Where were you when Okada single-handedly saved Gundam?
Mobile Suit Gundam: IBO Episode 25
IBO was a mistake
Why did Rustal start the huge war in S1 again?
Was it to lure McGillis to his death?
You mean Mother, Child and his future wife.
>3 Bracelets
So like, were they actually allowed to retrieve Mikazuki's body?
I want to rape Atra.
I want to breed with Yamagi!
Rustal wasn't even there in S1.
Reminder that he's going to go full Hathaway's Flash and get his own gundam
So when did they fug?
Ride's counter attack?
>Galieo end in a hospital
>Is not named the hero
>Dont plan to reform alongside Rustal
He deserved better. I expected Gali at least being the leader of the "new" Gallajhorn.
Should be either Andromalius for Alpha-Omega symbolism, or Phenex because fuck we need a better design than a gold Unicorn.
Sorry, I meant S2. The first few episodes where the guy with the scar died.
Wait, so why was Gaelio wheelchair bound?
Was it because he used the AV system after Ein got stabbed?
>No ending fucking Azee in the end
Okay killing Martian Soros, but hope this faggot ded
>edgy murder-manlet realized that there's no place for him in a peaceful world and commits suicide by cop
>Akihiro gets to fucking kill Iok and dies with a smile on his face
>Kudelia and Atra are a lesbian couple, raising a non-autistic boy
>Rustal reforms Gjallarhorn and becomes the president instead of McGillis
>Gali Gali is a happy man once more, with a cute monkey by his side
>everyone else got their fucking life sorted out and stopped being edgy idiots
This whole show was a great Fuck You to manchildren everywhere.
Thank you, Okada.
Which demon will his Gundam frame be named after?
I'm betting on Vassago.
Same, I would be less assblasted if Rustal died and Gali was the new leader
Im going to miss IBO so much.
>Iron Blood Orphans: Rideaway's Flash
Why dont showed a older Almiria?
I admit I am gonna miss it too.
It was flawed, but I enjoyed it. It was certainyl something to look forward to every week for a while.
Fuck if they made another sequel I wouldn't complain.
It was to show McGillis was incompetent with settling the war between Arbrau and the SAU but Chocochar managed to handle it thanks to Tekkadan intervening.
Who is she?
I'm sad we never learned what happened with Shino at the brothel.
In my chair, a few minutes before this week's Ex-Aid hyped me up with it's cold open. I mean I like IBO but an ending really shouldn't be upstaged by a show about heroes in styrofoam and spandex starting it's second half.
> pilot shouts his gundam's name
> pilot shouts his name
> strikes pose
> "let's a go"
>Julietta is being considered for the next head of Gjallahorn
>A woman who literally murdered anyone her boss wanted and dedicated her life to murdering a bunch of people who hadn't even done anything wrong yet, purely because Muh Rustal said so
Kek, Democracy fails again.
Is this how lesbians make babies?
>Rustal, megolomaniac who used any dirty method to stay in power, suddenly a bastion of democracy
What is this?
I think its funny that we only ever saw Mika kiss Kudelia, yet he fucks Atra offscreen.
They couldnt have a better ending, seriously last was 10/10 i have no complain about it (would like to see Almiria maybe)
It they make a sequel it must be with GAR Ride, i dont want to see mini Mika involved in this.
Also i really really want Calamity War OAV.
>No showed a older Almiria going full Chunni like hier dead husband.
>Ride is a edgy faggot
Almiria and ride joing forces when?
How was it? I didn't really bother with anything post first 10 episodes of Ghost.
S1 ver.
How is your prediction skill Sup Forumsnon?
Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel with Ride. He was basically the worst this season, but I wanna see more of edgy ride.
Also I want more Yamagi. I want him to find a man and be happy.
I bet Rustal got the top spot in the reformed Gjallarhorn through "democracy".
So do you think Arta took Kudelia's name? Or added hers to hers as an additional hyphen? Think they retained Mikazuki's at all?
Aina-Bernstein-Augus-Mixta is one hell of a mouthful.
Monkey grew up nicely
Bad writing.
Ride and Almiria being the protagonists of S2 would be make for one really screwed up hero team. I like the idea.
>implying S2
It looks like he had just got it removed.
>Dont make a obari pose
No wonder both not survived at end
Shino died because not yelled the Galaxy Cannon.
>Not Abbadon
Did you notice that Takaki had a tiny head and a BIG body ?
Best Gundam to date (Period)
His head was a little small compared to his body I suppose
Okada saved Gundam by fucking up so badly that they actually decided to make UC side stories into main series?
