Like it or not, black people have brought more development to american culture in 30 years than white people had in centuries. Deal with it.
Like it or not...
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You’ll have to define ‘development’
It breaks my heart to see our youth in such disarray.
Says someone who has no idea who
Alison krauss
Keith whitley
George jones
Buck owens
Lefty frizzel
Hank williams or
Ernest tubb is
Ill give you one black music group that can obliterate most groups ever formed with countless hits
That would be the ink spots, other than that.
define black
>Deal with this hilarious assertion that is very demonstrably false
But I don't have to faggot.
dude it's just a power supply in a case
I know, I would be pissed if my people were patronized like this.
I agree with you. Our riot control tech, and our sub two hundred dollar arms businesses are completely driven by the blacks. Also, imagine the state of cctv systems if blacks werent around. Blacks are the new indians.
> 30 years
> centuries
back to b with this come on nigger
You mean like aids and butthole licking?
Are we looking at the same culture?
Black people wouldn't know what culture was, without white people telling them.
future fat Albert Einstein over here
More like devolution OP kys
Kids have been assembling their gaming computers for decades, and some do goody good cuck then claims that this youth invented a computer. Liberal insanity !
I agree, if only we could get some of that science too in the West....
Bump for lulz
More? How do you measure culture? By pounds? Maybe kilos. How many kilos of culture did they bring?
Read development as destroy and it makes more sense.
Why do we keep trying to get these kids off drugs?
If anything they should be encouraged to drink purple drank till they OD and die
Holy shit half the time you dindus don't even develop a fetus completely. If we would have known how much trouble y'all would cause we'd have picked our own god damned cotton
Not all development is good.
True OP, that's why rap music is the the most popular genre in America.
Not all development is good development, user
>still in the ghetto
Isn't there a syrup-related thread you can go be a retard in?
You shareblue dipshits really are out of ideas.
Beats actually performing it on a black chick.
God damn.
Be like going down on roadkill porcupine
first black kid to build a computer on his own, fo sho.
jungle drums ain't culture
Not as good as a clock though.
Dark side of the melon
Share blue cock breath pedo diaper sniper on deck.
Everyone salute .