>girl gamers
fucking dropped
Girl gamers
What else would you call a girl (female) who plays electronic games?
A gamer. Why do they have to be labeled as "girl gamers"? We don't label male gamers as "guy gamer".
>Why do they have to be labeled as "girl gamers"?
She probably said something that indicated the group was just girls, and CR translated it as 'girl gamers.'
A whore
wtf did you said?
A tranny.
I already miss Tsuneki.
A loser
She's in Spain user, book a flight.
But user
>not putting Tsuneki's pussy on a pedestal and spending hours grinding just to give her all your best loot so that she can "appear offline" while you catch her raiding with other people on your friends list
Don't we all, She was the face of Seiren.
Why didn't Tsuneki get the ending she deserved? I literally thought it was perfect when they kissed in the beach, then they suddenly pull that ending out of nowhere
I want to make babies with her.
>tfw Spaniards are dipping their churros into her warm choco butthole right now
I can hardly way for the Sup Forums tier threads when this airs
>redirects other people to /r9k/
Really tickles the cranium.
Is this netoge without the retard?
I don't think they play MMOs
They play video games together, but if I recall correctly they just do console ones
I love Kyouko!
Slut deserved spain ending though, she need to explore her sexuality
Really gets the juices flowing
Gamergate creeps
Then as we saw just 24 hours ago, all 100 Brazilian basement dwellers going to shitpost the anime to hell and back regardless of quality because they are buttblasted about consoles and their inability to afford anything on it.
People who video games.
If they're really into video games, then gamers.
There's no gamer boy, theres no gamer girl.
That sounds oddly specific user, you wanna talk about something?
I think girl gamers are cute :3c
>was a quiet grrl gamer
>turned into a slut
What the fuck happened?
Because girls started playing games much later than guys, it used to be a loser's hobby. Also so we could tell the gamer's sex.
slutneki was only a grrl gamer during her chuuni year. She grew out of that nerd stuff when those silly boys started hitting on her and she told them she's moving to Spain at the end of the year to study game design.
What is wrong with girl gamers?
Milk Cow arc when?
>quiet group
Opposed to a loud group? The hell does that mean?
Why the fuck do you retards watch this trash? Why the fuck do you then complain?
everyone in netoge is a retard though
they play some 2d flashgame MMO with horrific pay-to-win mechanics
and in the finale they're celebrating because "hooray,we totally earned this victory through the power of teamwork and friendship and definitely not because our rich friend spent tens of thousands of dollars paytowinning for us!"