>Sup Forums is gone
I feel like I was part of something bigger, something bigger than this world. I'm not supposed to be here. But now I can't even remember
>Sup Forums is gone
I feel like I was part of something bigger, something bigger than this world. I'm not supposed to be here. But now I can't even remember
Wish we had a longer time being /asp/ies
I just want the flags back
Then go to Sup Forums.
Or you can still just go to
this, it was fun.
now I know this user is probably a canadian
I don't know why they didn't merge us earlier in the day.
All the Europeans were asleep when it happened.
It was enlightening at least. Now I know all tripfags are thirdworld shitposters.
What happened this time?
Who's from where?
>Sup Forums is composed of one third canadians, one third brazilians and one third finns
Not surprising.
More like 2/3rd spics
What's surprising is that most Aussies were chill while Canadians were the shitposters all along.
Wait were they merged earlier?
>tfw you missed the fun again
Everyone being so excited about the flags was almost too cute
Are leafs the bigger shitposters on Sup Forums?
I didn't notice many finns, just spics and hues
Did you seriously missed it? It was the most fun I had on Sup Forums this year. I actually think it was the most fun April Fools in a long time.
The kind of event that happens just a few times a year. Sucks to be you, user.
I still don't understand how this comes as a surprise, leafs have always been shown to be shitposters, time and time again. Where are you getting the idea that aussies shitpost on Sup Forums? From Sup Forums?
Hardly any Brits was surprising, though I guess it was their bedtime
They are one of the few boards we would never get along with.
Me too, fuck this.
>Where are you getting the idea that aussies shitpost on Sup Forums?
I often see screencaps of aussies shitposting on boards with flags, so I thought they were naturally prone to shitposting everywhere on the internet.
Fuck off.
moot said it one time and we believe in our since lost prophet.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are not indicative of anything.
quote from moot
He says they're the biggest shitposters on Sup Forums, not on Sup Forums. If they want to be silly cunts on boards with flags, by all means. Sup Forums is a different matter altogether.
moot singled out the aussies and brits as being massive shitposters
There was also that pasta about Australia.
Are you from Australia?
I may have conflated the subjects. I'm sorry.
I am a leaf, I think I have the authority to discuss shitposting.
I woke up this morning and went out, didn't browse Sup Forums like most mornings. Serves me right for going outside.
Oh well I can pretend I was there at least.
Yeah but Moot only cared about Sup Forums anyway right? He was the biggest Weeb of us all.
>merge with Sup Forums
>expect being flooded with shitty Sup Forums funposters
>ends up just being Sup Forums with flags
didn't know how to feel about that
though the merge kept pushing all the good threads out so I'm glad things are back to normal
I am.
moot was actually a very poor weeb during later years.
An aussie took control over the site the dox a female trip fag
>only cared about Sup Forums anyway
He stopped watching anime and mostly browsing Sup Forums a long time ago.
Was that the reason? I thought it was for janitors/mods.
Everyone make a post in this thread, let's have a look-see at Sup Forums's demographic now it's not US/Brazil time
All the merged boards still exist, senpai.
Just like /qa/, which has been around since moot left us, all those boards exist but are technically hidden. I strongly doubt Hiroshima will delete them any time soon, and it's possible he doesn't even know how.
Moderation for those boards is a legitimate question, however. I think maybe the mods for each board get mod powers in the merged board. It will be a question of whether those mods get annoyed about having to police an extra board or if they stay quiet about it. The bad part of the merged boars is they encourage extra shitposting because they're not as serious as each individual board, and they have a lot of novelty being an april fools prank. I guess it'll be a test as to how dedicated the mods are around here and if they're willing to put up with some extra work in return for fun.
Lelouch is from England
>He stopped watching anime and mostly browsing Sup Forums a long time ago.
But why??? He was our prophet after all.
>I think maybe the mods for each board get mod powers in the merged board.
Mods are global.
Because anime is shit and so is this board.
is the best board to have come out of this
>it's possible he doesn't even know how
Fucking cancer.
