>I want to have some meat
What did she mean by this?
>I want to have some meat
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
She wants to have some meat.
It means she wants to have some meat, stupid
> design is literally young design but taller and with retarded hair extension
at least Atra was 10/10 milf
third for best berzerk gundam
RIP barby
This was unsatisfying and pointless as fuck.
Iok's death was the only exciting thing about it.
Anyone else thinks Gjallahorn probably rescued Flauros, Barbatos and Guison since it's too dangerous to let those mobile suits arround?
doujin with rustal and gaelio x julia when
Iok is not invited
I don't care what anyone says, Barbatos is one of my all time favorite Gundams. Not just the design, but the idea of a semi-sentient murder machine that doesn't resort to beam cannons to destroy mooks.
That last fight was absolutely savage, and for this show, that's saying something. I think I might actually buy Lupus Rex.
Is this the only Gundam TV series were the protagonists lose?
>Team Meat wins in the end
>best girl and best boy made it
Keikaku doori.
F for funny
I replaced Lupus Rex's arms with the regular Lupus and feet
It's the best design
>nothing bad happens but everything was pointless
Remove Iok from the show and at best the Jasley thing would've happened, but most of this leading to it was contrived.
All this fighting was resolved peacefully, all you had to do was kill three seven stars members and get Meatdad into power and keed Kudellia alive and everything ended on a really positive note.
The raid itself was half assed, all you needed was to missile and dansleif spam and same results happened, hell did anyone really need to die at this point outside of Mika and Akihiko, Gjallarhorn never bothered to chase them up.
I'd say they smashed them up.
They were already demolished.
Why did she survive?
What did she even achieve? What was the point of her character?
>Eugene made it
Fuck yeah
they did it
rustal btfo chcochar and kekkadon
>I can't read between lines.
Julietta is a gallant knight, an incarnation of Oscar, not a vulgar MILF.
No, fuck you. Fuck you and everything about you.
I wish they could clone you so your clones could get crushed to death again and again.
Eugene is getting cucked by a 4 year old.
I was going to say War in the Pocket, but then I remembered that it was an OVA.
And yes, it is the first one where the protag loses the final battle.
fucking whore
>monkey got more manly
>had to wait until Mika fucking went unconsious and even then he was still fighting better than most of the troops against him
Those special forces weren't so special man.
Hey kid wanna /ss/?
Im surprised Mika didnt bang Kudelia
>Hey Miss Kudelia weren't you linked to that terrorist group we nobly stopped?
>Hey aren't these guys also part of that group?
>Why are we working with you again?
Yeah, I'm with you. I really liked the first season and this one seemed to drag on, but this was a good ending. I like that they left enough plot points open for a sequel, either a movie, a season, or an OVA.
The entire time I wanted Rustal to die. I wanted Eugene or Kudelia to just shoot him in the face, but it would ruin everything they've worked for. Bittersweet.
>this bitch survives
>she gets the credit for killing Mika
>she becomes a hero and inherits Gjallarhjorn
Give me my twenty five weeks back.
He didn't but the kid probably will.
Rather leave Mars to its own devices and just not have any more serious trouble.
Least space rat issue is cutting down hard.
Jesus Ride
>grasp the future
>already trying to grasp dem titties
Merribit getting BLACKED was one of the best things to come out of S2.
>last minute /ss/
Truly, Julieta is the hero we needed.
Who is this cutie?
I don't remember her.
Gjallhorn no longer exists.It got disbanded.
Turn A is still the post Gundam show since UC, sadly.
>wearing Orga's scarf
>Gali was in a wheelchair because when Julietta visits him he can't walk straight for a week
Because everyone behind the scenes had her back, including Arbrau, Teiwaz, and Nobliss Gordon and the records documenting Tekkadan were all destroyed.
Even if Rustal knew, and I don't think he gave that much of a shit, he had to work with her because Gjallarhorn couldn't police the entire solar system anymore. He didn't reform Gjallarhorn because he wanted to, he did it because the seven stars were destroyed and they couldn't rely on their power to keep everyone else in check.
do you like it tender?
