Nu Males Have To Be Stopped
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Only in America
cringe as fuck if you ask me
how you liking those muslims captain sweden?
Where is ISIS when you need them?
being jewish somewhere. tits or get out
Trump bombed the all to hell
how you liking those niggers captain mutt?
>generic amerimutt response #1/1
In sub-section 8 in the basement of a military film studio in Langley, Virginia. Where else would they be?
i dont pay over half of my income to them like you do
love the negro tunes
Call them numales all you want but they seem to be more /fit/ than probably 90% of this board.
>only in america
>is sweden
I mean during senior year all our male sports teams had to do gag routines for homecoming. We did a fake cheer routine dressed in togas.
>panties were moistened that night
Pretty sure every dude on the team, even the bench got some that night.
They are being stopped. These losers are not breeding. Their wives and girlfriends are repulsed by them. They only stick around because they are provider-males, while they fuck Chad on the side and make the "Cucksband" raise Chad's superior child.
The nu-male, NEET, beta White Christian Male (BWCM), epidemic will be over in 50 years. Not to mention the warrior descendants of Saladin and Ghenghis Khan are sowing their seed across all of white Christendom as we speak.
Why would this go viral ?
Just looks like some cheerleading competition where some dude team wore fanny packs.
Don't believe that clickbait headline that these are some random fraternity bros, look at the setting they're in
>praising Chad
>not chad
>going viral
>published Oct. 20 2017
Only faggot nu-males watch this shit.
Slide thread
>for right reasons
to laugh at faggots?
why are they twerking
Sweden and Germany. Always the first to talk shit, but always last in countries allowed to talk shit
You guys are a big fat mess
"Real men don't dance; they sit, sweat and curse"
>For all the right reasons
Cunt, I can bench 170kg. Keep telling yourself everyone is a fat incel because it only makes things more hilarious when you run across someone like me irl.
>fraternity's gay now
the world... the world has changed
They are still faggots.
wtf i love zionism now
hahahahahahahahhahahaha you're being robbed by your own state HOLY SHIT!!!! you're money is funding sand niggers sven! Sweden is fucked
ok mr steroid