I was somewhat skeptical at first, but they really are trying to destroy family archetypes and general family order

I was somewhat skeptical at first, but they really are trying to destroy family archetypes and general family order.

>low t soyboys
>dont want kids
>its ok tho cuz you'd theoretically be a better father than those guys :)
>[feelings of unearned superiority intensify]

>Yeah goy, low t is good for you.

Fuck this bullshit. My testoerone levels aren't low and I'm pretty sure I'm a good father.

Holding infants literally lowers testosterone though, look it up. Having lower test is a good trait among fathers.

Don't doubt yourself user. It's important for children to have masculine and feminine influences during early development. Even for gay couples--it's still very important. The powers that shouldn't be are trying to impose feminine^2 influence, in order to wreck future generations.

>alpha fux
>beta bux
water is wet.

Higher testosterone = more risk taking, more alpha, aggressive, more likely to have sex with many women to spread seed, etc.

Those traits are not good for a father who needs to settle down with one woman for his whole life and be risk averse as possible.

Read The Authoritarian Personality. It has been the zeitgeist of the kikes for over half a century now.
TL;DR is that father figures automatically lead to Fascism and the 6 gorillion

More like a better STEP-father

That's under the assumption that we're an entirely r-selective species. Which isn't the case when lifespans are roughly averaged at 80-90 years.

why aren't we calling this article racist because it's implying blacks make terrible fathers because of their high testosterone?

There goes Testosterone Jerome, running away from home.

There was actually a study done on this concept and women prefered dangerous Chad type alpha males when ovulating and at maximum fertility and nicer stable males during the rest of the month.

What would some dumb bitch know about being a good father?

Because women know nothing about balance and think it's most ideal if everyone behaves like them.

>Lowe testosterone may make you a better stepfather

fixed that for ya.

>women make great fathers

Look up the social effects of high testosterone. It is exactly what I stated among all races.


> be a big pussy towards your children. It will make you a great father.

Right. Got it.

My low T helps me be the father my wife's son always deserved.

is this real?

no way

It's a shoop unfortunately


lmfao at first i was angry he was playing that shit but then i noticed she was holding a turd. hahahahah stupid cuck. play stupid games and you win stupid prizes...congrats you are now the dad of a turd

We are so deep in radical-whole-foods-market-soyboyism that we cannot conceive of common sense any longer

>it could make men more empathetic and less aggressive
Women love aggressive men. Nothing turns a woman off more than an "empathetic" man.

the niglet is shopped, but it's degenerate nonetheless

This, by measures of psychology, is technically through; however, they are twisting the definitions of words and taking them out of context.

>White people don't need high T. Make us a more peaceful society that women can dominate!
>But while we are at it, lets import in the most aggressive people on the planet into our countries.
>This will create a utopia, im sure of it !


No bitch it's a serious detriment to your health. If it was low estrogen the entire world would be freaking out

>testosterone jerome

holy fuck

Yup. Being in the same home as a pregnant woman does it too. Stop being so fucking triggered by normal human biology because you don’t like the buzz words.

Considering women are better parents this was pretty obvious

>inb4 failures in life post about how mean their mommies were for not picking up tendies

>It could make men more empathetic and less aggressive
That's what a mother is for. Fathers need more displays of strength than coddling. Fathers need to show their children how not to get taken advantage of in the world. To assert themselves and their interests. Fathers need to be men.


>not using Testosterone Tyrone

I remember coming here 4 years ago and seeing you faggots talk about how blacks are violent and have lower IQ due to having naturally higher testosterone levels, now there is this shit.

you guys are fucking retarded and don't care about facts. You are just as brainwashed as anyone else, this is pathetic ffs.

It is a well known biological fact that a man's testosterone levels plummet after the birth of a child, doubly so if it's a daughter.
Nature doesn't take chances when it comes to preventing incest.
This is old news


> makes you a better father
> makes you a worse lover
What was the saying:
One for the kids, one for the love and one for sex? Or was it with money... meh, guess this works.

>doubting us
have a bonus 'trans demons brainwash toddlers into sterilizing themselves' article


he should be riding on Malcom's shoulders

No man it is just a huge coincidence. just a conspiracy theory.

you know that having children creates a hormonal change in men as well as women don't you?

I won't say I know it lowers test but it does something

>her son
ultimate kek

blacks have higher testosterone than whites.

when you read stupid shit like this usually you aren't being lied to, you just have to accept it on a different (racial) premise.

>be risk averse as possible.
by not getting chained to a slag

And then their son grows up to be a faggot and their daughter has daddy issues, great.

Low Testosterone isn't at all correlated with greater empathy.
>t. triggered

Being raised by two women sounds like a good idea..

Low testosterone is a great trait for parents. So great that it should be present in exactly one half of them.

>more empathetic
>less aggressive
It's called a mom.

Test has been shown to reduce by constant access to sex among other things. For social animals like humans it seems consistent for successfully mating males to have their sex aggression/breeding mediated by hormones. This gives the rest of the population more room to assert itself and breed as well.

There's going to be obvious lefty spin to this kind of stuff but the idea makes sense.

Oh wow the South is so much worse than the North in terms of...

>drug abuse
>welfare use
>welfare fraud
>credit card debt

Gee how on Earth could this be, it must be because they won't stop voting for Republicans.

Hormone count doesn’t explain parenting ability or doctors would giving shitty moms estrogen pills like candy