If the President made this statement(see attached image of Trump tweet), she can't be out in public without one. Courtesy www.jimstone.is
See the attached photo of Huma showing the clear outline of GPS ankle tracker.
It's probably just a pedometer, it's fucking nothing
whats this?
why would it be on the inside not outside of her leg?
What else is she wearing, if you know what I mean
I’ll let you go if I can get a whiff of those soles
She would not be able to walk if she had an ankle bracelet implanted in her ankle.
Because I hit that thing so hard her legs bowed out so no chance of inside chaffing after her snapchat man is doing time
I can read between the lines... My assumption is grumpft is yelling from the rooftops. It low tide for the swamp. Whatsayu
>FOR THE FIRST TIME, investigators say THEY HAVE SECURED WRITTEN EVIDENCE that the FBI believed there was evidence THAT LAWS WERE BROKEN when the former secretary of State and her top aides transmitted classified information through her insecure private email server, lawmakers and investigators told The Hill.
>FOR THE FIRST TIME, investigators say THEY HAVE SECURED WRITTEN EVIDENCE that the FBI believed there was evidence THAT LAWS WERE BROKEN when the former secretary of State and her top aides transmitted classified information through her insecure private email server, lawmakers and investigators told The Hill.
>FOR THE FIRST TIME, investigators say THEY HAVE SECURED WRITTEN EVIDENCE that the FBI believed there was evidence THAT LAWS WERE BROKEN when the former secretary of State and her top aides transmitted classified information through her insecure private email server, lawmakers and investigators told The Hill.
All this huma stuff is legit, but nobody is talking about the DWS court dates that were stricken from the record; the powers that be had blantant evidence of her guilt too.
That kike should be in guantanimo.
Any pics of her pedomonitor?
It’s not going to go that far. Her scheduled court date was literally removed. Kind of a nice benefit when you have family in the DOJ to get you off the hook for treason.
I'd track those ankles too if you know what I mean
Mega posted this earlier.
That's too bad. I wanted it to be true.
The world's first pedometer? That thing is huge
is that picutre fucking serious
it's another one of the thingies on the window sill. lights I guess
How don't you autists see it??
>Classified Passwords
It could not be more obvious.
So it goes off if Anthony gets too close to her?
My nigger!
Abedin is probably the least flight risk of any person.
Bump for truth
Where did he get that
I actually concur with the leftist weenies in that Trump's tweets are undignified and unbefitting of his office. But god damn, the shitposter in me loves them.
And on that note I'll provide what i considered to be coded messages.
Two scoops of Ice Cream is double the intel.
Trump likes rice and two pieces of Cherry Pie is CP and Susan Rice flipping.
Holder tweeted an article about Susan Rice(a different one) going to prison because big bad Sessions is a hardass. That one means "no snitching Susan!"
There was another Holder one i can't remember. That faggot thinks he's slick.
Holy shit, is that her kid? She's walking away like she couldn't care less about him, one hand in her pocket, one on her cellphone - kid just lagging behind with a look like "mommy?". What a fucking cunt.
The fuck are you smoking, kike?She will hightail it back to Saudi Arabia ASAP given the chance.
That standards shit went out the window when bush did videos with his dog, and obongo did "le ebin meme" videos with biden, and with key/peele
Yes, all the tweets with random capitalization or clever word play are obviously coded messages. It's just that most people outside of Sup Forums chalk it up as him having bad grammar/being dumb when it's actually a genius taunt from his on twitter account.
Buncha hot air nothing will happen
i don't remember sailors pictures on submarine
what pics?
Anyone want some goats?
People have posted this picture before MegaLARP. Stop trying to give that faggot credit for things others do. You are fucking faggots.
Did he delete it and redo it to get rid of all the question marks at the end of the sentences? Or is the image edited?
It's her and Weiners kid.
Fucking idiot. No proof. There are multiple pictures of her wearing stupid pants. AFTER she was accused of wearing an ankle monitor pictures of her taking her kid to school in tennis shoes and yoga pants showed up. NO MONITOR. You fucking idiots going on about this while Fox News is shilling anti-pot stupidity.
No one posted on left ankle. Mega said reports of this pic on right ankle are wrong. It's the left and she circled it in red and posted it.
