is he, dare I say /ourguy/ ????
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But isn't French Trump literally French Hitler?
This man outplayed everyone.
The next American Hitler will have a (D) in front of his name.
>news sites are now blatantly ripping off Sup Forums posts for headlines
Have we gone too far?
Also, OP is a faggot, so here:
if so, then Sup Forums was wrong
Were the romans white?
>>news sites are now blatantly ripping off Sup Forums posts for headlines
Yeah because pol has the best click bait.
We'll see what Dankcron does next.
>The next American Hitler will have a (D) in front of his name.
This is how you play politics.
so trump isn't hitler?
they are only saying this shit because he is investigating israeli money laundering.
hopefully they turn him into a real natsoc
>they actually ripped off that line
how about linking the article you faggot.
Archive it next time.
"Carlisle du Rozel
Historian. Pop sociologist. Cultural critic. Like my content? "
Behold the real master of 4d chess.
>pretends to be cuck
>gets elected
>ridicules niggers and African presidents
>says black birth rate must be lowered
>targets Jews with discriminatory legislation
>claims to be like a Roman god
Blumpf can’t compete
He wasn't the hero Sup Forums wanted, but he was the hero Sup Forums deserved.
Why does everyone gotta be literal all the time for? Why can't someone cool be figuratively Hitler for just once? Parts of speech.
Of course he is. Can we get over it already and just shhhh.
I really like this guy
>mfw he’s taking baby steps and normalizing Sup Forums-tier IRL shitposts
He is an outlet only giving the people enough so that they go back go to sleep and NEVER EVER come even close to nominating a "Nationalist Party" EVER AGAIN.
Prove me wrong Macron, save France.
>he won't though, and we all know it
Macron needs to prove he's not a cuck by ditching his old broad and finding a nubile woman fit for carrying Jupiter's seed
>"Here is 27 reasons why Dadolf Dhitler is literally Hitler and won't be Hillary in the primaries"
How is he Hitler
He's just some neolib centrist who told Africans to stop bitching once
he answered the call
He's don't absolutely nothing but utilises his ties to the press to spread these fake stories and then have his party's shill squad post them on Sup Forums. Find me something he's actually done that's helped France - nothing, just the papers calling him things they know will appeal to the French right. He is more like an Anti-Trump (uses media love to manipulate his supporters as opposed to Trump's using media hate.)
>how is he Hitler
Because some thick framed faggot from lol said so
>implying the nationalists even had a chance in France
Sorry but he’s consistently doing this shit. He’s not just throwing crumbs to the opposition (which is common for several reasons). He’s blatantly doing this stuff, I don’t think anyone is truly sure why yet
k, wake me up when the mudz are gone.
If journalists in France are anything like in the US, they too have IQs in the double digits, so not surprising
the Church still supports the macarons.
The two got along so well when they met, this might have been planned for a long while.
Who is jew'ing who?
He hid his power level
Its almost as if Trump knew Macron would win so he built an alliance from the beginning
He wrote his college thesis on Machiavelli and Hegel. This literally explains everything on why he's doing what he's doing. He's a German Idealist!
No. He is still a Globalist shill who still cucks to the EU and their overlords. It just took them the year to finally realize they made a mistake.
All he will do (assuming shitskins and mudslimes don't ruin the voterbase) is ensure a Nationalist party in 2022.
Thats a ladybois response to interviews
France was lost to multicults 20 years ago....
Why is France completing the system of German Idealism while Trump left us with Counter-Philistinism?
Can i get a quick rundown ? Why is he /ourguy/ ?
So does this mean trump isn’t Hitler anymore? Or more importantly, does this mean his supporters are no longer Nazis?
> Under Macron, the French government has recently worked to set up a new tax department specifically to target and investigate tax evasion by French Jews. Such a degree of targeted investigations towards an entire nationality or race is typically unprecedented. According to the Jerusalem Post, “The French department was established to handle French Jewish tax evaders, and hired employees with professional experience and a profound understanding of Israeli law in order to examine whether Jews were using these laws to evade tax in France. The aim of the department is to catch French tax evaders using Israel as a tax shelter.”
> Macron has also renamed the French “Ministry of Defense” to the “Ministry of the Armies,” and has made it evident that he intends to return France to its former glory as international militant superpower.
/ourguy/ also militant superpower lol wtf does that mean?
Under all the bullshit and propaganda, the Nazis ARE leftists. The Nazis are socialists after all.
I don't get the joke. Someone clarify pls.
Quick rundown?
He is gay beyond belief
Lefties say trump is 'Literally Hitler'
Ergo, French Trump is literally French Hitler.
Oh, right. Went over my head. I kept thinking about the invasion of France.
I don't care what he or she has if front of their name. If they hate jews as much as I do, that person gets my vote
If Sup Forums is a faggot board then yes.
This is how you hide your power level.
nazis were socialists without the marxism. they were centrists
It's a done deal. But God, that pic explains why western "culture" is a cancer who killed the white people.
I'm moving to france if true
checked. i would assume they're all kikes so.. 95 IQ at best
a is b, c is b, a is c
Thank you noticing that too, an user said that in a popular thread a few days ago. Does everyone browse pol these days?
Macron is a globablist bank cocksucker...the guy only believes in one nation, that ghosty one hidding behing tax havens and multinational corporations, no way a "French Hitler"
Also he is a faggot
>claims to be like a Roman god
Like how other French heads of state claimed to be a Greek god?
Absolutely not, he is an EU cuck.
are older women the ultimate redpill?
Ill start believing this shilling once I see France do somwthing about immigration.
French Hitler.
I like it!
Faggot-ass liberals compare people they dislike to Hitler so frequently that it's lost its meaning
Making Blumph look like a big pussy. Next thing you know Emanuel will build a wall between Mexico and the USA and make Blumph pay France a tax to rent it.
take 100 heads
Checked and keked
I believe it. They had some good builders in the past