Turn on Hannity boys. Wonder what's about to drop.
It's Happening!!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Wonder what's about to drop.
Your excitement.
>shilling for (((fox))) news
4d cheese and tomatoes right xD
Shut up beaner.
Stream: youtube.com
nice lol
thnx user
Rip whyte babe
No worries
fuck it's nothing like always
So basically it's shit that we all knew months ago thanks to weaponized autism but is just now getting filtered to boomers via Fox News.
This is what's about to drop
Better than nothing.
>For the first time, investigators say they have secured written evidence that the FBI believed there was evidence that some laws were broken when the former secretary of State and her top aides transmitted classified information through her insecure private email server, lawmakers and investigators told The Hill.
>That evidence includes passages in FBI documents stating the "sheer volume" of classified information that flowed through Clinton's insecure emails was proof of criminality as well as an admission of false statements by one key witness in the case, the investigators said.
Yes we've known this but now they have actual evidence.
Pretty much and just after their trip to Wal-Mart.
FOX is for pants-shitting retards and old people
Tucker is setting it up as we speak. This better be good
Nigger-skank spotted
Here we go.....
>Sean shilling for Trump
>>Trump tweets watch hannity
>>Millions of viewers tune in
>>Literal segment of how awesome Trump did
Nothingburger confirmed
We show our support for Trump and his spokesmen.... We laugh at the fake news....
he did pretty awesome tho fgt
I’m watching. Is anything happening?
oh shit hes scrolling the accomplisments
I tuned in a second ago and it seemed like he was just going over trump accomplishments. Anything else happening?
T-t-tick tock, guys. MAGA!
>13k tax cut
Holy shit
Wait for Sara Carter and John Solomon.
Tax cuts for all, fuck you burgers, I'm coming to leech.
HAHAH he is right. The same people who predicted Trump would never be prez also say he has done nothing. When will they figure out that 66% of American citizens do not believe any of the MSM liberal media.
Literally fucking nothing. It's just typical fox bullshit. No breaking news.
You have to stay home. For your own safety.
sweet burn lol imagine hannity's face when he reads this
you realize tax cuts mean there is less money for gov handouts you maple huffing nigger
Only high IQ city people watch CNN
My sides are in orbit
Let the niggers and the spics starve.
I don't give a fuck, I'm coming with the George Foreman for some grilling.
First post is often the best post.
not gonna lie, 10/10 post.
Even if Seth Rich was assassinated politically, it will never come out and normies will never know.
Ok, so arrest her. Good riddance.
>canadian in charge of posting a full size image
>FOR THE FIRST TIME, investigators say THEY HAVE SECURED WRITTEN EVIDENCE that the FBI believed there was evidence THAT LAWS WERE BROKEN when the former secretary of State and her top aides transmitted classified information through her insecure private email server, lawmakers and investigators told The Hill.
>FOR THE FIRST TIME, investigators say THEY HAVE SECURED WRITTEN EVIDENCE that the FBI believed there was evidence THAT LAWS WERE BROKEN when the former secretary of State and her top aides transmitted classified information through her insecure private email server, lawmakers and investigators told The Hill.
>FOR THE FIRST TIME, investigators say THEY HAVE SECURED WRITTEN EVIDENCE that the FBI believed there was evidence THAT LAWS WERE BROKEN when the former secretary of State and her top aides transmitted classified information through her insecure private email server, lawmakers and investigators told The Hill.
Ohh it will. We know the Libtard DNC killed him and thier death blow will be one of their own murdered by their party.
guys do you think Trump is watching hannity while he shitposts on twitter?
Nothing. FOX news is military industrial complex operation mocking bird produced television.
>muh taxes
it was nothing
>more on President Trump's bigger button later!
Hannity disproves the holocaust using this simple pic!
Hannity seems pretty emotional. And/or tipsy.
Hannity never says shit about DACA. Why do these Boomer faggots never want to discuss the fact that our country is being invaded by 3rd world savages???
Yes, watch sean hannity at 9, drones.
>tfw Trump knows how easy it is to distract his minions.
>I hide behind my meme flag because I'm scared pol will bully me.
Taxes. Yawn.
We did this before with Hannity if you remember and it went very quiet very quickly
I don't give a fuck as long as I get my nightly Newt fix.
This moves the wheels a little faster. Well done, tick tock guys.
So basically nobody.
>Yes we've known this but now they have actual evidence.
and the odds of them actually doing anything with that evidence?
>It's Literally Nothing: The Movie
>tfw I actually voted for Newt in a Presidential Primary
>I listen to them very carefully and take almost the exact opposite position and am almost always doing better than them
It's over already?
kek, sassy leaf
nah I'm just a proud fascist
oh shit Newt wants to hit iran with fake news media that seems a bit hypocritical
Well if it was a big deal wouldn't he mention it at the top of the show?
If we didn't have evidence, how did we already know this for years?
you don't understand tv very well, do you?
Not necessarily. I know Hannity's a hype man, but this was Trump plugging it.
where is the info about SETH RICH????
Tucker does
Hannity hypes you up a nothing in the last segment.
You use Hidemyass?
Trump should just start tweeting "tick tock"
The reeing might become a new source of alternative energy.
They want that CHEAP illegal labor
I understand it better than you. Basically TV is a crock of shit to begin with. But when there is supposed to be a big news story they always give you a teaser at the beginning of the show to make you watch the whole thing. Moron.
Ah, but Tucker is a Gen Xer.
hes dead
this is the story Trump want's us to watch. Clinton emails.
"laws were in fact broken"
>watch mainstream media
>think an actual happening will happen
you fuckin retards
Yes and it looks like the reason Trump was plugging it is just so he can have some free advertising for his fucking tax plan. Extremely disappointing.
Robert E Lee had brown eyes and was a nonwhite mongrel