thank you hiro, for finally showing us who was fucking up the board.
Thank you hiro, for finally showing us who was fucking up the board
Fucking Brazilposters, amirite?
fuck off, leaf
day of the rake when
I thought leafs mainly shitted up Sup Forums and Sup Forums, I never knew how much their shitposting spread. Seriously, day of the rake when?
Mexico has great taste though.
Too bad Ameri/pol/ bullied them a lot with the Trump thing.
>canada imports flips to work at tim hortons
>philippines and canada worst posters
Fucking flip timmie workers ruining canada's reputation
I still think Canadians are cool people.
Wait what? The Canadians shitposted the least.
Or is this one of those "everyone was shitposting Canada so we'll be ironic and say Canada is the shitposter" things like Sup Forums saying sonyggers are the worst?
People who shove shitty memes from other boards into Sup Forums?
>Sup Forums steals Sup Forums's 55555555
>Sup Forums is probably going to steal Sup Forums's 155555555 as well
>"wow I wonder why Sup Forums is so mad at Sup Forums :^)"
>not knowing Canada's and Australia's shitposting reputation
They are fucking awful. This is not ironic in the least.
>pol's worst shitposters are Canadian
>v's worst shitposters are Canadian
>a's worst shitposters are Canadian
I'm noticing a trend here
Where the fuck were you? Canada was being the most obnoxious.
It's the latter I think. I don't know about the Sup Forums thing though.
Can you not put two and two together? You over blow the Canadian population on the board.
You think it's a coincidence there is a huge amount of South American posters and ridiculous amounts of Dragon Ball posting and the like?
this desu
whats this about?
Delete canada
I didn't find them being obnoxious, just numerous. And they seemed stereotypically polite.
I found the more obscure countries to shitpost more.
Australians are NOT shitposters.
I just want my opinion to be equally weighed with everyone else instead of being called a "shitposter".
Were /mlpol/ and /spa/ the only merged boards? I had work all day so I didn't even get to participate in the fun.
That Sup Forums's worst shitposters browse Sup Forums and Sup Forums?
Sup Forums won't do dick
76/sp/ you have to worry about stealing 155555555
Canada always has been and always will be the best at funposting.
To non-Canadians, you might think its just simple shitposting, but to us, it's our hope and dreams. It's the distilled essence of fun. We live and breath to funpost.
Just use a proxy then meighty
>We live and breath to funpost.
meant to say breeth, forgot how to spell for a sec
And Sup Forums.
I kinda sorta REALLY ticked them off recently when I OBLITERATED Kek, so they MIGHT want to do something MAYBE.
>the keit-ai spammer is from the Philippines
I think the reason Sup Forums gets mad at Canadians is because they take themselves too seriously. I guess it can't be helped since it's politics.
I'm actually a Mexican, and I hate Latin American Sup Forumsnons with their obsessions with big tits, T H I C C asses and shit.
I like pure, DFC lolis.
>they fear the leaf
C'mon guys, it's just a leaf from a tree you can find anywhere
But who the hell cares I'll be surprised if the thread lives past 100 posts
explain the canada meme you cucks
apparently Sup Forums found out that all the SJWs and liberal posting came from leafs. Safe to say if hiro ever put in flags their reputation is beyond repair.
Can we just agree that USA posters were the worst? They will probably call me a spic or a mad leaf but it is the truth.
They were coming into threads of all different countries and acting all smug with the "lel speak english xd" shit.
>Ridiculous prime minister
>Freezing cold six months out of the year
>No free speech
>Full of homosexuals
>Not expecting Canadians to want to destroy the universe in revenge
Heh... misery loves company... and maple syrup.
>KoG is a Canadian who wants revenge on those who call him out on his shitposting
Why am I not surprised?
Leaf here I was shitposting non stop in like 36 different /spa/ threads at a time but that was only for today while flag was up. We are generally not shitposter except in times like this, sorry if we offended you.
