Wish Upon a Pleiades

>14 years old
>kisses a boy and enters a lifelong monogamous relationship with him
>is going to lose her virginity to him before her 15th birthday, and will have had sex with him over a thousand times before her 16th

Why do people like this girl again?

I preferred the twintail one.

Also it was never explicitly stated that Minato was a boy.

Subaru is great. I don't even mind her love for minato. they were cute together.

Somtimes a relationship is so pure and wonderful that it can make your heart flutter just watching it.

this is one of those cases.

that's how anime works you dolt

>When they were jumping through the void
>and not getting closer to their objective even though they were billions of lightyears away from any mass at all
>and they jumped so far and so many times that finding earth again would be nearly impossible if they were to get lost.

Gave me chills to be honest.

For the number of times a girl's had sex to reach the five digit mark by age 20? No, I think your girl Subaru is just kind of a whore, user.

She is gonna rape his comatose body?

Because she's 14 years old.

i would not mind taking Subarus virginity

I think you might be alone there, user.