You know what to do

I don't condone doxxing, threats, or anything illegal, but the least you can do is report the absolute shit out of this and spread it like wildfire. I know that "/_/ ISN'T MY PERSONAL ARMY" but this is the future of two young boys who won't be given the chance to choose to keep their bodies integrity intact. Even worse she's trying to mooch off of other people to mutilate her children. As much as I want to call CPS on this woman, I know that they probably wouldn't do a thing to protect the children. The least we can do is prevent her from getting the money to get this done.

I hope you will do what's right.

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She needs to be thrown down the stairs. No more Jews on planet Earth.


Her reason:

"I am. I just delete it.. I know its not needed to be done my youngest isn't due to us not having the finances but i do feel like its more simple for them to keep clean."

Literally using a debunked myth as a reason to permanently mutilate both of her sons for life. All because she is too lazy to teach them proper hygiene. I haven't seen something this angering in a while. Seriously, everyone here, feel free to call CPS and report the fundraiser. I don't generally support or condone shit like this, but this time it's fully warranted.

What's wrong with circumcision?

you have to pay to get your dick cut off?
I thought (((they))) need more baby dicks for (((their))) cosmetics

It's the ultimate Jewish trick.

>pay Jew to cut off infant's dickskin
>Jew sells dickskin to Jewish corporations for profit



There are quite literally zero pros to having it done unless you MEDICALLY need to have it done because you were born with a foreskin defect. Such defects are far from common and the foreskin provides many benefits. There isn't a single "good" reason to get it done and the same tired apologist excuses for it are things like "I want him to look like his father", "It's cleaner", etc. All shit reasons and all have been debunked for a very long time. The fact that it's still legal is disgusting. Muslims and Africans could argue the same reasons for FGM, but if we tried to bring that to the west, people would call us insane. Yet it's perfectly natural for them to permanently mutilate the genitals of a young boy without his consent for no reason whatsoever.

they also need shekels



What's worse?
>paying someone to cut a piece of your kids dick off
>or begging for the money to pay someone to cut a piece of your kids dick off on jewbook?

Not my problem kiddo. If Tyrone’s and Chads won’t stop knocking these whores up. Nothing will. Meh survival of the fittest. Sucks for the two young boys that will have mutilated dicks. But that’s the price you pay for having a whore mother. Kek

The Alt-right virgins pretend the reason why they can't get laid because they got circumcised at childbirth, which, "Demasculates" them.

>yo dawg i heard you liked getting jewed so we're gonna kike you when we kike you


okay, so I read up on it a bit.
>you have to pay them
>you can keep the skin if you want, but they urge you to "donate" it
>there might be complications to the point of making the dick rekt for the rest of the babies life
>induces trauma to the baby that may lead to mental instability

if it's not done because of a medical necessity, why would any parent allow such a thing?
isn't that getting into the territory of child assault/abuse?

>both parents still in the picture
>both white
>father actually works to support his family
>wanting whats best for their sons

donated $50

Bless your soul user...

Nice try, kike.


Give me an infograph with sources and no memes or kike references and ill msg it to her.

We may be able to reason with her as to why its bad

Never mind i sent her this

fucking degenerate

Cosmetics? I figured they'd do it for free to suck some delicious little babby dick and slurp some screaming babby blood at the same time!!

Muh medical benefits...

Someone cut my arms off so I can clean my armpits easier.

He actually sent it lol

How much did her chest tattoo cost her?

link pls

The ruling powers did that to help mark the slave/servant class. It’ an unnecessary cosmetic procedure that’s only warranted in a clinical way in certain circumstances. Most men go uncut throughout the world. It might be too late for you, but there is no need to continue the practice with your own sons.