>Self-hating Mexicans
You have to go... somewhere
>Sup Forums canadians are SJW's
>apparently since Sup Forums has canadians, they are SJW's too
>KoG's post in the screencap has an American flag
Sup Forums's too fucking dead to steal anymore gets
Maybe you should speak English on an English-speaking imageboard, ESL.
that all i'm saying, every board that got flags are discussing it right now and complaining about Canadians is a common thing. Some of you guys were all right, the majority however aren't.
>tfw mexicowtit gf
>mfw only love the dfc
I saw /ic k/ /co ck/ and /c an/
Having to sit out in -35 weather (fuck the windshield especially) is gruelling. My nose was numb for 2 hours in my house and my fingers were fucked
Fuck winter honestly
>worrying about offending people on a Tahitian paper craft enthusiast forum
>Following a year of terrorist attacks carried out by radical Muslims, it is now illegal to criticize Islam
It's hard not to hate them. Matthew Perry should've bullied Trudeau more.
You and everyone in this thread should fuck off back to their boards.
I feel like they should do more board mergers in the future. It's pretty fun.
Nobody is stupid enough to fall for a proxy when the poster's identity is clear.
The hell you on bro?
And don't come back.
Shit I missed it.
You sure did.
Well aren't you Miss Forceful?
Canadians were ok on Sup Forums.
They revealed their true face on Sup Forums though.
Yeah was too serious, sorry about that.
So, is this going to be the new shitposting trend?
April fools was a mistake.
I'm a monkey by the way, not even a leaf, dont make me fling my shit at you.
Leaf Inquisition, when?
Hiro should range ban Canada for a day and see how much Sup Forums improves and if it does make it permanent.
>all this flag-related shitposting
>when the boards were separated already
As if we needed even more crossboarders shitting up the board
Wait what'd I miss? I only saw some of the boards merged earlier.
Yeah, sadly. What's even worse is that the canucks weren't even the biggest shitposters, there was just a ton more of them than anyone expected.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums got flags, every country was fine for the most parts. Canadians got found out shitting up both Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
Sup Forums had flags. It was awful.
just canada being canada on Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Canada was a mistake.
See for yourself
so many el salvador posters I never expected to see.
Also shoutouts to the cardinal posting from the vatican city, if that wasn't a proxy
The cancerous tripfags are all spics and SEA monkeys, as are most of the worst posters (some flips and Malaysians were cool). The people who like the DBS manga are all in fact Mexicans. There are like 4 Germans here, and they're all bros. Spics and Arabs are actual pedophiles. The mods ruining the board are indeed yurifags. Couldn't find an IBO or MP thread to find out where the tumblr fujo are from. Crackkun is somehow American despite typing like a third worlder. There are like 6 Brazilians who just wanted to talk about anime but felt bad about their flags. And of course, the newfag liberals crying about Sup Forums the hardest and shitting up literally everything they touch are all fucking leafs. I think that's everything.
Oh great, more cancerous meaningless shitflinging that has fuck all to do with anime.
Ah. Yes, based on the few canadians I know I can see how that would be true.
Insane amount of Dubs confirms
There wouldn't be any shitflinging if you fucking monkeys stayed in the jungle where you belong.
Take your shit elsewhere.
Do we know where the tripfags and shit are from?
>Crackkun is somehow American despite typing like a third worlder
Kek. I need proof.
I did not witness one instance of latinos posting about Naruto or Dbz.
They were present in all threads.
t. latino
Why are you implying I'm a latino?
What does this have to do with the discussion?
You can go check the archive and find out for yourself that the DB threads were full of people who werent from here.
I'm a burger though.
shut the fuck up
>Do we know where the tripfags and shit are from?
Yes. marida fag is pinoy. Not a tripfag but that one namefag mihclon or something is also pinoy. There were quite a few others as well. Seriously, it's like most of the notable shitposters are actually pinoys.
I want to put my tongue inside Yui's anus!
If your insults don't have to do with a posters taste in anime or his apparent autism you can fuck right off.
Wait, did something happened while I was sleeping?
>most anti-Sup Forums autists are canadian
very interesting indeed
sounds like something a leaf would say.
We're not talking about anime right now you stupid fucking virgin, we're trying to improve the quality of this board
You sound butt devasted.
Its back to Sup Forums now, you can go back to Sup Forums user.