Why's she taking it out on the kid though?
under raped post!
thats modern womyn for ya
Idk. It's Huma. I'm surprised she hasn't sold her kid for goats already.
Well she has met a shit ton of pedos, the needle would be in the red zone..
False. MegaFaggot is a larp. Can you stop being so gullible? Either you're a shill if you keep perpetuating this bullshit or you're fucking retarded.
Can you post that pic or link to sauce? I can't find it.
>What else is she wearing, if you know what I mean
What did he mean by this?
Not coool laughing at people born with disabilities. They have zero control over their lives. But obese faggots are fair game imo
You post this in every thread. Same picture, same words. See these words? You're going to have an accident. You probdbly wont link this to that. Not the first, not the second, but by the third one, youll know in your heart that I took something from you. This will continue, the accidents getting progressively more severe. The only way I will release you from this is if you stop shit posting. You have to never come back here again. My judgement is cast. You cannot change your fate. Do as I say.
I'm wearing a GPS monitor, too. It's only on because I don't have a legal place of residency, though. Suddenly I don't feel too bad about it
Nah. Only people who haven't read her posts think that.
>It's only on because I don't have a legal place of residency
It's because you're on probation because you committed a crime, bruh.
I'm neither. You gonna be alright? Sound like you're gonna crack. I'm not opposed to seeing Huma in an ankle bracelet. Time will tell. Manafort had one and he walked. Mega said in July he'd walk. Imran has one and that's been reported. Mega said that too. Stop worrying so much about who says what. Who cares? If right good for us.
>doesn't show any proof.
kill yourself.
Imran Awan was Mossad. I bet she didn't say that. BECAUSE THEY ARE SHILLS.
what the fuck IS this?
She did. And linked him to Huma and their family ties together back in October. Also said focus on Arun Rao.
That's the problem, stop letting a LARP tell you what to focus on. Post a screenshot of them saying Awan was mossad. I bet you don't have it.
kek heres a (you)
>Y'all I'm literally tired of spoonfeeding all of you!
Huh ok let me read her older posts...
>You guys I'm not gonna spoonfeed you. Go back and read what I said!
Rinse and repeat. And BELEIVE
MegaFaggot is bullshit.
Sorry lads, seems it really is just a pedometer.
i cant get enough of this gif
Confirmed, just checked Daily Mail and it's not shooped.
But why don't they just say it? Is law enforcement telling them not to?
Oh and anyone willing to take the devil's advocate and consider what it could be if it WASN'T an ankle monitor? I'm sick of being disappointed. What else could cause that bulge if it wasn't?
Well yeah, I wouldn't have it if I didn't ha e a probation officer, but it is on only because I am not on a lease. They have to have a regular place to check up on me, and since I don't have a permanent residence, they had to put it on me temporarily because I declared homelessness. Wouldn't be homeless if it weren't for them, anyway.
Stinky foot fetish pol/ guy chimes in
its not even the real huma. its known that the huma that was in the united states in the 90s was replaced and the lady every one calls huma is a relative
you can look at the pictures of her young and then election cycle 2016 and see there is no similarity. her father probably honor killed her for being a whore and a cousin took her place
When did that happen. How the Fuck is dws not in jail
That's merely a damn buckle on her 2 thousand dollar designer boot or so. Definitely not definitive.
To measure Weiners pedo levels?
And finally, why isn't she actually locked up and in custody? The severity of her crimes would probably justify it, no?
I hear gitmo is open for business.
Looks like code
Prolly child slave trade
Idk faggot, what is it?
Fake font
Looks like a gun
It's a glock 26 in an ankle holster
gtfo Dan
Wieners in jail and completely useless to her cause now,
She not likely to hold her second mistake by the hand
FACT: these don’t prove she has an ankle monitor on (looks like the boot top to me)
BUT there is also ZERO proof that she definitively DOESN’T have one on either. We just don’t know and that’s the only real fucking fact here.
She really is a horse, isn't she?
I’d like to dress Huma up like Jasmine from Alladin and buttfuck her while she sings “a whole new world”
she's busy on the phone begging to stay out of GITMO so she doesn't leave the kid for good. be nice.
Why would you dress her up as Jasmine when she'd make the perfect Jafar?
I bet if you got Weiner on the line he'd even make a fine Iago
Factual statements.