Would Sup Forums rather live in Greece or Rome?
Greece or Rome
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One is a country the other is a city.
Whichever has less racists/micropenises and more smart people.
Whichever has less racists/micropenises and more smart/left-wing people.
>american educashoon
both enjoyed penises. both are uncut. both are jewish antogonists. imma go with Rome because i use Latin letters myself
Assuming you mean Greece as in ancient Greece and Rome as in the Roman Empire, Id have to choose the Roman Empire.
Even under than assumption OPs post makes no sense, ancient Greece wasn't a unified country but rather an amalgam of city states that hated each other and united only against overwhelming enemies in dire times.
Werent' they both part of the same country?
Thats kind of why my choice would be the Roman Empire, and because being a Centurion would be dope.
Ayayayayayyy, at least you got cash
hehe being a centurion would be dope, just like in my hollywood mobies
Cant honestly say Ive seen any movie depicting the life of a Centurion except maybe Gladiator but that was focused on Colosseum and not the life of a Centurion or any other military personell.
And where'd you rather live?
Rome. Greeks were faggots and pedos. In Rome it was illegal - for the most part - and shunned.
You see: we had taste already back then.
>Alexander the great isn't a part of Greek history
ok then
Lmao Romans literally considered fucking a man alpha, especially the elites. Some of you tards are deluded.
Rome, because it gets thing done. Greece just runs its mouth.
You know nothing about Rome, as evidenced by your dangerous half-knowledge.
Also: Irish are not human.
>Implying gay sex isn't widely accepted in todays society
>Being this delusional
Greece - assuming you mean Ancient Greece
you get to fuck young virgins when you are 30
post it again I didn't catch that
If I am born in Rome then I have access to both the Italian peninsula and Greece (assuming this is after 146 BC).
Therefore Rome.
Although, If you just mean living in the city of Rome then I'd change my mind. Rome was very squalid and over-crowded, and didn't resemble pic related until after Augustus Caesar ("I found Rome a city of bricks, I left it a city of marble").
Sad faggots you are. Also,
>homosexuality in Rome=/=modern day gay
If you were giving it to a guy, you were morally subjugating him and humiliating him, while being seen as the alpha. As long as he didn't fuck you, you were g. Now make me ein döner
Constantinople and get the best of both worlds.
Greece more EPIC
Oh, btw, what I'm saying about travelling from Rome to Greece and back again was by no means uncommon.
Many Romans, including none other than Cicero, would actually go to Greece in their youth (usually Athens) in order to study at the Lyceum or The Academy, etc.
if the country you are thinking of is Rome after conquering the Greek City-States then yes. If not google something called a 'Map'
The term Greece encompasses many city-states and peoples who spoke Greek and worshipped the twelve gods. Anyone who was allowed im the olympics was considered a Greek. These tribes/peoples often went to war with each other's kingdoms. As was wasn't particularly frowned upon up until Athens went against Sparta and they absolutely decimated the shit out of Greece.
>I read Wikipedia and now I preach on Sup Forums
You're not wrong. Just not sure how, given what you wrote, you'd disagree with what I just wrote.
The point I made was that Alexander "unified" greek as "one" and hellenized nearby cultures. Being "greek" became a thing, eventually, despite local characteristics still remaining.
>>I read Wikipedia and now I preach on Sup Forums
You want to have a debate, or you want to fuck off?
Being Greek was a "thing" before alexander unified all the Greek city states. The Macedonians were Greek too.
Athens was the pinnacle of civilisation
>Being Greek was a "thing" before alexander unified all the Greek city states. The Macedonians were Greek too.
You're making me make the case for the other guy.
Yes, being "greek" was a thing for a long time. But if you suggest being greek was never a thing, and the "country was divided up in smaller city states", then Alexander is a counter argument.
We agree on this
>The term Greece encompasses many city-states and peoples who spoke Greek and worshipped the twelve gods.
This was literally in my previous post. They didn't have to be constant allies to be greek. Alexander isn't a counter argument, he just took control over all other Greek city states (bar Sp*rta) and went on to fulfill his dad's dream of spreading hellenic culture through absolutely smashing qt persian puss.
I greek therefore I invetor of every single thing in humanity therefore world own massive denbts to Hellas therefore gibs not denbts anymore
you make a major confusion on what was those country's and what shitholes are now.
You didn't seriously post that Alb*n**n retard's screencap
Surviving less than a century and 2 of your most famous philosophers shit on your political system while the other most famous gets sentenced to death by its citizen?
now is just niggar infested, same as all greece
The pederasty was mainly just athens, and they were mocked by the other city states. The society varied very wildly between the greek city states. It's almost meaningless to say "things were a certain way in ancient greece" because of this.