Can we have flags
Can we have flags
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I'd like that
No, go away with your flags.
Go home already.
pls give us flags hiro. That shit was enlightening.
The fl/a/g
Fuck off crossboarder.
Having flags won't make the third-world secondaries go away.
The triangle in which was used in WW3 to gas all the weebs.
Hahaha just kidding
Thread theme?
no, but at least we know now it's Canadians who shitpost the most here.
>fucking leaf dethroned the cunts
what went wrong with Australia?
They were outnumbered, and the Australians were far more amusing with their shitposting.
Thanks, i was just thinking of giving one to you too!
I like flags but I think it's not fit for Sup Forums
You two 'gon fuck or what?
They might need someone on standby to help if there are any problems, they seem to be into breathplay, and that can be dangerous.
>tumblr filename
Only for Canadians
Fuck off and kill yourself Sup Forumsddit.
Flags on Sup Forums would serve literally no purpose other than enabling shitposting. They make sense on boards like Sup Forums where they discuss events in which national teams compete against each other, but on an anime board it won't add anything of value to the discussion.
It would only make this board worse.
This is just a necklace right?
also places like /trv/ don't have flags
they want only to shitpost major boards, flag enablers don't care about the site.
What everyone should take out of today's little prank: every 10 threads asking what anime to watch or what anime it's from, 9 out of 10 times it's probably from Canada.
hell yeah, nazism wooooo!
>leafs are responsible with most of the horrible posts on all boards
>Singapoors make good drawfags
There were things to be learned.
>Singapore anons
They could be more rich than a real non-bitcoin /biz/raeli.
I am going to miss vatican posting on Sup Forums oh well
I'm loving it. Thank you very much
tu Singapoor yg post kat Sup Forums, cina kaya maen facebook instagramm utk show off alat kelamin
Shut up
Except me right?
When you finish, mind helping me tie mine up? I keep falling
Sup Forums needs flags. This way the BRs can stop blending in and we can really tell where all these bad taste threads are coming from. Then we can just use filters on flags.
Flags were a mistake. I'll never be able to post without being reminded of all the South Americans on this board.
Having flags will make it so we can filter their posts, though.
I guarantee if flags were up and you ran a filter for Canadians, the quality of this place would go up 10 fold.
Flags only disturb discussion because they make people judge posts not neutrally but within the context of the flag it was made with.
They are antithetical to anonymity.
Flags on Sup Forums would just be depressing. I don't want to be consciously aware of the fact that I'm surrounded by leafs.
Quebec here, agreed.
Yes its great way for shitposters to use anonymity to gain credibility for their shitposting.
Boards with flags have a lot more shitposting than Sup Forums.
Why are there almost no flags in this thread?
I don't mind if they bring them back, except for the "patriot americans" everything else was just normal.
Fuck off
you need gold pass to see them
I want the ISIS and Nazi flags back.
>a fucking leaf
>poo in loo
>build wall
On the other hand it's nice to know the person you're discussing something with wasn't educated in a shack with no power or running water.
you're first
>they make people judge posts not neutrally
So what people do right now?
no canada, you go first
Don't you have some drugs or coffee to sell?
what was this tripcunt's flag?
Shut up you monkey huehue
Exactly my point. Flag shitposting is so boring and unoriginal.
Looks like a gay captain haddock
Go back to MAL.
Ids too. I'm sick of samefags pretending to be different people like Yuipollfag.
Flags ruin boards so badly, Christ.
And thk
Anyone got other tripfags?
All tripfags are shitskins.
No thanks.
It's irrelevant and we all know shitposters and faggots are all Canadians or hue.
Their bandwidth couldn't keep up.
Who are these tripfag shitskins? That's only one.
Flags are not Anime nor Manga related and therefore add nothing to the discussion of Anime and Manga. If anything it would cause an increase in the amount of threads purged due to Autism.
Huehue gibe me (You) plis
Huehue gibe me (You) plis
We should get flag for autism at very least
>most tripfags and namefags are predominantly filipino
Where's your proof? I don't really believe that claim.
Bad idea, when Sup Forums got flags it made me shitpost much harder. It would be a disaster for Sup Forums.
Mari okada fag was flip
That's only one you dunce, one is not "most".
Your post backs up the cognitive bias because of flags. So if you don't give me more, you basically prove flags are the reason shitposting thrives.
Most shitposters are leafs
I know ruri's flag.
Found the flip shitskin
>moving the goalposts
Yes, basically you admit that your opinion of "most tripfags/namefags are filipino" is false, correct?
Post pics
Flip spotted
>no proof
I rest my case on why flags are terrible, you people have shown it with your replies.
MKL has said on several occasions that he's a flip though.
You're talking to a different person
>South Americans
There's TOO many fucking Canadians.
Wait, were there flags yesterday?
Shit, I missed it.
the boards are still up
>Sup Forums tripfags are from third world shitholes
Not surprised.
Says the leaf.
I'd rather just rangeban Canada and South America