>Not cracking at the box office is Ghost in the Shell from DreamWorks/Reliance/Paramount with a much lower than expected three-day of $18.6M at 3,440 locations and a listless B CinemaScore. The picture dropped 13% Friday to Saturday. Paramount estimates $19M. It played on 380 IMAX screens which accounted for $3M of its domestic total.
‘Ghost’ Shell-Shocked With Low $18.6M
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>said whitecasting was a minor problem
>expected $25 million
>only got $19 million
The IMAX I saw it at yesterday was at like 5% capacity so this isn't terribly surprising. Not like reviews will help it any. Goddamn it's such a shit movie
>this window will now close in 3 seconds
Is anyone surprised honestly? It looked pretty crap based off the trailers. I'll probably never see it.
No sequel. Phew.
Should have followed the All you need is kill way.
>Already $59,100,000 worldwide
Why are Hollywood studios so stupid?
No one has liked Scarlett Johansson for years. No one wants to see live action adaptation of classic anime, least of all anime fans. And they can't seem to make movies that are actually good. They should just give up and go home.
The Chinks, man
It's always the Chinks
It'll break even with worldwide sales, not sure why everyone is freaking out. Pretty sure there have been bigger flops this year.
>chinks based
pick one. And it's warcraft all over again.
Studios don't get as much money from foreign sales. If it doesn't recoup enough domestically, they won't make another.
Unless it pulls in $300 million from China, or something.
We're not at the point yet where Hollywood actually cares about international numbers, especially those coming from Asia, who license shit for pennies at the dollar.
Chink cinema and gov keep all the money for themselves, the producers just get a small check to let them air it and sell merch.
The chinese market is garbage.
Fucking China.
Based Trump should nuke them already.
THIS. Any numbers from China are meaningless.
yeah just like
I don't mind seeing an anime / manga series getting a Hollywood movie.
What I can't forgive is said movie being boring to watch, like Scarlett in the Shell is.
>watching movies
Who the fuck does that anymore.
rest of the world and china will probably save the movie, but that won't be enough for a sequel
I did a little fist pump and shouted 'YES'
When a hollywood movie is filmed in your hometown, you have to see it.
Modern Hollywood makes movies for China, so domestic sales aren't indicative of success.
i hope the one who thought it was a good idea will be crashed by a tank.
whats next? they going to make Akira jewlywood movie?
They're trying to get the director from Get Out to make it, yes.
To copy+paste from /m/
Visually, it tries to be like Blade Runner, but never quite gets there.
The cityscapes either show the grunge of the slums like the original, or the downtown areas with clean, grey towers and holographic advertisements gleaming colorfully. But it's almost entirely shown during overcast days. So the slums look too bright, but at least old. The bright lights of the downtown don't pop the way they would at night, as seen in Blade Runner. There were a lot of callbacks to the Oshii movie, but they're so hollow and pointless and only there because Oshii did it.
The change in the Major's backstory was eye-rollingly dumb. And ScarJo's "acting" is a lot of mumble-grumble while she stares into the middle distance. Which is supposed to look introspective but just looks directionless.
Aramaki had the nice touch of speaking only in Japanese, but they really needed to decide on a place for his subtitles. They appear at semi-random locations around the screen, rather than just at the bottom.
Batou's accent was a little distracting, and he got his eyes way too late into the movie, but other than that, he was pretty on-point.
Togusa's mullet is on full display, and we do get a brief glimpse at his old revolver, though Aramaki's old revolver gets more focus.
Ishikawa's only memorable moment was joking about having gotten a cybernetic liver and can drink even more now.
Saito does one thing in the whole movie, but it was admittedly pretty cool.
The chick who replaced Pazu is in it quite a bit, but I can't remember them saying her name at all.
Borma is only in the background of like one or two scenes.
In the end, it was far more competently made than I expected, but it's still not good. It takes the style from Blade Runner and runs it through a Mass Effect filter and then spooges some Oshii on a copy of the RoboCop remake.
This ought to put Hollywood off from adapting anime for at least another few years
If we don't ban these kinds of threads we'll be the new Sup Forums in a year tops.
more like only
I said break even, the likelihood of this getting a sequel was never gonna be good.
