Shinji and Asuka are getting married!
Shinji and Asuka are getting married!
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That's not Asuka though. That's Maya
Phone corrected.
I will marry Mari!
Friendly reminder that after auska was resurrected by Rei the phrase "I feel sick" was referring to morning sickness and that auska was impregnated against her wishes by Rei.
In terms that you may be more familiar with auskafags were literally cucked by Rei.
P.S. sage in every field
wait, thats not asuka
I still never understood why some people thought it was wrong to date a 6th grader when I was a junior.
I still never understood why it wasn't alright to date a freshman when I was 24 getting my MBA.
For fucks sakes, the age difference between my mom and dad is 14 years. That was like 5 and 8 years difference.
That happened to me once. True story!
She just got a haircut.
should i bother with that game? i saw the scene when mana is naked and fapped to it !
You're an idiot.
Great, now they can become a dysfunctional couple, Asuka will yell at him 24/7, posibly get physical, and once Shinji gets sick of it and raises his hand on her because he doesn't know what else to do since he can't talk to anyone while maintaining eye contact, he will get the stick for being an "abusive husband" and will get to pay child support for his wife's son while Asuka spends the rest of her life blaming him for everything wrong she did in her life.
Marry and Asuka
Hot hatesex all night
Harem anime is shit
If the president can go 25 years younger, I don't see why I can't do HALF.
There's a difference between a 30 year old dating a 50 year old and a 30 year old dating a 5 year old user.
It's hard to put numbers or data on this kind of thing, but dating people who are substantially younger than you feels exploitive and ethically questionable.
Agree. I'm 19 and I wouldn't date even a 15 year old.
This is why I'm looking forward to the next Eva movie and always will.
Because it can't end any other way.
I feel sorry for you.
Who is this Mana girl?
>wanting to date someone younger than 18 when you're 18+
>wanting to date someone younger than 21 when you're 21+
It's like you want to just sideline your gf while you have fun doing anything they can't.
Mana has chestnut hair, Asuka has red hair.
What sort of faggot wouldn't have sex with Asuka
Don't stick your dick in crazy.
we need a edit with NO WAY FAG
The difference is 1billion dollars. It's ok when the rich do it.
The kind that is faithful to his waifu, maximus masochist faggotron.
My girlfriend.
Is she the girlfriend of steel or the iron maiden?
Soft pink is where it's at. Premium taste.
>Don't stick your dick in crazy.
Crazy is good.
The best girl
Shinji is so ugly. I hate him.
So true user, best pink is the culmination of a long and difficult search for purrrfection, I almost feel bad for the anons that fell for the obvious ill waifus.
I feel bad for the anons that think liking Mari is a meme/joke.
Dumb phoneposter
Pretty cute
They look so fucking ugly and creepy here
>Mari is a meme/joke
But she is. Even Sadamoto mentioned that she's useless. Anno added her in the first place because the producer wanted a new character. She has zero value.
They don't look like themselves. I should redraw this. This artist had better works, although they are mainly degenerate porn.
Reminder that Shinji is canonically heterosexual. He only ever had sexual fantasies about women.
>For you.
Fuck they're adorable together.
I love seeing Asuka genuinely happy for once.
Is this one any better?
And you should, drawfag user
RIGHT!? It's literally the cutest thing to come from Evangelion. Ever.
And the artwork goes between silly and adorable, which I love.
It's canon!
Mari and Asuka look cute together, they have a great dynamic and make a good team. Best ship.
>so many shitty baits ITT
At least try harder, pseudo-Marifags
And they've been sharing a bed for 14 years
Soon user, soon!
If we get a bunk bed cuddle scene, I'll die a happy man.
Sure user, you keep telling yourself that.
Have you seen the deleted scenes for 2.0? They were originally going to feed each other and Asuka was going to sit on her lap piloting the Eva together.
I did! Good god I would have loved that so much. At least now we know that Unit-02 and Unit-08 are going to be fused, so we still might see that!
Anno likes yuri so it seems likely
I'm not going to lie. But I LOVED Evangelion IMPACTS. It was painfully cute, amazingly innocent and heart achingly poignant.
I want them happy together
Literally a natural goddess.
Same. Asuka deserves her happy ending, and Mari should be the one to give it to her!
Lewd, but 100% agreeable.
Whoops, forgot pic.
What's that?
>all that samefagging
are you really that lonely?
It's a lovely Evangelion Short. Here you go, user.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep better user.
Fuck off Reifag
No we don't. Go fuck yourself.
Thanks for sharing user. I liked it even though I didn't really understand.
What don't you understand? I will explain if I'm able!
Are they from Tokyo 3? Are they moving because of the angels? Who was attacking with those tanks at the end?
They are indeed from Tokyo 3, her friends move away from the area because of the angel attacks. At the end, she's left on her own in a safety bunker while Zeruel and the Eva do battle outside. We are left to assume that she dies in the ensuing battle and/or impact event.
Meg is a shock value shitter, big surprise there.
Not a problem!
Too cute!
>There is actually people in this thread that don't like MarixAsuka
They just have shit taste, man. There is nothing that can be done.
>Asuka is going to get paired with Mari
>people still consider Asuka tsundere
True, but it's saddening.
Because she's not tsundere anymore if she's paired with Mari.
She can be!
Hitting a lover is hardly being tsundere, only shitty ones.
The picture was hardly representative of a characters personality user. Don't be silly.
that ends before the best part!
How was 3.0 such a fucking shit show. Fuck. I'm still disappointed
>How was 3.0 such a fucking shit show.
It wasn't.
When Asuka is being "tsundere" in fanart (mariXasuka), it usually consists of her using violence against her lover in an embarrassing situation. Good tsunderes get flustered, deny their feelings while blushing, hate when people don't say their name correctly and deny they want to see their lover ("I'm not particularly grateful or anything, I'm just being polite... okay!?")
Mari: "Time to suit up princess!"
Asuka: "I'm not a princess! My name is Asuka! A-S-U-K-A!"
Mari: "Whatever..."
something like that
It's what waifufaggotry will do to you, user. Anno rewrote Evangelion so that his favorite characters wouldn't be seen as shit any more, and to ruin Rei's character because he hated how she stole the spotlight.
He sold out Evangelion to see his characters higher on the popularity polls.
You're still alive?
There's plenty of stuff like that!
I'm just on my stupid laptop that doesn't have much art saved on it, sorry.