A new symbol?

Should we do it? Should we turn him into the new Sup Forums symbol?

The guy already shot himself in the foot, we could finish the job.

Just saying

Other urls found in this thread:


Literally who?

Just saying

Shoop him time auscwitz

who fucking cares. stop this e-celeb shitposting

Tard youtuber, went into suicide forest on Japan and made Vlog where they found some dead jap, they filmed his corpse and walked around it, etc.

No. Let the e-celebs die off, they all just make this board even more shit.

Yes, make sure he's in the shower with his fellow tribesmen

These creatures eat attention.

Listen to the leaf; THIS!

whatever fucks up his life is legit



neat, link?

turn him into a symbol of white nationalism, make pictures of him killing japanese people
it'd hurt him more


Wass up with the homo ufo? Pretty presumptuous of the lgbtqp crowd.

Logan Paul cucked the entire soy state of Japan


"Hey kids here a dead body, stay in school and don't kill yourself"

>I know it may not be relevant to the thread but help us smash the tumblr sjw leftie fags
>Want to help with the Tumblr raid?
>We already have lots of anons from Sup Forums
>Join the discord here:


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Rick and Morty
Down with the patriarchy
Down with cis

More info on discord server

i have more respect for him than for meme flags such as OP

literally came here and found a DIY GIF for making a hanging rope, then see this.

Really this news needs to fucking die.