On second thought.... it’s probably best to not red pill normies on Punished Trump Theory. Too many people find out and Trump’s cover is blown.
Punished Trump Theory
Tfw didn't save image and wanted to 're read
Whats the punished Trump theory you cock sucking homosexual?
In bullet format. I'm not reading some apeshit jpg about jews and kikes
i provided a png, faggot
i've read about the punished trump theory, but i still don't understand why it's called "punished trump" theory.
is it a reference to something else by that name? or something
MGS V reference.
>Trump is anything other than a ZOG puppet
re piola
someone dumb this down
Yeah, but he didn't even get digits so come on...how true could that be?
Punished Trump is real.
>trump mentioned one time he lost hundreds of friends during 9/11
>jews did 9/11 apparently
>therefore trump hates jews and the whole reason for his campaign is to destroy jews
>Trump is rich and famous, and has no material reason to get involved in politics
>Reveals his distrust of Israel while responding to Jeb Bush during debate
>Describes fury he felt when Jews killed hundreds of his friends on 9/11
>Such a lust for revenge
>Sacrifices his daughter to get closer to (((them)))
>Reaffirms his vow at the Western Wall
>The chain of retaliation is what will truly bind this world together as one
thanks for the cliffs.
So how did the 9/11 jew thing happen?
Some Jews went to Saudi Arabia and found 22 guys named Mohammed and Achmed and talked them into going on a suicide mission on behalf of Israel?
Don't know dude, I'm not that autistic
whoa, careful there, new guy :-D
So what about his recent jerusalem stunt? Is that all 4d chess too?
Oh yes.
so lets call this the
>Trump Revenge Theory
because he want to
>punish muslims for killing his friends on 9/11
makes more sense than OPs gibbish