The age of consent should be 25 you fucking degenerate pedos.
I will personally destroy every single pedo sympathizer
The age of consent should be 25 you fucking degenerate pedos.
I will personally destroy every single pedo sympathizer
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You win the virtue signal contest. Someone get this man a coat!
Someone get this man a potato!
based australian
18 is fine. It coincides with legal adulthood. You'll have to wait til you're next life time to have sex with kids.
>He said
>From Austria
There should be no AoC.
Why do people so much pretend to like this ovverrated fiveheaded little thingum?
I do also believe it should be 25, but in seconds
I agree but for you it should be 65.
You fucking Austrians and your basements have shown you can’t be trusted with anything younger
Calm down Adam
Human biology is what determines wether the girl is old enough to consent, old enough to bleed old enough to breed. If she's not consenting right away it's fine to push them a little.
>There should be no age of consent.
Yeah let's just let creeps stuff there meat into babies. 'Cause it's not rape if they can't say no. And they can't say no if they can't speak English.
Destiny here, what's up my dude? So you think the age of consent should be 25? Why? I can make a very good ethical argument for why it should be 3. I would posit that pedophilia is morally neutral, and you say it's immoral. Therefore the responsibility is yours to defend your position. What makes sex with a 3 year old so immoral? Because if I have sex with a loaf of bread, you wouldn't necessarily say that's immoral, would you? So why is a 3 year old any different? More importantly, what is the difference between a 3 year old and a loaf of bread? Can you name any differences, my dude?
only because you are 25 and have not lost your virginity yet, does not mean that everyone has to be such a looser like you
can i massacre pedos 2?
Das rite mayne
I meant as in "there should be no AoC because all sex outside marriage should be considered rape and it's up to the girl's father when and to whom she is to be married.
>creeps stuff there meat into babies
Babyfuck is alright if it's the girl's dad doing her. He owns her, he can use her as he pleases.
my grandparents got married at 15 and 19
crie about it
>Muslim flag
Of fucking course.
>Babyfuck is alright
Wtf is wrong with you. Are you joking or do you not understand how scarring it can be for a child to be sexually assaulted?
How will being loved by her father "scar" a girl?
The age of consent should be 65, anyone who says otherwise is a pedo!
by having her father jam his cock into her vagina
often doing permanent damage and preventing her from ever being able to have kids
you posting all the pictures in this thread?
You know girls have mouths, right? They got hand and feet and thighs, innit? There's plenty of sexual activity that isn't full P-in-V for a man to enjoy with a small girl. Little girls like sucking dick and having their kitties licked.
"A positive association existed between the more severe abuse and depression--all those who had experienced penetration were depressed as adults. A relation was also found between sexual abuse in childhood and sexual problems, housing problems, and problems with their children at school."
Also by your own logic a if man's son is the father's property, then the father is free to fuck the boy if he so pleases but this obviously has a positive correlation with the boy growing up to become a faggot.
and you dont think that is damaging to an undeveloped psyche?
are his "arguments" seriously based around this false equivalency nonsense ?
Although pedophilia may be an issue in some cases, think about the decrease of population, especially in the US people in the early 20, I know this may be a small issue past the point you really have to consider that with all the people who die younger than 25, none of them will ever have kids, think about that, what if you were one of those baby, who were never born.
Imagine all the people who die before the age of 25, none of them will ever have children. Imagine if you were the child who were never born.
That's not really an argument. Think about all the people that die before drinking age. Should we lower the drinking age? Anyway, why would we want orphans running around for the state to deal with? Not siding with OP but your argument is shit.
AnCap: The Post
Alright you fucking sickos, answer me this:
Let's say the age were, for whatever reason, lowered. They are still minors, so their parents still have legal control over where they are allowed to be/go, and control over their cars, money (because that minors cannot legally "own" money in a bank, its legally their parent's possession). Further, they are obligated to be in school, barring circumstances such as being expelled, which is exceptionally rare. So, where exactly are you planning on creeping on anyone that wasn't available before? What would you ever have in common with a 14 year old that a parent would allow you to be around your children? Are you trying to go to their house and tell the parent you are taking their child?
Wow tfw the muslim is right this time
Sounds like OP dipped into some forbidden fruit and is trying to go the extreme opposite to convince himself he's not sick.
Like a guy who has a one night stand with BBC Tyrone then goes on rampant homophobic rants the next day.
But but its a mental disorder and you need to accept them. Because multicultural.
You sound like a ped. Should be at least 45 for women and 65 for men.
Also, circumcision before each time as per Muttceptionalism.
Why don't you take a seat over there.
