What would a religion constructed by Sup Forums be like?
I've been thinking about this for a few months about what would be the optimum religion designed to encourage people to live as happy a life as is possible while at the same time being as ironclad as possible as far as Jewish subversion.
What would be some hard tenets or laws in such a religion?
What would a religion constructed by Sup Forums be like?
Other urls found in this thread:
Who is this and does she have a penis?
Another question would be, whether or not this religion would be evangelized toward all different races.
This has historically caused Europeans nothing but problems, but if you had a religion that explicitly outlawed the idea of racial mixing or even living together in the same towns, it could perhaps be a different story.
Why bother with a religion if you don't believe in god?
first you have to tell me who the girl is
I think all of Sup Forums is committed to upholding values in the face of decadence. Other than that, our religion is well known to be memes.
Well for starters, we wouldn't need to construct anything. We have Catholicism, which is bad news for you. Those who share and watch porn will be stoned.
Sauce please.
Christy marks you underaged faggots
religion is for the meek
pol wants to be meek
time to start a new chan, with an obligatory IQ test to be able to participate into our discussions
The website could be a little more welcoming and informing..
>High IQ
Choose one.
>evangelized toward all different races
>This has historically caused Europeans nothing but problems
You mean with that native European religion which we exported?
>protip: try harder
All I saw was a pdf of a rambling manifesto with anime tiddies.
Basically, literalist Lutheranism.
Reverse image search says it’s Bridgette Fonda, and yes, she has a penis.
Romulus and Remus are proof that milkies will make you kill kings
169, polderpannekoek
I'll just air some ideas about this topic.
For a constructed religion I think the way to go would be to create a cultural institution which makes no claims beyond being a benefit to the order of society. It's self-aware in that sense. Sure, it would could have a mythological pantheon, they could be Odin and Thor or whoever but the point is not that they are supernatural beings which grant you favour nor does it make any claim to the existence of these characters. If people believe that they're real, that's fine, but the point is that they're ideals. They embody the epitome of human strength, will and morality. You "worship" them in the sense that you want to emulate them and earn the respect and admiration of your fellow citizen.
Belonging to this religion would be cultural and not based on faith.You cannot deconstruct the religion through skepticism because it knows it isn't "real". It is friendly to fedora-tipping enlightened atheists because it's upfront about what it is: A unifying ideology attempting to create a common experience and understanding which improves the moral behavior and trust in your fellow citizens.
Any cultural practices you develop from this would just be, to put it very mundanely, "team-building". Going to a church like-event or doing any other ritual is really just about bringing people together, not about appeasing gods or whatever.
Each "God" could represent various virtues. Courage, compassion, intelligence, masculinity, femininity, loyalty etc. such that people can identify with the virtues and understand them in context of each other rather than put them up against each other. One needs masculinity and femininity. One is not directly inferior or subservient to another. They're essential for a harmonious society. Just as a means to insulate against radical feminism.
Just some thoughts.
By Sup Forums it'd be all white worship.
In the begining there was Europe and it was good and everyone else was niggers.
Monarchism is the way of the past and the future, modeled after heavenly hierarchy. Smart people should know that communism and nazism are meme-tier believes.
mental and physical slavery
basicly religionbased dictatorhip (who do you thinks crowns kings)
everything is a deathsentence
sure buddy
A Sup Forums religion would be a rehash of naturalistic pagan myths devoid of any idealistic impulse beyond purity. It would inspire men to become more like animals rather than to become more than men.
Good ideas, I definitely want idealism to be a part of it even if for no other reason that it is antithetical to Jewish pozz of deconstructing all beauty until it's just a bunch of ugly abstract garbage.
I agree. Progressiveness is best carried forward by royals, who have become enlightened in progressivism and Fabianism at Europe's best schools.
How about a religion which considers the creation of children to be an overriding ethical imperative?
What Is the name of that statue?
>a religion constructed by Sup Forums
It's already a thing.
And it sucks
they are so progressive they start to make brown babies now
I'm a leaf, but some Sup Forumsacks have to put together a squad and infiltrate this shit. Remember the pizzagate bullshit to catch the blackmailed pedos in government? This is how Sup Forums will do it. We've got dudes who spotted Shia's flag on a secluded farmstead in rural
America. This is next step.
Kek, I'm not talking about those cucks. I'm talking new dynasties with old ideas! Catholicism, noble kings and small, mostly self governing communities to create a sense of tribe identity resulting in people being more honest and good towards each other.
It can't be completely ''deconstructed'' though. Even if it was true that rituals might be ''team-building'' to an outside perspective, it's gay to talk about ''team-building'' as an end in itself. Participation in rituals would be definitely be a big part though. Some elements of idealism have to be a part of it. Pure materialism to cater to skeptics can't be the source of a religion.