Sure thing bud.
Please tell me you're serious.
the only gundam I've ever watched
Iznario, pls.
She is the self-insert of Okada iirc.
best part is Iok didn't even need to die, he only did because he rushed in AGAIN
>this smug mofo is still out there chilling in the countryside and fapping to shota doujins
What the fuck?
Reminder that this pedo got off scotfree in the end
>iron blooded orphans
>they became little bitches in season 2 and gets finished off easily, Orga turned into a fucking joke
>Mikazuki and Guts end up being the only two with balls
>Kudelia is the one that fixes everything in the end
what was the point of it all?
>Ride is following the wrong path just like Orga
>that ass
The morale of the story is that power corrupts, but it's fine because you get off scotfree in the end.
So how long until Kudalia is pumping Akatsuki dry to get some of that Mikazuki bllood?
Implying he ever did anything wrong.
commentary on the orphens, juxtaposition with the other autistic midget pilot, UNDERSTANDING
Iok, on the other hand, was just there to remind people how retarded ghallahjorn nobility was
Wow that is some nice fanfiction
>everyone behind the scenes
Oh wait this is canon, everything interesting happens behind the scenes and makes everything okay
>implying she isn't already
>living the life
Fuck I'm jealous
10 years.
But Nobliss and Iok got killed
>Kudelia is the one that fixes everything in the end
>what was the point of it all?
Kudelia sugoi
he killed george soros, as long as he doesn't decide to go on a path of revenge against the prime minister of earth or whatever, he's not doing too bad
Nobliss had money not power. He wasn't the authority.
When is Choco-man say he his goals were to make everyone equal?
Now go watch SEED next ;)
The frog team made it.
Talking to his bride at one point about Agnika Kaieru
She's already doing it.
Why do you think the kid rushed to grope her tits?
> i want to be spoonfed on things already estabilished multiple times in the most blatant, unsubtle way possible, else i'm going to cry bad writing
jesus christ, did ou want another couple episodes of talking heads doing politics? there is literally nothing wrong with what happened, you're just cry because you were too busy bitching about okada to see what was going on in the actual show
>Oh wait this is canon, everything interesting happens behind the scenes and makes everything okay
They already established that Arbrau was working on granting them more freedom, and that all those major players were backing her for their own purposes.
Earth purposely kept the economy of Mars down so they could get cheap resources. The whole reason she went to Earth to begin with was to open things up.
IBO in general has some the best Mecha design I have ever seen. It's a damn shame it's over.
did we ever see vidar walk on earth
What absolute trash this was. It's only redeeming feature was adult Ride.
They announced a new Gundam during Anime Japan, right?
He could get up from the cockpit when he went to confront McGillis.
Plus artifical gravity is gravity.
Better then AGE
MUCH Better then Seed and Seed Destiny
Better then G-Reco
Enjoyed it more then 00, Wing
Better then GBFT
>No beamspam.
>Good MS designs.
>Main character that didn't change in S2 and decide to stop killing people.
>Good soundtrack.
Hey now, we could still get a Calamity War spin-off. There's sixty-seven more gundams we haven't seen (assuming they don't count the manga ones) in a setting of post-apocalyptic hell.
It could happen.
I didn't like it.
I loved it.
Why aren't you guys appreciating the SFX of this series? It's one of the things I can praise about this series aside from the mech design
Best moment of the episode.
we see vidar in a wheelchair on earth
Jesus you guys are desperate to defend this trash heap
Were they good? I didn't notice.
>the howl when Lupus Rex dove at the enemy MSs
It was both cheesy and awesome at the same time.
It wasn't even that impressive. Try 00 for amazing production value.
This is some of shittiest taste I've ever witnessed on Sup Forums or /m/. Please consider uninstalling your life. Forever. Do us a favour.
So, what's the monkey's backstory.
I guess since she had no deathflags, they didn't need to flashback on her life under Galan.
So are Gaelio and Julietta fucking?