Why is Luffy the manlet trying to take away /ourgirl/s smile?
One Piece
>need a SaNa moment, Its been a while
First for BEST Charlotte.
What a faggot
>Big Mom getting this angry about her "memories"
Is that some failsafe planted by Pudding?
What's going on?
Probably has no idea WSJ English just left the nip name alone
The assassination will fail but big mom will still need to go down, how does it happen.
>tamatebako bomb goes off
>everyone against bg including some of her kids attacks her
>undercover marines and admiral show themselves and arrest her
Mangastream staff lashed out at some guy when he asked them to use Katakuri instead of Dogtooth.
>undercover marines and admiral show themselves and arrest her
That's retarded
Dogtooth sounds better.
this nigga
I guess the next time Akainu appears he will be named Red Dog, right? Better go all way or not go that way at all
Red Dog is an alias though, his real name is Sakazuki. It should be translated just like "Strawhat" Luffy, Whitebeard, Blackbeard, Red Hair Shanks, etc.
but Katakuri is a name, you should never translate names, just add a translator note to explain their meaning if necessary.
Even if they translate his name it should be Potato Starch not Dogtooth
what's funny is that they previously left it untranslated, and continue to leave names like "daifuku" as is.
But that doesn't sound edgy and cool!!
>People complain the girl mugiwaras don't get in extreme enough fights.
>Oda makes a Female character designed entirely for physical combat.
>People think she's not going to stay with the Nakama.
Leave the plan's failure to me!
If BM were to go down this archive how would you react ?
>implying Sanji isn't gonna fuck it up somehow
Arc* I meant fugg
Honestly, Jinbei and Carrot fit perfectly into the crew. Their race, power, personalities are unique and don't clash with any of the strawhats.
Jinbe is strong and wise, he could work as a strategist and a backup tank. Carrot is strong, fast and retardedly cute, she could work as a spy.
You can get strach from the dogtooth flower.
But this doesn't chanfge that nearly all of Mom's children have western names like Opera or Smoothie, so Katakuri being named that instead of literally Starch or so likely means that it should be left untranslated.
Year of Jinbe's death
Jinbe gon' die.
Carrot, however, has high-mobility that only Luffy can match and isn't weak to water the way he is.
>implying based Gastino won't save everyone thus earning his place as next nakama
Bege should try to capture big mom in his fortress and not to 'kill' her with a stupid ultrabazooka.
>Carrot, however, has high-mobility that only Luffy can match and isn't weak to water the way he is.
She could act as the crew's scout and has her "shojoesque art" as a gag.She's also a mink and it'd be natural for the future pirate king to have one just like the old one had.
>Bege should put a person who could control souls inside his own body
How much longer till we get luffy vs cracker animateD?
>Shojoesque Art
She'd make a nice chronicler, doncha think? Mugiwaras don't have one of those.
Why would you put a walking tank in your body? She'll literally destroy him from the inside out
I like how Doffy had literally the nickname "Joker" and had some superficial similarities, but in the end he was just a normal, albeit cynical and excentric, mafia boss - while Bege looks like s streotypical mafia boss, but he's a Joker with a taste for fashion who just wants to see things burn.
>Mom inside Bege
>She touches a chair,a candle,the fucking floor and just swipes his soul since (per Bege himself) everything in there is part of him
Not the smartest of plans desu.
Shittt guys, luffy is going to unleash G4 on big mom. Looks like they really are going to take her down this arc.
>Carrot, however, has high-mobility that only Luffy can match
Sanji ? Brook ?
Bege is a god in his dimension. He wouldnt let mom touch anything to let her insert her soul. Also theirs most likely a restriction for taking parts of peoples souls. So far we didnt saw mom taking souls. She forced people to give them parts but didnt take them i think its thats a differnce. :^)
Sky Walk doesn't get the bounce that Luffy or Carrots leaps can get.
Tell that to Muscat.
doesn't matter he can just jump again, sanji can always go higher than carrot
You could have just not responded instead of trying to defend your stupid statement with more stupidity
But it takes him time to get that high. Carrot can jump hundreds of feet in the air in a single bound (As in, in mere seconds) with only Luffy able to match that feat.
As for Jimbe, if he don' die, the Mugiwaras do need a frogman.
carrot is too boring
Speedreaders I swear
Sanji skywalked to a building faster than a mook could fire a gun. He's fast.
