niggers, in 2018 you are going to
>hang from trees

E tu Troll?

I don't get it.

>Control your kids when out in public
If I had a dollar everytime I slapped a loud nigglet...

Good thing I already do all that shit. That being said, why is this directed towards whites in particular?

Because he's a racist, against white people, which is acceptable in current year apparently.

As long as the niggers ans spics do the same i see no problem. Anyone who does now have simple courtesy is a nigger in my eyes anyway.

>Niggers are in charge of white people
lol that Rod Serling tries to be spooky but he sure has an out-and-out a knee slapper once in a while.

FP undoubtedly BP

Being a father must be difficult.

yea I'll fight his nigger ass and break his fucking neck
someone tweet him ask him where and when for me
even screencap this if you wish
I will deliver

Silly, they're his wife's kids, not his.


So do things white people already do but niggers don’t?

this is great we need niggers to keep poking white people with a stick

The joke is that these are all things you see when them nigs are noggin' right? I mean a basketball-american telling anyone to control their kids in public is the height of irony.

>calling white people disrespectful and impolite

replace white with anything else and you get called racist

That is one dumb deluded nigger.

Is that supposed to be satire? Those are all things niggers need to start doing.

That's not how the state sees it.

That's gas lighting. Everyone knows whites who publicly discipline their kids wind up in jail with their kids in foster care. Everyone knows that only a state-bonded Teacher of Color may discipline a white child. The parents are only there to administer hormones during non-school hours.

>white people are going to be decent
I don't get it? All those things are very white things to do. Wtf is he trying to get at?