Nah, biology is brainlet bullshit. Girls and boys need rites of passage after puberty to prepare them to be good mothers and fathers. Something like 15 for girls and 20 for boys might work because rites for boys have to be longer (more difficult authority and teaching of children).
Obviously discussing marriage and not sex. Obey your local laws.
our age of consent is 14 and thats exactly why
Because you wont be able to have sex with a 14 year old anyhow
The 14 year old must consent either way, so first off, you wont even get to know one, then the parents would need to consent, and trust me, their wont give their ok if a 25 year old wants to have sex with their 14 year old daughter
If you would do it without telling anyone, it would still be shady as fuck, and you would need to get her to your apartment or whatever, and then things can go out of hand, and land you in jail anyway
It does not matter how low the age of consent in a normal society is, because at least here, you wont be able to have sex with a girl that is that young anyhow
The only thing that this does is, that children can have sex with other children without facing criminal charges, which is good in my opinion
I dont think we should encourage that, but if 2 14 year olds want to have sex, they should be able to do that
>liberals start arguing for age of consent to be lowered to 3
>simultaneously say it's ok to abort 5yos
Is it still rape?
neck yourself pedo cunt
>they are obligated to be in school,
Cunts shouldn't be allowed in schools.
Fuck you, feminist bitch.
I don't get dude who want relationships with 15 years olds. My sister in law is 15 and she's a fucking cunt. I think about divorcing my wife just to get away from her sister.
Usually he asks questions to build up a strawman that he can burn down. He also tends to move the goalposts.
AOC should be 15
But the males who date the 15 year old girls should be no older than 25 .
At 15 they are already sexually mature. but are not mudsharking roasties.
So we can stop them from fucking tyrone when they reach 18.
And at 18 they should have their first baby. 25 is the latest they can wait to have a baby, if you don't have a baby by the time you are 25, you will be forced to have one.
Okay, that's fair enough. I assumed, based on my local laws, that this was outside of the context of "Romeo and Juliet" laws. Essentially laws regarding younger people within a certain age range, below the normal consent age, are allowed to consent with each other. Do you not have that? It's pretty common across the US, at least.
Well real life isn't your asinine fantasy, and I don't date girls have less than an undergrad. Sorry you want to fuck idiots.
>gf is 24
>I'm 27
Oh fuuck, I'm fucked
They aren't capable of dealing with, or interacting with adults, so rather than have an actual "relationship" with a person as an actual person, they impart sexual desire on anything that won't be able to challenge their desires. Children are still close enough in similarity to match natural interest, but don't have the sort of agency that adults do, so that is where they fit the bill for this sort of predatory behavior.
You'll notice that, anytime you actually get them to open up about their personal life, they typically have little to no positive interactions with adults at all. They may have a job where they have to interact, but friends/professional colleagues are absent.
Girls are already ugly at 25
Hold the phone, 25?
What are you, a freaking cradle robber?
You make me violently ill, scumbag.
age of consent for males should be 25 , for females around 13-14 . Literally this is the age they are maturing these days . Males dnt mature untill 25
Stopped reading after 25.
You can't use tactics we invented on us pedo kike.
AOC = 18
15 if married
I bet OP's gf ran off with a younger guy. Fucking loser.
What? You retarded, it's the socialists that pushed this high AoC bullshit to weaken families. Who do you think wanted girls not to be married young and be sluts? Who do you think pushed girls into schools and away from motherhood?
muslims are raping your little sister
But why government think it should restrict private life of citizens and have rights to do?
This is tyranny
That's ridiculous, the age of consent should be 16 as that is when you are old enough to learn how to drive a car and get a driver's license. It certainly shouldn't not be older then voting age. This nonsensical horseshit of prolonging adolescence beyond any reasonable point is another tedious example of the infantilisation of modern society.
That's ridiculous, the age of consent should be 16 as that is when you are old enough to learn how to drive a car and get a driver's license. It certainly shouldn't be older then voting age. This nonsensical horseshit of prolonging adolescence beyond any reasonable point is another tedious example of the infantilisation of modern society.
I don't have a little sister.
You're the same idiot from over a year ago. You have refined your argument at all.
>it's the socialists that did it!!!
Yet time and time again you get ridiculed until you leave, pout for a few days, then start back up and vaguely blame socialists (which is retarded considering who you are calling socialists here).
Dude, people in general don't want you around their daughters. Get over the fact that people aren't okay with you around their children, get help for what is wrong with you.
He doesn't want to be around others daughters, he wants his own. Having a different predilection isn't what's wrong with him, his problem is internalizing society's hatred of him which makes him neurotic and defensive.
Your flag is completely ironic with your statement, but you're correct.