Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans

The saddest ending in the history of the franchise

Ride is going to be a char clone in season 3.

reminder to report, to get this faggot banned


Now my taste for mechs without shitty beams has returned and I am lost


Barbatos Lupus rekt

the designs in this show were trash. they literally looked like they were ripped off from digimon.

your opinion has been documented and filed away, you can leave now

God that was fucking garbage.


M-Mcgillis will win in the recap movie!

Fan art of milf Atra and sexy Julietta when?

It's not fair, bros.

So why exactly did Rustal oppose McGillis when the end result was literally everything McGillis wanted

Ride is a ginger setsuna

I liked IBO.

The same reason he let Vidar and McGillis duel.
To him it was just a game.

Almiria's Counterattack soon.

Rustal was order and the law.
McGillis was an active rebel.

Why do you people not get that Rustal was just doing his job and that he had to do the reforms because Macky created a power vacuum?

I don't think Rustal was ever on the side of reforms to begin with. But as the events of S2 played out, he realised that they would be necessary to preserve Gjallahorn's power. He just didn't like how McGillis was going about it (which was pretty destructive to be fair).

I agree with your sentiments on beam spam vs. what we got in IBO. Good job sunrise. Now for the next one, just give us that with budget and A HAPPY ENDING FOR THE PROTAGONIST GOD DAMN IT


because [insert massive assumptions]

We was fighting rebellion not reforms.

Does anyone know what was the song used when they popped Dainsleif in the last episode? it practically became their theme song.

Except S2 was chock full of beam lasers in everything but name.

It's more like McGillis actually managed to fuck up enough shit that some of his goals succeeded

Ree this user
Actually, bael and mcgillis left rustal's army in awe of its(bael) power and rustal changed his ideals so that he might someday use bael and all its power too.

Because McGillis was lolicon, and Rustal ain't down with that.


iok was a bitch but I felt bad for him

What the fuck happened to Almiria?

Apologize to Seed Destiny, Sup Forums. It's no longer the worst Gundam

I liked IBO until everyone I liked started dying. Why can't love that blooms on the battlefield last guys?

Based Ride "The Kike Killer"

>mfw when this happened
That was plain unfair

She never left the house and ran out of food, dying of starvation

>Macky want
All he want is power and fuck with the reform, it's all excuse to make people flock to his side, dude's just doing anything to make him in charge, same shit with Rustal, the different is this, Macky is the loser while Rustal is the winner.

I seriously can't look at Seed and Destiny anymore without seeing Fafner first.

>Legally obtained power by inheritance, marriage and by taking the sword out of the stone
>active rebel
Rustal was the rebel.

>Mika, Guts, and Orga all died pointless deaths
>Guts never scored

What a pointless corpse of a show.

>tfw eugene and yamagi wont fuck
Im sad

She stayed in the house. then when some thugs came to fuck up McGillis "the ReBeal" Fareed's house they found her and raped her violently before leaving her crying and gasping for breath in a huge puddle of sweat, blood, cum, and tears. She later bled to death alone in that house

>Rustal was the rebel.

Not really because he just came off as a reactionary trying to protect the establishment against an illegal usurper. Fact McGillis had to rely on ancient Bael as a symbol only proved he really had no backing. Basically, Rustal outplayed Macky.

>Tried to kill family heads and create a power vacuum to come out on top
>Wages a war because people stopped caring about a sword 300 years later
>Not a rebel
You're as delusional as McGillis

She'll be in the movie and using her family's money to avenge Chocoman's death by funding Tekkadan. Barbatos will get the armblades from the Grimgerde/Reincar.

She stayed in the Fareed house, slept in Macky's bed, murdered Iznario when he tried to come home, and crippled Gaelio when he tried to come get her.

She was a loyal wife.


Spread the good news fellas.

What was the sexiest Gundam design in the show?

In the case of suits with multiple versions, specify which one.

Bael obviously.

>blatant fujo pandering
The bitter taste in my mouth just got worse.

No one knows because the writers came up with it on the spot.

>milf atra
There's still not anything? Guaranteed doujins at least
You might only get a couple fujos drawing "her", she's too mannish for straight artists

the story felt so all over the place, I'm not even mad at the ending, but I wish everything that led up to it were a bit more consistent and not feel like there was a major change forced on it due a committee getting angry at the writer for not living up to whatever money they were paying for her services.

How is it McGillis' fault that Gali (who wasn't the family head) attacked him or that Carta was killed in action trying to do her job?