If I were to construct a religion, blood would play a big part of it. Blood is real, it exists. It symbolizes the continuity between ancestors and descendants. Blood is what bonds relatives and our extended family, race. Miscegenation would be the worst imaginable sin. The religion would honestly admit to be a successor to pagan-christian heritage of Europe and not deny that they existed.
you can't see it but you are just an autistic kiddo thinks is cool be in the """"Wrong"""" side but you just can't think with your own head
if pol would construct a religion it would probably be something like islam without the degeneracy or a superior version of islam.
It would be actual evangelism.
> read Gospel (aka Evangelion)
> actually discuss it instead of listening to JIDF-preacher talmudic quotes
There's truth in them there trips.
>What Is the name of that statue?
It's called 'fuck off snake', carved by the same guy that made 'fuck off babies'.
I see you are a man of culture as well.
We made this last year: Kekism
Plebbit tried to fuck it up with that kekistani bullshit.
case in point:
>"I'm roughly 0.1% to 0.2% jewish according to the DNA research I've done on myself and my family. Thus I'm Jewish"
Get fucked schlomo.
holywood kingdoms and the round table fantasies....
ohdear ohdear...
you'd be dead in the first week if you had a timemachine ^^
Glad you noticed, I try my best.
The Middle Ages are over, we are civilised now. Perfect society doesn't exist but we can make it better.
>telling others they are kiddos
Well, it was just putting it in the most mundane terms I could. Take christmas for example. Many atheists actually approve of the tradition. A time of generosity, family, putting stars in your windows and christmas lights everywhere.
Yes, there's a story about a saint being born going along with it, but whether that's true or not is really irrelevant. The fact that this tradition exists is an expression of our culture and is motivating individuals to embody virtues we deem desirable. It is creating a common experience and understanding between people who participate in this tradition. It stretches back many many years and by participating you're keeping a torch alive that has lasted for generations, making you a part of something grander than yourself.
That's really the point IMO. Put in a mundane way, it's just team-building. But put in another way everyone understands the culture they're a part of because they're sharing the same experience and as such they understand their fellow citizen a little more.
yes like that rastaking in the walking dead..
new dynasty with old ideas
new dynasties with old ideasyou said it yourself.
and no gundam kingdoms is just the same as the old kingdoms, might even be worse with new tech.
wanting a king to serve who is crownd by a religious person = cuckery
prins van oranje did not faught for this according to your historybooks.
but we actually do know it's for that good old power.
Hercules fighting Achelous in the Louvre.
It'd be an ethnocentric belief in your race as a living organism that you belong to and have a duty to uphold it's preservation, growth, and wellbeing. Your immortality is being a part of your race and thus you should plan in the long term for it so that you might live on.
Lots of parables and shit about ant colonies, wolf packs, orca pods, geese flying in a V, etc. Except with an emphasis on humans being that and also individualistic and deserving individual rights as long as nobody acts against the race. Humans get to be special because that'll make everyone feel better. Your race gets to be even more special.
It showed up on my grandmother's DNA test, not mine. That still makes me a kike right? :3
Positive Christianity.
I talk about this in my book for a bit.
National Socialism could work if our Christian God is placed above the state.
De Prins was a power hungry heretic. In this mondern day and age people are free from superstition, are well educated and know their rights. A king would be wise to respect these kind of people. A good king knows he should surround himself by good guidance if it comes to matters of economic, social or problems of the faith. Not every good listener is a ruler but every good ruler is a good listener a king. A king wouldn't be as controversial as many think, but a symbol of conservatism, authority and unity. It is the best way.
Which destroys the idea of fascism. So what you are saying is that National Socialism could work if it wasn't National Socialism.
Since it is passed maternally yes. In short either gas yourself or never return here again which ever is cheaper for you isaac.
OP I've also been thinking about this recently, and my thoughts are as follows. (I'll use the term 'discipline' instead of 'religion', for reasons which may become apparent)
>be strongly linked to European history, and so shared White/European identity.
>something that white Christians and white Agnostics can both identify with - so it wouldn't be conditional upon a belief or non-belief in metaphysical concepts like afterlife, a God, etc a person could be completely Agnostic about such things, yet still identify with this discipline.
>that involves a study of all major historical movements/influences in European thought - the Greeks, Christians, Romans, Pagans, Enlightenment, Philosophy, Literature, the Scientific Method etc...
>that uses storytelling
>includes knowledge about Political theories and Psychology
>involves gatherings of some kind to socialize and build communities
>A strong focus on Family
>aesthetic, buildings, art, music
>not interested in evangelizing to non-ethnic Europeans.
I guess a kind of "trans-disciplinary European Esotericism" - but ideally without the "new-age" "spiritualist" and pseudo scientific stuff that puts so many more rational and secular people off - yet still open enough to the spiritual that a Christian/God-believer could identify with it (alongside their religious faith).
We would worship a jew.
>does she have a penis
Are you Jewish perchance
fairytail kingdoms
people back then knew their wrights werry well too and they could count them on one finger, maybe one hand depending the tollerance and wellwillingness of a king.
that 80-90% tax keeping you from progress dwindeling in stagnatism must be sweet, isn't it?
only participating in wars for a chance of loot could give you the chance of improvement.
