Kissed by Shirley, CC and Kallen

>kissed by Shirley, CC and Kallen
>still died a virgin
Literally how?

Not in resurrection boyos

He had more important things to do.

I've had twice as many kisses from different girls and still haven't gotten laid.

The final goal is hard man

He's awkward as fuck around women

I think a better question would be if his geass had the power to bend people's will, why did he not have a harem of the most beautiful women at his beck and call?
Dying a virgin? How would that even be possible with his power?!
He did not once consider using his geass to make some girl his sex slave?!
I think the creators just omitted this, really every girl he used his power on was sucking his cock and offering their sweet pussy to him off scene!

would someone of his ego allow himself to use his power for such a pathetic reason? not everyone upon being granted powers would turn into a h-manga villain

>tfw you'll be a h-manga villain


because he's not rapist?


The real question is:

Does the sausage match the drumsticks in length?

he ressurected and has been pounding that fat pizza butt every day

Read the fatalpulse doujin.

But I mean, it only takes like ten minutes
Would it really be rape though?

>implying he didn't rape a bunch of women and purposely let the information leak into the public to make everyone hate him more

>people don't think he fucked his hot ass maid

it might as well be, they cant say no

>implying he hasn't been pounding CC every day in the interim between R2 and R3

Imo, yes. They would be completly unaware of what's happening.
and it's not like he needed his power to make girls fall for him. If he wanted to he would have scored effortlessly

That is probably true, I mean what else would they do?

Because neither of pic related kissed him.

>implying Euphy and Lelouch weren't playing doctor back when they were kids


>kissed by Yoko
>died a virgin because of it
Literally kill all women.

It was worth it.

he is father in r3. trust me

>Implying by the end of the R2 he's a virgin
>Implying he died
All these years, I WAS FUCKING RIGHT

>Implying they could under the attendance of butlers and attendants 24/7 and Nunnally would have let em play anyway.

>beleives he wasn't fucking CC every night since the start of the show.

Seriously? she slept in his fucking bed, spent his money and had an ass that doesn't quit. They acted very comfortable around each other even though she was usually half undressed.

Clearly they were fucking from ep1. Only Sup Forums would be so autistic to think he's a virgin.

People here seem to forget that he kind of had an harem at school
Hell, there was even an episode of him having like 30 dates in a single day, he probably fucked some of those in a bathroom or dressroom or some shit

Wrong in canon.

The satisfaction,man

Fuck you. I hate euphemia and I hate lelouch for killing his hatsukoi.

Because until end of the show, he could only get aroused by complex plans that caused the downfall of his enemies. What, you think he wasn't sporting a stiffy when ge was maniacally laughing whhenever one of his plans went right?

he didn't die

He just wants you to think he died a virgin retards

>his first love was his sister
No wonder he died a virgin. He's into incest

All the girls in the school were over him, he knew he could get laid any time so he didn't bother.

>Euphy's first time was with Lelouch
Now I understand Suzaku's anger much better.


I know the "died a virgin" meme but even us "Lelou is dead memers" knew he wasn't dead. We just wanted him to be dead for impact and that Sunrise would be milking our Clamp noodle boy. Anyway Shirley deserved to win and she will also be resurrected for the sake of sales.

He and Shirley fucked in heaven before he was resurrected. I'm kinda mad there are new Geass fans who never have to experience this debate but congrats user.

>a virgin no less
Just because they didn't have explicit sex scenes with him and C.C. doesn't mean they weren't fucking on the daily. It's called subtext you mongoloid. No teenage male, especially one involved in perilous situations every day, wouldn't be fucking an incredibly attractive girl who lived in his room and slept in his very bed.

Once the girls get a taste of Gino's huge cock they simply can't bring themselves to lay with another man no matter how much they love them.

That was a decade ago.

>CC literally calls him a virgin in a condescending tone several episodes in
>CC says she doesn't love Lelouch in a romantic way in R2

Showing girls the pleasure of being a slave to the dick makes you a hero in h-manga land.

Your point?

I don't think so either. It doesn't fit his character. The douche wasn't that much of a douche

Who cares about that? When is the true protagonist, Alex Jones going to break the Geass conditioning and BTFO the globalist Lelouch and the UFN?

CC is an unpure slut virgin shaming my boy

You guys think Euphy still had feelings for him? Or did he get cucked by Spinzaku?

