What's up with Part 8 and not walking/running like a normal person?
Other urls found in this thread:
what the fuck was dubbed stroheim
What happened in the board merge? I was asleep.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are best friends now
I hate looking through all this JoJo fanart I have just to reply to a single post, I waste hours doing that.
So are /mlp/ and Sup Forums
How does /jojo/ feel about this image?
So are /fit/ and /lit/, /ck/ and Sup Forums or /m/ and /o/
In fact. Pretty much every board merge was successful.
Cant wait for next year where every board is merged into 1
ausfag, sorry for the shitposters, some of us want discussion
Please make this come true, Hiro
shut the f*ck up
I edited it for you.
Some on /mlpol/ came up with the name /Thunderdome/ or /Sup Forums/
That's all of Jojo, not just part 8.
This doujinshi is fucking retarded
What phrases could you make out of all the boards of a majority of the boards?
/out of the trash/
Pol did end up warming up to the bronies
>not retarded
Also why the fuck are we still calling them doujin when they're actually fanfiction it should be enough of a red flag.
look at these NEETS
each day passes by and the first one that includes jobin is still in wait
Tell Dio to put on some fucking clothes.
Can you like buy bundles of the manga?
That's called a volume release, user.
Did Araki turn Koichi into a girl just so Josuke could fuck him?
All of them are like in parts and that's fucking annoying
>when you realise that Gappy is literally a NEET
*unzips dick*
>mfw I want to draw my husbando who happens to be a semi-naked demigod with perfect muscles but I still suck at anatomy
I can't wait to be able to paint his divine figure in all its ultimate glory
looks fine to me
but I'm just some faggot so who cares?
I cropped it so you could only see the decent part
Why didn't OU Josuke get a Yasuho?
>Kars with glasses
>his seiyuu is the same as one of my previous husbandos, who also wore them
He got Koichi's friendship.
This isn't the real hair.webm user, he never responded to people
It's not nearly as good as
But it's still funny.
>look mom i posted it again!
why is Diavolo fucking dead?
warming up the oven?
That's not a reason.
His Yasuho was Okyasu
Well one of those guys is me and I'm not that guy so I guess you're right! Faggot.
Still not a reason, you're just pushing a fujoshit agenda.
Why is Diavolo always dead in these? Is the joke that he'll just use King Crimson to remove the time in which he would have otherwise been killed, thus making himself not killed?
Sup Forums finally learned about the scourge that is canadians thanks to flags from /vint/.
Consequently day of the rake is being shouted from the rooftops.
If you're the one who posted about fucking Kangaroos then obviously you're not the person who posted the webm. I was highlighting how the person who'd posted the webm had (seemingly) responded to your taunt. Sorry, I thought it was obvious.
Do Australians hate Josuke?
maybe the artists dont like him?
I doubt it, only Rohans hate Josuke.
It's not because they don't like him, it's a running joke because of his endless deaths.
Give me 1 reason why Doppio isn't shit
he's adorable
How about you give us some reasons to why he is shit?
If Doppio's physical body could separate from Diavolo, do you think Diavolo would get him ice cream before he karate chops him, sews his mouth shut, and buries him?
Would you Diavolo?
Delet this
>Doppio crying alone in the darkness, wondering what he did wrong to make Bossu do this to him
>Doppio desperately treasuring the moments when Bossu visits to feed and talk to him, and doing his best to be as good and quiet and obedient as he can to try and make him happy
>Doppio wondering why it feels so hot and where that smoke is coming from while waiting for Bossu to rescue him after Diavolo's cover gets blown again
They're not reasons why he didn't get a Yasuho because he did get his Yasuho in Koichi and Okuyasu
Please stop, my penis can only get so erect.
He didn't get a Yasuho in Koichi because Yukako, and he didn't get a Yasuho in Okuyasu because Okuyasu is incapable of finding love. None of these girls on the left are capable of being Yasuhos either, they'd probably backstab each other for that hapa dick.
Josuke's Yasuho remains a non-entity.
Let's make a part not happen
>Diavolo gets therapy as a kid
I rsaise the whole series
>Dio Brando gets a better dad
>Weather and Perla never meat
>Kira finds the internet and learns how to find fetish porn
>Kira's younger days of late 80s/early 90s internet
Nah he still skills. Even if it's just ends up him planting bombs on every phone in Morioh..
Stand name [Ghost Division]
Power:Manifest Radio equipment out of anything in your touch and use said radio equipment to summon a squad of 6 autonomous special forces soldiers. Or just the radio at someones head I dont give a shit Tbh
>OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK. not this webm again
>well, maybe I'll watch it just one more time
Why is Narancia so cute?
You know - a JoJo Comedy series in the vain of Fate Carnival Phantasm would be great. Can you imagine all the JoJokes. Plus i want to see a Racing/Mario Kart Episode in the vain of this:
Diavolo would pretty much be the Kenny of the series
No Naranciafags allowed.
Post your favorite characters in each part
Because you're a faggot.
Koichi is better anyways because he isn't some trap faggot.
I still love Narancia though