No dear pannekoek, peasants will remain peasants no matter how sweet king's honey drips.
Behead yourself, Poncho.
It vaguely reminds me of Christian Liberation Theology for some reason.
surrogacies central. why are you posting tits. we are men. no women allowed
Pedo Gay priests
Worships a dead Jew.
Bible is the most Jewed book in World.
European royal family mixed with Rothschilds Jews.
>Mutt royality
Enjoy your mutt princess.
Kek was a Evil god just like Satan in the Egyptian mythology.
Viking/Roman larping is silly
Pedo & Goat Fucking?
Most of is bullshit. But there is some truth behind it.
Don't waste your time this is just pilpul, or disingenuous arguing. The person in question doesn't really care about what they are talking about and only care about mucking things up.
They know natsoc ideology is popular here and by appealing to they think they can gain ground to spout their retarded shit to divide and potentially conquer this hell hole.
>le reply to everyone to get you's man
Here's your (You) faggot
Don't you have a child sex slave you need to go pimp or something?
10/10 would read this book.
First of all, there no longer are peasants. Second of all, we have perfectly healthy tax system as it is now, why do you think a modern day king would just throw that all away and adopt a system from medieval times?
Now who is living in a fairytale world? Show some sense of reality!
Hermetic Gnosticism.
>It'd be an ethnocentric belief in your race as a living organism that you belong to and have a duty to uphold it's preservation
It suddenly occurs to me that we can use the Left's new-found insistence upon tolerating religious belief against them by simply declaring our belief in race a matter of religious faith.
>Christian God is placed above the state
in national socialism there is no place for middleeastern religion.
blood soil honor loyalty.
adoring a foreign god is treason, because you listen to that foreign god's laws and not those of your own people.
>national socialism = fascism
no, it's not.
Bonus is that you get to abuse the same non-profit status that so many other groups use and if we play our cards right we might one day become a protected group.
Potayto-potahto, who cares?
>Bonus is that you get to abuse the same non-profit status that so many other groups use and if we play our cards right we might one day become a protected group.
(just kidding leafbro)
It's Christy marks
>there no longer are peasants
where do you think your food comes from?
we are not in startrek yet..
>we have perfectly healthy tax system as it is now.
you are deviating, you want a kingdom with old ideas, this is how it works, why do you think people revolted back then? why do you think people started to write charters? why do you think we have parlements now? your kingdoms now are a parlement with a king on premium wellfare checks symbolicly snipping ribbons.
do you know how a kingdom works? you slay everything around you, you burn opposing villages to the ground even for just one rebel, keeping your population down, bribing your friends and neighboors into loyalty and "friendship" because they could murder you in your sleep and tax everything to death to keep your population down to a managable passive herd of sheep.
>can see feet but not the toes
fucking tease. is there a video or something?
>who cares?
that's exactly the reason why this world is turned into shit.
I like the way you're thinking.
It seems many of us have been thinking about the need to find some truce or alliance between Agnostic and Religious Westerners.
would've been perfect if i hadn't forgotten the image
>right click on image
>select "search google for image"
as a king you are actually nothing more than a gloryfied landlord trying to keep your treasury full to keep your friends and other competition at bay. and be someone of good genetics, because you better bribe someone with a daughter of good breedingmaterial
probably some sort of homosexual version of islam because Sup Forums is full of retarded faggots
it would be hypsistarianism.
to follow what is 'most high'.
Not in a Nietzschean might makes right sense, but in a more nuanced honor, tradition, family, and virtue are the only things worth living for sense.
If you boil down Christianity and the European spirit you arrive at the same type of rugged individualist sense of propriety and justice.
not the individualism that is so weak it does not judge but the individualism which is so strong it would be heresy to not declare oneself the judge
You are assuming the left acts according to their own logic. Fact is that the left doesn't have any logic, they don't care for religious believes, they just want to feel better than everyone else because they support minorities. Even if the white race would lose its status as majority in Europe/America they would continue to discriminate and hate us as our mere skin colour would remind them of fascism. Not to mention the remaining whites would form the upper 1% because niggers are unable to get wealthy doing normal work (meaning anything else than sports and entertainment). We would basically become the new Jews.
Does the 0.2 shekels come with benefits or it is a per post kind of deal isaac? Also the book was that a team build exercise or did you cook that up?
it actually started as a dungeon&dragons boardgame but ended up as a religion ..
good teambuild is good teambuild
Old ideas = God, conservatism and women making sandwiches again.
The origins of the kings as we know them comes indeed from glorified landlords, but those are origins. The title evolved into something entirely different. The king is supposed to provide stablity and order, to guide his people to prosperity and to put his loyalties to God and his people, in that order.
If you think this is fairytale material, you are wrong. Kings like these can and do exist, as long as they believe in the cause. Hitler was basically a king in everything but name and he did pretty well in the beginning.
>goliath&david boardgame...
>Hi newfriend on this board we have ids to prevent samefagging!
>Please be courteous to your fellow posters and remember to have fun!
>Shadilay my fellow anons!