It's not quite as fun as when everyone was forced to post together though.
And nothing of value was lost.
Yeah he went after mods to
> 8 new posts, 5 of them were Canadians
Boy, you weren't kidding
Like who? You keep saying this but none of it is proven.
You were probably mostly seeing Pokemon Trainer and his retarded friends that do nothing in their free time except drop hard drugs and shitpost on Sup Forums
>It's not quite as fun as when everyone was forced to post together though.
i need to experience this
I'm asking that myself you retard.
I wonder if it's a cultural thing for canucks to love anime. I mean it's got to be, right?
Do you guys know what Lelouch, Michlan, SHiN and Mami Lover have in common?
They're all flip
Lelouch is UK.
hello canada. How's chang in there? Busy destroying your housing economy?
Who is Michlan?
I thought he died
It surprised me to learn that so many SEAs are such massive shitposters.
Lelouch is a cool guy but he has shit taste.
Fits the description of a Brit perfectly.
I'm surprised Michlan is a flip though, he doesn't post like one.
Doesn't matter, I have all of them filtered.
oh /out/ those poor souls
>third world
From what I heard, they soon will be.
>brazilanons in /spa/ were pretty chill
>brazilanons in /vint/ were fucking cancer
As a huefag I was actually surprised how well behaved we all were in /spa/.
>I'm surprised Michlan is a flip though, he doesn't post like one.
The guy's in law school, I hear. He's already better than 99% of Sup Forums
t. fag who lurks tomo-chan threads all day
I was surprised that hues had fairly good taste and knew that 2D>3D.
I didn't see any Canadian flags on tripfag posts.
Why does /soc/ actually exist, again? I joke about many boards being the worst board but I think /soc/ truly is.
originally containment for cam threads
Sup Forums got overrun by meet-up and self-rate threads, so moot made /soc/ to make Sup Forums great again, it didn't work.
Lots of flips, pajeets and hues are fluent english speakers. Check out Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
I think the only reason why /soc/ exists is to tell people to fuck off to there when they start blogging/talking about anime conventions.
The very definition of a containment board.
I wish it would have been Sup Forums so Sup Forums could have crushed them.
That's because everything on /vint/ is fucking cancer.
it's the dictionary definition of a containment board
You want Sup Forumsermin to fuck up this board too?
We already have enough Sup Forumsermin we don't need more.
Lelouch is either multiple people or the most pathetic human being in existence. He had average 24 posts per day last month on Sup Forums and he has been doing this for years.
Did anyone pop into /mtv/? I had a quick look last night and it seemed like they were just at eachother throats arguing who has better taste, I'd put it down there with /outsoc/
At least we got along with Sup Forums for the most part and they know how to have fun.
>the board police who sperg out over any little thing are all turks and Arabs
He's been a NEET for a decade.
What else do you think people are going to do with all their free time? Something constructive?
Also, that isn't really all that notable. If the archive has it, you should look at Roko's posts from the time he started posting to the time he stopped. Somewhere in the span of 3 months, he had 10k posts.
So what did you guys make of this play?
It's strange because I almost never see or hear it brought up on any other board, despite it being arguably worse than Sup Forums in terms of its content and userbase. My only guess is that they're so normalfag they aren't even aware of concepts like shitposting or board culture, which prevents their presence from even being noticed.
>I think maybe the mods for each board get mod powers in the merged board
Mods arent assigned to specific boards, they moderate the entire site
What do you make of each country's taste?
Me too
>I would never watch anime like those weirdos from Sup Forums
>scrolls through thread of random people's dick pics commenting on the ones you like
I'm convinced that they're actually very strange people.
I think people just forget it exists, going into /soc/ is like walking through the magic wardrobe.
Because /soc/ have the most civilized posters.
Scandinavians are normalfag-tier, Canadians are ok despite being massive shitposting faggots, Brits are boring, and Burgers seem to be split between shounenfags and moebros.
Gotta to do something with that 30% female part of the userbase.