Kemono Friends

It all makes sense now!

Other urls found in this thread:


I literally go to bed with Liru every night except for the days I am on travel.


But how do they get the things into their ears?

Admit it, you guys only like Giraffe because of the "You're the rapist!" spam.

You're welcome.

boss, you are great

No, I only like Giraffe because of that one picture.


I don't know what you're talking about and I like giraffe regardless of memes because I have a soft spot for detectives.

I like Giraffe because she calls it as it is.

Magnets. Lots and lots of magnets.

Using their arms, duh.

So how do we address our anxieties?

Actually, your posts were annoying and made me mad because Giraffe deserves better.

>It all makes sense now!

What does?

That's what I was looking at but I can't really read runes, especially not handwriting.



The company I work for makes cat fences. They have arches on the top. Polypropylene material. We do gangbusters.

Is this your draw?

You fed it, now it'll never go away.

Where are those Britney spears pics next to Lake Mead dressed up similar to Serval?

I can't draw for shit, I just went over a pic with my mousepad otherwise I'd be here til next weekend, I'm trying to learn though. That actually helped my grasp on perspective a bit though.




well he she was saying shaaaaa at the end there

That isn't Hululu.




That is a boat, not a Hululu

My niece the first night after babysitting while her parents were on a celebrity cruise and I mixed her some coconut rum

That's a submarine and a drunk

>Humming Boku no Friend

Just some poke-fun at the ''friends'' here. The zoo there closed 2 years ago at least.

Nice, remember to make more offerings to serval-chan.

Submarines are boats.

Don't you post boatsluts in my comfy Friend thread.

Children excite me sexually more and more everyday.


cute, they made another one




Isn't a penguin kind of like a submarine?


I never realized she was humming the ED

We /spa/ now.

The whiteness of this tofu represents the emptiness inside Otter's head.




Well shit he did it the madman.

I like her voice.

>april fools is about to be over
>then he does this
Guess everything was going too well. Time to sleep.
oh god no

Late april fools.

I'm growing concerned about what my niece will think of me after she goes through puberty and thinks differently about us sleeping and being playfully intimate with each other.

My bad.


Hiro what the fuck




Is this how the typical Sup Forums friend post?

These posts deeply concern me but you're better off going to /adv/ user.

So we can still post on normal Sup Forums? What's the fucking point

>/spa/ - Tanoshii Sports

Tiny shoebill

The way this board merging works appear to be creating copies of existing threads from both boards to a new, temporary board. Not sure whether I should post here or there. They have flags which trigger me.





/Otter/ - Tanoshii Sports


Is rock-throwing a sport?

For the earlier combinations it would automatically redirect people to new, temporary boards and prevent them from posting on the normal ones. But for this one you can just post on the normal boards like usual, so we can just ignore them and continue posting normally

Mini-friends would be a blast.

Juggling is totally a sport.

Really feeling the valley

>literally a sekrit club for the next 24 hours

Thankfully we had a new thread right before it hit.

Why do owls have such expressive faces?

I don't think your post is relevant to either Sup Forums or Sup Forums. Try:

I fucking hate flagfaggotry I want my Moot back this new hack is dumb

Thicc penguins

>Stepped in the Shingeki no Kyojin thread
>Bombed by spoilers in a second

The show no one can spoil is a good show.

At least they were nice enough to make this one optional.


That looks super tanoshii

Their only expressions are
>disgusted anger
>hoot hoot
>utterly amazed at all the sights and sounds of the world

What is with these lost faggots. Fuck off and go away

Never forget

Looks like it's all that dev's fault though
who's Hiro in disguise


Nice to be back here.