But they just confirmed Shino was Bi

>How do we kill Naze?
>fuck it deinsleifs
>How do we defeat Mackey's fleet
>fuck it deinsleifs
>How do we kill Mika?
>fuck it deinsleifs

That someone was paid to write this blows my mind.

Do you not think that Bael was a bit derivative? Barbatos was at least somewhat unique.

Most of us had assumed him to be straight.

Who actually gives a fuck? If it was so badly written you need to come out later and say oh yeah he was bi then you fucked up

This is just pandering

This show is fucking shit but I could use an OVA or Movie wherein Ride kills Rustal and Julia. It really pisses me off seeing these two get away with murder. Rustal is obviously an asshole and this peace is all just fake. Julietta annoys me so much getting all the credit and shit when all she did was remove Barbatos' head when Mika died due to blood loss, was pretty insulting to be honest.

Vidar, definitely.

I though that was heavily hinted at back when the crew went to brothels and he was acting all fishy.

>If it was so badly written you need to come out later and say oh yeah he was bi then you fucked up
What? Of course he was bi. Couldn't you tell int he show?

Who cares, how about some lewds of Garage Girl Yamagi?

Bael's color scheme was fantastic but the v-crest was shitty. It reminds me of rabbit ears with how goofy it looks.

>Gali wants Julietta to get EXTRA THIC
Patrician character with patrician taste

>maxing threads this fast

IBO really did rub people the wrong fucking way.

>"Hey Carta, I know you love me and would bend over for me at a whim so I need you to go out with the rest of your men against that demon"
>"Hey Gaelio, I know you think we're friends and all, but I have to kill you. Don't think about why this is happening, just know that your sister is going to be fuck by me"

Genuinely had no idea who this was until I came to the threads afterwards.

The piercings tell it all.

Yeah it didn't have beam autisms but Dainsleif's more retarded than Kira shooting everything with Strike Freedom if you ask me.

Bael is beautiful. Judging from that short land battle McGillis had, it would have been fucking gorgeous in action against the MAs.

>Dat booty
Jesus, Shino missed big times. Chad on other hand...

Wtf, I love Gaelio now.

Don't worry, I'll rub things back the right way when the long-haired Julietta lewds come online.

All the Gundam except Barbatos and Gusion were woefully under-utilised

S1 7/10
S2 first half 9/10
S2 second half 7.5/10
This episode 8/10

This show is a find gundam for me. Not as good as 00 though.

rods from god always are

Reminder: Never go full Gundam.

>Don't worry, I'll rub things back the right way when the long-haired Julietta lewds come online.

I'll admit that was one of the better things to come out of this mess. That and Ride F Seiei.

>The Great Betacuck of Gjallahorn, Mary Sue Woman and Laughs-at-Child-Slavery survive
>Mika and Space Guts don't

Fucking hell.

>Gjallarhorn tries to assassinate a little girl
>Gjallarhorn slaughters protesters
>Gjallarhorn abuses it's power in order to control governments behind the scenes
>Gjallarhorn starts a long drawn out war just to make McGillis look bad
>Gjallarhorn activates an ancient evil on Mars which then slaughters many Martians
>Macky says enough and attempts to reform Gjallarhorn
>Sup Forums thinks he's the bad guy


Much like the rest of the solar system at large, she eventually forgot that McGillis Fareed was ever even a thing, and moved on with her life.

The real question is if she's a decent Aunt at all.


He's not a bad guy, he's just a madman with no plan.

I'm not so sure that Macky's desire for reform was as altruistic as he made it out to be. He wanted to preserve what was essentially an unaccountable monarchy.

Julie was such a fucking trash character, I can't even believe there monkeyfags.
Her arc wad the exact same arc fucking Hush of all people had 15 episodes ago and the real kicker is that she realized that she was wrong.

>pick finest suit
>even pick the finest version of it

My brother.

what was the last Gundam show you all genuinely liked? I'd like an honest answer, please.

U mad user?

>Atra's child wasn't part Gundam
Disappointing considering how he was conceived.

>Gjallahorn's entire war with Tekkadan started because they tried to murder Tekkadan for harboring a civilian who was trying to fight for basic human rights for the slaves on Mars

Of course it wasn't. It was the childish dream of a kid trying to sort out his PTSD from getting his poop chute forcibly opened on a nightly basis.

The whole thing is because he withdrew into himself to deal with his problems, and then he just took it to another level out of arrogance.


Prior to that, Build Fighters.

AGE I liked... part 2.


This one


He was probably the most interesting character of the entire series to be fair.


IBO and 00 before that.

IBO S1, if that's disregarded then GBF