Foreign countries, especially Asian ones, pay single-digit percentages for the licensing rights for movies made in the US. Hollywood sees none of that money, and if Hollywood isn't seeing the money they don't take on the costs make another movie.
If the movies tank, it won't matter.
You don't remember Edge of Tomorrow?
It opened with only $29.1 million in the us and it mades 300$ overall worldwide in the end.
It would be great if this dented ScarJo's career in the process
MCU is going to end in a couple years anyway
>take GiTS
>turn it into Deus Ex: Mankind Divided but with a chunky middle-aged woman
>they're both massive flops
Maybe you should stop trying to turn transhumanist cyberpunk into generic "robot cop" stories.
It had Tom Cruise in it, and had great word of mouth.
Because EoT was actually good.
She's full until 2020
How can you tell its the chinks?
No one can tell, they're just mem'ing
>Black Widow movie
When did that get announced?
I don't understand why more women in Hollywood don't try to take on action roles. You don't even have to be a good actor like ScarJo can prove and even Angeline Jolie in that terrible Tomb Raider movie to become a household name.
Yeah well capeshit is making tons of money. Unlike your animushit.
>I don't understand why more women in Hollywood don't try to take on action roles.
It would require them to get /fit/ and physically prepare for their role, also maybe go on a diet. If anyone's from Sup Forums ITT, post that one pic with Christian Bale's regimen
>Hollywood animushit not making money
I think everyone on Sup Forums agrees that's a good thing
>It would require them to get /fit/ and physically prepare for their role
Yeah,like Gadot for her Wonder Woman role.
This was sarcasm.
if the adaption was actually good i doubt many people would have objections, The problem is that the bastardize the source material to squeeze money out of it, not even trying to do it justice.
Johansson was NOT fit in GITS. There's that image floating around where she looks chub in her bodysuit while shooting that wallrun shot or whatever.
>To prepare for the movie, Christian trained for three hours a day, six days a week. The actor’s workouts included a mix of interval training for burning fat and maintaining lean muscle, weight training to develop muscle mass and cardio exercises to enhance his body fat reduction results. Bale’s training regimen also included stretching exercises to enhance muscular recovery and range of motion. The heavy training schedule proved very successful as the actor wowed audiences everywhere with his chiseled physique on screen.
The American Psycho actor took part in a well-rounded exercise program designed to reduce his body fat percentage while packing on lean muscle mass. Christian pushed through intense workouts three hours a day using a variety of training methods. The actor’s workout schedule looked like this:
Monday – Resistance Training
- Pull-Ups 3 sets of 25 reps
- Lat Pulls 3 sets of 25, 15, 8 reps
- Cable Rows 3 sets of 25, 15, 8
Tuesday – Sprinting and Plyometric Exercises
- 10- 30 and 40-meter sprint repetitions
- 10 sets of 50 squat jumps
Wednesday – Weight Training
- Dumbbell Fly 3 sets of 25, 15, 8
- Bench Press 3 sets of 25, 15, 8
- Stability Ball Push Ups
- Close Grip Pull Downs 3 sets of 25, 15, 8
- Dead Lifts 3 sets of 25, 15, 8
Thursday – Swimming and Stretching
- Swim 30 to 40 laps in Olympic size pool
- Stretching routine targeting all major muscle groups
Friday – Rest Day
Saturday and Sunday – Slow, Long Cardio
To pack on loads of lean muscle mass, Bale consumed lots of lean protein. The actor ate lean protein sources like chicken, fish, or beef at each meal and consumed a protein supplement after his workouts for muscular recovery. The actor kept his carbohydrate intake very low to reduce his body fat without compromising his hard earned muscle.
>can't act
>doesn't physically match her character
Still, her movie is going to get good reviews because stronk woman who can mow through entire armies needing no man
Oh, this works too
Thanks lad
>Still, her movie is going to get good reviews because stronk woman who can mow through entire armies needing no man
I can only hope it goes the way of nu-Ghostbusters.
Reviews don't matter when nobody will see the movie since WW is a really boring character to begin with that can only be further butchered by Hollywood. The only people you'll see in theaters are SJWs and old couples who remember the TV series from way back but forgot how shitty it was.