>Vol 11 was delayed
>it was a piece of shit
>Vol 12 was delayed
This volume is also going to be a piece of shit, right? Fucking Watari hack can't meet the deadline despite having 2 fucking years to write it
Japs will eat that shit up regardless of the quality. Westerners are the ones that are particular about how shit the latest volume is.
I suka Saika
>implying Sup Forums is not going to eat that shit regardless of the quality
>implying the cancerous waifufags would care about the ending as long as their waifu wins
What amazes me is how can people still care about this shitest
He is delaying it so he can sell more merchandise before releasing a half-assed ending and killing the series off
I'm still here because of the shitposting
I'm still here because I unironically like it.
Is there really no hope? I know the LNs aren't masterpieces of literature, but I was hoping for a satisfying ending at least.
I just want everyone to be unhappy and for 8man to do fuck everything up, making folks either hate or avoid him. His autistic problemsolving is what made the series interesting.
I hope Iroha wins
i hope you and her get ran over by a truck
for fun
Yukino will win, now you can fuck off cancer
I didn't even know Vol 11 was out, I read the first 10 after watching the anime and completely forgot about it
I share your fever dream, it would hilarious, but we've always known Watari's just going to go with the predictable first girl route.
It wouldn't be so lame if he hadn't pretty much slaughtered Yukino as a character last volume. Even Yui with her negative chances looks more appealing after that shitfest.
Yukino turned shit once she started going dere
All Japanese authors are naturally lazy pieces of shit. Once they have enough financial stability to live comfortably they start making hiatuses and neglecting their work.
It should've ended at Volume 10.
>Yfw Hayato wins
He's Chad, of course he's won.
I'm fucking mad that Yahari's reduced to shitposting.
I hate LNs that drag on.
I hope you mean Hayato wins the Yumiko.
Yumiko wins nothing but loneliness
What a shame. She deserves a happy ending
No she doesn't, she's a total cunt
Pic related is the only total cunt
That's not the school festival girl
Did they release like a teaser or preview for what will happen in vol 12?
Sagami dindu nuffin wrong
No. Volume 12 gets released in a couple of weeks so it's not that long of a wait
I meant like a summary description? You know, like the ones you tend to see at the back of a book.
The other LNs have them on the websites like weeks before the volume is released.
I dunno. Given that WW is a lazy bitch, I expect one to be up mere days before 12 is released
>No. Volume 12 gets released in a couple of weeks so it's not that long of a wait
You don't know, do you? It was delayed again, user..
So it's not coming out on the 18th?
Nope, it was removed from the site on 31th with some other novel, so most likely it's not a joke. Other than that we know shit.
Should have expected that
Saika won, just received a call from WW.
but user that would be the best option and everyone knows the best option never happens
yes. That's why Iroha has no chance
Iroha is shit tho
out of the three best girls she's the worst
Reminder that hachiman is the best hunter.
Reminder that hachiman x ryuu is best ship.
Reminder that Tiona-chan a is a fucking cute.
This just proves that the Japs are a bunch of hacks. I mean, how hard is it to write a novel with 200 pages
/fitlit/ stay away
Reminder that he's also a fucking wizard.
Reminder that you're not funny and nobody cares. Now fuck off.
Orimoto is a total Bro, and a great support and range type.
WW here, the entire novel is 2,500 pages of 8man tenderly stuffing in Saika's shithole.
What the fucking fuck did you just say about me you little bitch.
Totsuka isn't the only white haired Shota trap who he would destroy, with tender loving.
fuck off faggot
user this board is home to much more faggots than you think
boipussi my man
get a load of this faggot
I know right, the correct pronunciation is boi-Pucci.
Also, Hachiman is fucking sexy.
who drew this it looks like shit
Who cares? He has moved on to superior projects like Quality Code & Gi/a/rlish Number.
>Also, Hachiman is fucking sexy.
Nice try Saika, we can tell that it's you posting
stop feeding her
So he moved from shit onto shit
I don't care who wins the 8manbowl as long as it isn't Yuki. Yuki a shit.
>IMPLYING that you need to be a girl to find Hachiman attractive.
Wew lad
I got your ending right here.
what if user was talking about the poster and refering to user as a her and not saika
I'd be very open to sensei getting lung cancer
when will saika fuck a rabbit?
>not knowing that everyone on Sup Forums is a little girl
I'd want him to pork your mom that way he can go into even bigger shit
i want to rub my sperm in his eyes
you can only do that if you're 8man
I agree, bitch never even apologized for running him over.
And, on their first meeting, with her being completely aware of this being the boy that she ran over, bitch starts insulting him and acting like it's a fucking privilege to exist in the same world as her, fucking bitch.
Ryuu Lyon on the other hand is someone comeletly supportive of Hachiman, and has forced him to realize that he IS someone worth loving.
>saved from the last thread i was in
The girls will eventually find some other guys, once they realize working so hard on a single cynical reprobate is really a waste of effort.
Yukino eventually meets an upper-class guy like herself, dates him, and they marry shortly after college. Her husband goes on to take a sinecure in a company, and they have a daughter.
Yui meets a boy on the college football team who is cheerful and outgoing, and she eventually settles down to have a surprising two kids with him.
Hachiman drops out of college, eventually becomes a NEET, then takes a low-effort job to go through life. It's vaguely acceptable but largely uneventful. He briefly meets Yukino again, but she doesn't recognize him. He meets Yui at a high-school reunion, but it's awkward and her husband's in tow anyway.
Life goes on.
it hurts as sperms trying to impregnate eye, trust me.
You are mentally retarded
Did I hurt your fee-fees?
Has anyone ever jizzed in your eyes?
no i just want someone besides your dadda to fuck your mamma so i can get a good chuckle
not him but from personal experience I can tell you that jizz in your eyes fucking hurts
source: I accidentally jizzed on my own face once
t. cuck
>I accidentally did reddit spacing
fuck me sideways
give more details
Nope, I just read a good story that actually has character development, and is fucking amazing, try it . I triple double dare you.
fuck off with your fanfic shit
I read it but fanfics have no place here
And the power of love saves the day fucking sucked.
Well, f-fuck you then
But seriously, what's the fucking problem, all I'm doing is uploading new images of Hachiman that you fags haven't seen, and giving you a fun little pass time that isn't calling one anons waifu a shit, waiting for your inevitable (you) , and repeating that process until the end of time.