Don't say that. Oda will make her the solo main for two years if you say that.
Unless that's your plan.
if oda reads Sup Forums, one piece is doomed
>Oda sees through the memeing
>kills Jinbe despite the fact
I never thought about it before, but the SlipSlip fruit is perfect for fucking. Permalube.
Any /jp/fags know if 2ch is the same shitposting about OP or if they have very different tastes?
Despite Oda's infatuation with Western movies, I still see him as going for the Japanese market.
>OP has 350 Million Volumes in circulation
>Oda has around 400 Million Dollars including all the shit he's involved in
What the fuck
>mfw I'm complaining about a translation I didn't pay anything or anyone for so logically I should just translate it myself.....oh wait
Games, events, merchandise, anime, movies, advertisements, deals... He probably invests, too.
>Carrot was in the filler
>Pedro was not
Do you see now how confirmed for nakama Carrot is?
one piece is like star wars of japan, what do you expect?
But she wouldn't feel anything because you get pleasure from the friction between your dick and their pussy, and she is so smooth that she there wouldn't be any friction.
Pedro is the inside man, Carrot was introduced as a new adventurer. The basics, man.. Why can't they get them? Is it denial? If so, what on earth are they thinking?
She can control the friction.
>Shirahoshi for nakama, nope
>Monet for nakama, nope
>Rebecca for nakama, nope
>Carrot for nakama
who the fuck thought shirahoshi could be nakama?
just the logistics of carting around an enormous fucking fish wherever you go should've tipped you off it wasn't happening.
Spot the one that isn't a princess with responsibilities or an evil enemy of the Strawhats.
And carrot being a stupid fucking rabbit should be enough of a hint that she's not joining either
>Monet wasn't evil
Oh i get it now you're just the last Monetfag jealous of Carrots nakama status
Carrot led jack to zou.
or dead.
He only makes $20 million or so a year, he gets peanuts in merch and anime sales.
If Pell can survive a point blank Nuclear explosion then there might be a possibility that Monet survived
That's still barely a dollar per volume if you include his merch in that 400 mil
is there a wallpaper of this?
Peregrine falcon is the fastest animal. It can dive at like 200 km/h
What? Jack had every intention of going to Zou no matter what. He was looking for Raizo
Pell awakened his fruit the falcon fruit. a regular non magical manga falcon can fly over 200 mph. How fast do you think Pell can go? Monet got stabbed in the heart and then blown up trapped inside the exploding building
Right but Zou moves so he needed a vivre card. Carrots vivre.
but how was he 100% sure he's there? and who led him there?
i hope she does dies this arc
Oda needs to start killing more characters and wrap this shit show up already
He knew that the Mink are long time allies of the Kingdom of Wano. It's the logical place for him to hide.
Why god why couldn't Jack just have been killed by the Elephant.
well no it's supposed to be a secret. you also didn't answer the second question
Think he's talking about the fact that Kaidou's crew must have a Vivre card to lead them to Zou.
And you are implying Carrot purposefully gave her vivre card to Jack so that he could attack Zou?
what if they have a mink on board? like pekoms?
Kaido is all about the zoans. Wanted 100% zoan crew.
pekoms has a zoan fruit though
Whole Cake Arc poster for the anime
Would explain why Bege tried to take him out too
Maybe he knew he was spying for Kaido.
>mountain dew hair
He tried to take him out twice, first because he wanted to abando the mission to retrieve Sanji, second ebcause he was going to tell BM about Bege's betrayal. If he was on Kaido's side I don't see why he would warn BM.
Why did Oda design Pedro to be so similar to Sanji?
bege took pekoms out because he wanted ceasar to come with him so he can forge him a deadly weapon to assassinate big mom with it.
why are you this retarded
His name should either be Katakuri or Starch
Dogtooth is retarded and inconsistent with the rest of his family
>bege took pekoms out because he wanted ceasar to come with him so he can forge him a deadly weapon to assassinate big mom with it.
I think that's just opportunism on Bege's part.
He only get control of Ceasar just recently.
Without the intervention of the SH at PH Bege never would have had the chance to use CC.
Thats why Pekoms told the Strawhats Bege was attacking him. We don't know everything about Pekoms or Bege
Bege obviously wants all the power. His trademark is tricking and betraying people too. He would want to take Kaido down as well I'm sure.
Oh wait this one's higher res
apparently niggerstream gets offended by the slightest criticism