I mean, holy fuck, IBO shit the bed so hard that Ark Performance is getting one of their manga made into a legit anime.
SEED Destiny was a steaming pile of utter shit, but not gonna lie, Sword Impulse is still my favorite rendition of that pose.
Nips' reaction to IBO's ending?
I Fucking loved the ending. Lok died like the bitch he is, Guts got one last awesome scene before dying, Mika went full power and died, Gaelio won the Julietta, Atra is cute and Aktsuki too. Overall a bittersweet ending but liked it.
You think the soldiers raped the girls before they left?
Don't summon him!
Dont worry Ride will get a femaleMika again.
I want to fuck those two so bad.
Akihiro's death scene was pathetic.
Most of them are sad because Tekkaden died, also saw people pissed because mika is dead and its a bad end for them.
A lot of viewers like MILF ATRA and Mini Mika
..and NotHush!
Akihiro: Got to kill one of the biggest instigators that caused their desperate struggle to happen in the first place
Mika: killed a few nameless randoms and then died like a bitch, his head held up high by an inferior pilot, demonized in death
>A lot of viewers like MILF ATRA
Fingers crossed that means I'll get a nice supply of /u/ with her and Kudelia in the coming days.
mini mika was also a mistake
So what happened to Eugene and Dante
Do not bully him
Except Ride who is going to ruin everything with his autistic rage and try to get revenge by killing Rustal. It'll probably be the OVA or Movie
Remember when Orga called Rustal and begged him not to kill his family and Rustal said no?
>I'm sad we never learned what happened with Shino at the brothel.
I don't understand why people are so obsessed with this. If he doesn't freak out about Yamagi and immediately pursues him, do you think he would have issue fucking a cute trap? He's the kind of dude what would have problem with PDA with Yamagi in front of everyone.
Eh probably asked for some shitty fetish.
Did you not watch the episode?
You did good Mikazuki Augus. I will always remember with a smile on my face
nowhere because we're not in that timeline
>Also I want more Yamagi. I want him to find a man and be happy.
>he finds a guy who looks and acts just like Shino and who's exactly 18 years younger
>welcome back
What about Gaelio's sister?
What about the Mobile Armors?
>IBO was just backstory for Ride's Revenge
>Almiria secretly finances his crusade and eventually gets into Bael herself in the name of avenging Choco
He got approached by a cute male whore and he took the offer is all.
>Derma gets a bionic arm
Almira's Counterattack. With mobile armors.
I'd fuck Dante
He looks like a very responsible man, and is good with kids
Well hiltler kun still alive and with Montag Company
>NO guys the cool stuff will still happen just keep watching
Even after the end this remains, maybe if IBO goes on indefinitely something good will happen
McGillis' rapist finds another rape victim: Mini Mika!
>Akihiro finally gets payback on the man who started the chain of events leading to Lafter's death.
>Mikazuki got to run wild like he wanted to one last time.
>Gordon got exposed and assassinated
>Old man and Merribit survives and raised a family
>Children of Mars finally have a place to be
>Child is named Akatsuki so fanart of Kancolle's Akatsuki being portrayed as Kancolle's Mikazuki's "son"
>amano jaku (kyabosean) gets to draw Akihiro and Lafter together again.
I was at least hoping Monkey would spare Mika when she noticed him unconscious but I guess either she didn't or blood lost got him. Kudelia baited me with that line before the scene changed.
So delicious, I loved every second of it
Honestly feel bad for him.
Pretty sure he died of bloodloss
Im pretty sur the barbatos sucked mika's life.
Are there gifs/webms of Barbatos going red eyes here yet?
I'll never forgive him
close enough
>the child is just a palette swap of it's parents
Always gets me
If they wanted to kill him, they should've be done it two episodes ago.
Or during Turbines raid.
Or MA.
>No Mobile armors as final
>No others Seven Stars gundam frames in use for final battle
>Use a fucking metal rod to win again
>Orga wasted his life to save a faturue edgylord
Quite possibly one of the best rider shows in a while.
>his bracelets form Syria's flag
It all makes sense now.
Standard fare for the first 6 or so episodes. Gets better steadily up to 12 where things start kicking up several notches all the way to the end of the first half. You'll know you're at that point when they stop playing the OP as an OP.
Pros of IBO ending:
Everyone I don't like is assblasted.
Cons of IBO ending:
I am assblasted too.
This was an awful, contrived death for a great character who did more for the plot alone than the whole of Tekkadan.
>Pros of IBO ending:
>Everyone I don't like is assblasted.
You also forgot
>It ended