So do Shinobu and Araragi have a chance to end up together?

So do Shinobu and Araragi have a chance to end up together?

Yes. Crab and Araragi will eventually break up, it's just a natural progression of things and HS sweetheart couples rarely last (know this first hand, unfortunately). Ragi is also turned full vamp the last we see of him, and so he will likely become fully immortal like Kiss-shot. Once crab leaves, he and shinobu will have no reason not to dedicate their lives to each other.

Friendly reminder that Araragi is only allowed to make love with Hanekawa

Once everyone dies she is pretty much confirmed to win.

Why do you think Crab and Araragi will break up? They're the most canon couple in the world and have no chance of splitting apart.

Shinobu is sort of annoying and clingy and hates Araragi for putting her in the situation she's in right now

Hanekawa is a fake slut

Her breasts are disgustingly oversized in the movies.

>Hanekawa is a fake slut
The only thing stopping her from being a real one is Araragi's consent.

Not that user, but he said nothing about them breaking up. Crab and everybody else is going to die way before Araragi. It'll just be him and Shinobu left. They're destined.

They are more or less immortal. Gahara-san is nice, but her time is limited.

>Why do you think Crab and Araragi will break up?

h-he doesn't know

Araragi is a pussy

>Why do you think Crab and Araragi will break up? They're the most canon couple in the world and have no chance of splitting apart.

Well they did break up in the LN, 4 time at least, but they go back together everytime.

>Why do you think Crab and Araragi will break up?
Because Crab is a bitch and Araragi would rather spend time with anyone but her.


Yeah, it's not like they've been a couple near damn the entire fucking series. Fuck off, Shinobufag

>So do Shinobu and Araragi have a chance to end up together?
You mean they AREN'T already?

How much more "together" can they be, if their very souls are linked? They more inseparable than actual married couples. Hanekawa could have Araragi's penis inside her, and she would still not be closer to Araragi than Shinobu is every second of every day.

I meant in a romantic sense. Soul-connected doesn't really count since they're forced into that situation

It's not really forced when Araragi can kill Shinobu if he wants too. He willfully chooses not to kill her or try to dig too deep on what he really feels for Shinobu. Even though he has Crab he still is cheating on her with his bond with Shinobu. Araragi will never be fully faithful to Crab as long as Shinobu exists and I doubt he would ever get rid of her even if Crab told him too.

>Cheating on Crab with Shinobu
Fairly certain their relationship is more sibling like. Also, I don't think Crab hates Shinobu

They are pretty much a couple in name only. Even if they weren't Ararararagi is going to outlive Crab.

A sibling like relationship means sex for the Koyomis

rello heddit

I think Shinobu is more of a sidechick with yandere tendencies
(like Sekai from School Days)

>Araragi will never be fully faithful to Crab as long as Shinobu exists and I doubt he would ever get rid of her even if Crab told him too.
Crab made it clear that she loves the man who goes around saving everyone. And that she would not want that man to stop being who she is.

...Except for Math. Crab just really, REALLY hate Math. Math is the only girl Crab couldn't tolerate, and for reasons only known to herself.

>They are pretty much a couple in name only. Even if they weren't Ararararagi is going to outlive Crab.
What is this insane culture about "out-living"?

Do you actually believe that the surviving spouse should be entombed alive with their dead partner? Am I back in the Ancient Era?

Autism speaks.