>Trump says Israel wants peace but the Palestinians don't
>Kerry says the Palestinians want peace but Israel doesn't
Who's right here?
>Trump says Israel wants peace but the Palestinians don't
>Kerry says the Palestinians want peace but Israel doesn't
Who's right here?
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Trump is wrong, but Kerry is not necessarily right.
both are lying. muds and kikes want to see each other burned alive
None of them really wants peace, they want to destroy the other, more than anything
I'd be fine is palestine got wiped off the planet.
don't be so superficial flagfag
Kerry is closer to the truth but ultimately "peace" is a foreign concept to a semite.
Neither, but Kerry is closer to the truth
They're both right.
Kerry fully backed every UN effort to acknowledge a Palestinian state when Obama was in office, why the doubling back now?
neither. tons of money to be made in (((negotiations))). next.
Oy Vey!
Hello, Schlomo
This. (((John Kerry)))'s real name is John (((Cohn))). Another jew playing the name game to masquerade as a goy.
I can't believe I voted for this dipshit. (((The Daily Show))) programmed me pretty well, and it took 15 years for me to break the conditioning. But now I am immune to the jewish mind virus and determined to bring about their end, kek willing.
Trump is playing 4D chess.
John Kerry, whose family's last name used to be Cohn
It's John Cohen
>doubling back
how did you come to this conclusion?
Israel certainly doesn't want peace. They just announced they want to annex
the west bank. It's hard to tell with the pals because there is hardly any good
source of news in english out of there.
Who cares?
Israelis have no reason to compromise on anything when they're already getting exactly what it wants, and Palestinians, being Muslim, will never just with getting their old homes back.
Having said this, neither side enjoys seeing dead children.
Kerry. Israel is just taking their time genociding the palestinians until they've taken over all their land.
What's ironic is that Jews who got genocided by the germans now genocide the palestinians and no one bats an eye.
Only solution is to kill off one or just glass both. But then again I guess the survivors will war over the craterer
It's not ironic when you realize that the Jews were not the victims of a genocide
>Jews are involved in something
and you have to ask who is at fault?
I would believe GEOTUS over Skull and Bones Kerry ANY DAY OF THE YEAR.
>Kike shill
I love when things are predictable like this.
israel must withdraw from land stolen from palestine per UN resolution 242
why is it always the based left that hates zionism?
I don't want Jews in my country, but I'm more than happy to let then genocide mudslimes in theirs. I just wish we didn't give them so much money and power because of muh hall of cost
John Kerry, the loser that lost to that ape Dubya? Why is he even relevant?
Neither side wants peace. The palestinians have more of a legitimate claim to the land, but the jews have a lot more weapons and their american puppets.
Israel wants peace but only after they have everything worthwhile in West Bank and Gaza. Their real desire is to have the pallys absorbed by wider musrat world. So their position is disingenuous.
Pallys want dead Jews. That's it.
It's really not a complicated fucking situation I don't know why people act like it is. The kikes want to push out to geo-borders and the rats want zero Jews in the area. Endless strife until one of those happens
Nuke both. problem solved. otherwise: palestine could be redeemed. goes for arabs in general as shown by Libya, Egypt(?), Syria among other. Just need to keep the pet goyim and jews from nonsense and fuck muslims up as they attack. Strong borders etc. No migration crisis. And so on and so on.
Big chance of a Biden-Kerry ticket in 2020. They want big names to counter Trump, heavyweights. Also they know full well to stay away from minorities to defeat Trump. They'll pay lip service but they know that another woman, or a black, or worst of all a black woman, will get absolutely creamed by Trump in 2020.
The 'weak, low energy, no stamina' memes worked last time, and they don't want to be vulnerable to it again. They're gonna go with two old, tall white guys to stand a chance.