Post series that seem to completely lose their appeal after you have fapped.
Post series that seem to completely lose their appeal after you have fapped
that thing didn't have any appeal to begin with
Which Saekano have you blown the most loads to? Utaha for me even though I fucking hate her.
Utaha and I fucking love her
I deliberately don't watch this show because I am afraid that the show's shittiness will ruin these three characters for me.
Haremshit? No thanks
To Love Ru. I've picked up so many times when I'm horny only to drop it after an episode or two.
every harem or shows that consists of cute girls only (love live etc)
ZnT and Nisekoi, best fappable girls especially Marika.
Same old ships different day
Utaha, guess i am M byheart
all of them
This, there's just no point since the girls are the only substance the series has anyway.
This is how I optimize my consumption of anime. Masturbate to cute girls from trash series and actually watch the few series per season that are worth it.
i watched 4 episodes of Nazo no Kanojo
then i fapped, now i dont watch it anymore
I can't watch shit like IdolM@ster for this same reason.
I don't want to watch a cast of generic girls being generic. I want a story. If there's a harem, great. Story & characters come first though.
There could be better pairings.
Fine. Pick one.
Not allowed.