Also I am sure he got some pussy from cc on the wagon.

>implying CC won't have a daughter in R3

>CC literally calls him a virgin in a condescending tone several episodes in

I don't recall that

He tried to fuck Kallen but never did it

There should have been a fucking Lelouch/Kallen/CC/Kaguya foursome. I was so excited when the concept first appeared in the show, and became so disappointed when nothing ever came of it.

I'm just gonna go with >tried it when testing out geas
>felt like he was raping a corpse/his sister (completely helpless)
why do you think he goes for the most dominant people in the series, and completely ignores kaguya?
If he was that kind of person, we wouldn't have had the problem with the BK betraying him in the first place, he would have enjoyed geassing them

>CC says she doesn't love Lelouch in a romantic way in R2
Oh boy it's that fag again. kill yourselve my boy


>why do you think he goes for the most dominant people in the series

Yet he prefers Euphie to Cornelia. Then again, I guess he was much closer with Euphie, their ages being similar.

>inb4 it's revealed that Lelouch had inherited Code from C.C and only Suzaku, Orange and a few secret personnels know about it


Nah, I feel like he wouldn't tell Suzaku. As much as they seem to have made up at the end of R2, I think Lelouch stayed a little bitter at Suzaku for all the times he fucked up his better plans, not to mention for being so enthusiastic for the Zero Requiem. I feel like he'd let Suzaku think he was dead, just to be a dick.

If I were Lelouch I would definitely tell him the whole thing so that he can suffer more as a permanent hero figure while knowing that I can be anywhere I want long as not one found me out.

How often do you think Suzaku feels like killing himself, only for his "Live" Geass to kick in?

Before Lelouch became code, literally every day.
After that, he couldn't even have such thought because the heroic Zero cannot even fall down.

Every day.

He wouldn't care.

Father killer and Mao telling him how it is killed me. That he acts courageous and put himself in dangerous situations because he wants to die in a noble way.

He died, but he got better.

Not much better though.

Is he going to be okay?
Do I have to watch Akito the Exiled before R3?

Nobody in code gease has a dick, so of course they all die virgins.

Sorry OP but this is a stupid question.

Real talk I assume Lelouch got molested by somebody in his fucked up family at some point. It would explain a few things.

I bet his cunty eldest half-sister did it, the one with the gray hair and massive boobs.

Clamp characters lack genitals in general.

I hope suzaku struggling to kill himself in the most ridiculous ways is a gag in S3

If anything I'd bet on Shneizel

I bet it was Cornelia and Schneizel.

>Suzaku attempts to hang himself
>he gets as far as having the rope around his neck, then jumps
>Geass activates
>he does a continuous Suzaku spin, acting as a helicopter rotor and generating enough lift to keep himself hovering in midair until someone finds him

>>CC literally calls him a virgin in a condescending tone several episodes in
>I don't recall that
It was in the episode that Lelouch tries to force himself on CC, and CC calls him a doutei-bouya straight to his face.
CC calls him a grandstanding all-talk virgin.

Ignore women
Acquire keikaku



I don't know. I used to fap to art of the two of them, so I like the two of them linked up, but there's really no sign in the show that she has any more connection to him than her love of him as a brother. Euphie's the one who especially likes him.

Schneizel, yeah, I can imagine Schneizel molesting him.

>he says Euphemia was his first love
>implying they didn't do as royals do

>fapping to them
I didn't even know Cornelia shippers existed. He might have had Euphie as a first love but maybe Conelia and Schneizel preyed on him.
I kid. Lelouch was a happy boy until his mom was "killed".

>Implying Zero can finally GTFO forever
It's chaotic for him to even imagine the consequences at this point.

Yeah, in the end seeing your mom murdered in front of you, and your sister blinded and crippled, would probably be more than enough to fuck you up.

Why did I laugh so much at this?

and such would be a legendary spinzaku

Also being used by your father and sent to die in the war with your blinded and crippled sister.
The horrified faces characters made we the best but poor small Lelou.

So considering the premise of the new season, how long do you think Sunrise are going to milk the "everyone thinks Lelouch is dead" plot point for?

Pretty easy way to build up drama and shit, especially now that they can't do the whole hidden identity thing again.

Well, he can still do a hidden identity and wear a mask, he just can't show his actual face to anyone.

In fact, that's probably what he'll do. A new identity and a new mask.