So why do they hate eachother so much? Why noy unite under Caucasian nationalism against the other subhuman races?
Europeans and Middle easterners are the closest racially
whiter than you, mohamed
Everybody knows it.
except for Europeans.
irony def con 3
Religion, islam is incompatible with European civilization.
Semites aren't white. They aren't even caucasian, they have very obvious Jews faces. Persians and Indians at least have caucasoid features
the honest answer to your conundrum is that we have incompatible cultures
I think they just wanna deny it or something? I know most other races can barely tell the difference between middle easterners and europeans.
Pakistani and Some Indians are caucasian too.
You white have to admit it.
Honestly middle easterners are fine IMO, I just hate Muslims. Unfortunately Islam has completely infected the middle east so the two go hand in hand these days.
only in your dreams, mohamed
white people are the indigenous race of european christendom
we are children of the snow, you are children of the sand
>being this retarded
Indians are dravidian and related ti aborigines and africans.
Semites are Caucasian, sure theyre not white, but you dont need to be white to be Caucasian.
This, they all look same
So is Christianity, they're both Semitic religions from the Middle East.
It's not even that. It's simply because middle easterners are tribal savages in a state of perpetual warfare.
Middle easterners can't unite themselves, so what makes you think they can unite with westerners?
If they were civilized people no one would give a fuck what moon god they worship.
Fuck kek. You mean our middle eastern religion?
Uh oh my god delete this please. Yupi are embarassing us in front of the foreigners.
I notice that other races always confuse Arabs with Europeans but Islam creeps the heck out of me on a deep level.
Europeans and Middle Easterners WERE racially close 2,000 years ago before shitskin sandnigger semitic invasions during the 6th century by beduin arab Muslims conquered the Levant and Mesopotamia.
Now The Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey are all full of mongrel subhuman scum.
But the good thing is that there are still big pockets of Levantine Med. Caucasians in these areas.
Stop making shit up. Most of the middle east was always semetic except for Iranics and turkics. Phenocians, fillistins, assyrians, babylonians, arabs, hebrews etc.. all Semites.
Christianity didn't turn European culture into middle eastern culture and civilization, it converted the population but let them keep their culture and societal norms.
Islam however assimilates cultures it converts into sharia law Arab culture
no it wasn't you SHITSKIN
The Levant and Mesopotamia were always Levantine Mediterranean Caucasian, semites came later on during the 6th century and invaded bringing Islam with them.
Phoenicians were thought to have been semites until in 2016 scientists discovered a 3,000 year old Phoenician Mummy and when they tested it's dna, they found out that it was Indo-European Caucasian, so not semitic.
Because there are about 7 billion dark haired dark eyed throw away people on earth. There is just a few score million light featured people left and we don't want to unite with the dark races. We want to be left alone by you scummy orcs.
burn in hell Mohammed, you are not white under any stretch of the imagination, you are subhuman Semitic shitskins from the sands of Arabia
I see mostly Americans posting on this thread.
i completely agree with you. i think the reason that they are savages is because we forced democratic civilization on them, we should of let them evolve or rot on their own, but yeah their culture is also a product of their general savagery
whiter than you, Mohamed
I'm about 44% whiter than you.
Kek butthurt shitskin
London is about 44% white now
they have the same diference that chinese has with the polinesians,so irrelevant
Na, about 60%, plus 20% non-problematic non-whites.
About 20% proper niggers, which is just a fragment of most of your cities.
> 20% non problematic non-whites
kek enjoy your multicultural capital you cuck
Funny thing is that mostly 90% of the shitskins in America live in big inner cities.
And over the years all of the whites have left and are now living in towns or in the countryside which are completely white.
Our nonwhites are kept locked up in confinement.
But our country is 50 times bigger than Britain so we have the option of moving far away from shitskins.
Meanwhile there is no room for you anymore to go and you have to eventually assimilate with mohammed and tyrone .
>20% non-problematic non-whites
You just cucked yourself with being ok with any shitskin that's in your own nation kek
Strawman. If all of those people share the same political beliefs as the white guy then there's not really any problem other than "but they don't look like me".
No, that's not being cucked. India is a part of Commonwealth, and rightfully so. Indians in the UK marry each other, and they make no problems. Same goes for Pakistanis (also Commonwealth). This group makes out about 90% of the shitskins in this country. Don't believe everything you read on Sup Forums.
London is actually not bad at all. Really safe city, for its size. 99% of the murders are nigger teens killing other nigger teens with knives. I really couldn't care less. I can go anywhere in London, at any time, without looking over my shoulder. I would have liked to see you do the same thing in Southside Chicago (which is one out of numerous examples).
I don't buy your whole countryside argument. It sounds extremely retarded. Everything of value happens in the city, otherwise we could just as well become communists. Capitalism IS urbanism. Without control over the cities, your country is dead - and you are losing that control every day.
middle easterners (arabs) are basically kikes tho.
and we sure as fuck aren't kikes because if we were, there wouldnt be so much covering up of DNA research and we'd act a lot more like kikes.
caucasians are very similar to indians though, this is true
holy fucking kek ....
They spoke semetic tounges you stupid motherfucker, making them Semites. Btw' semetic is not a racial category' its linguistics.
Going by your dumb logic indians are white and hungarians or finns are asians.
> tribal savages in a state of perpetual warfare.
Says the guy who keeps destroying Europe
Argumentative post you've got there.
More like the difference that east asians have with south east asians, except its even much less.
Someone from saudi arabia has more in common with someone from sweden than any of us do with people from africa or asia.
Germany is neither tribal nor in a state of perpetual warfare, Ahmed. You might want to invest in a dictionary.
i'm taking about race here you fucking god damn MONG
Going by my logic, Indians would be SHITSKINS and Hungarians and Finns are Turanid since they come from Central Asian Steppe Nomadic Tribes that assimilated into Europe.
But we are not the same nigger. Stop with this.
Then what the fuck are you? A non-argumentative mutt? Sounds about right :>
If its just linguistics why even bring it up and harp on with it you absolute fuckup.
Fucking Amerimutts these day. You really have no idea how genetics works or the importance of culture and genetics as EQUAL factors in the determination of compatibility.
You realise all humans are also genetically quite similar to fucking apes as well, at around 98%? Maybe we should make Hominidae nationalism for every animal in the Homo genus-type, huh?
Stop shilling for this civic nationalism bullshit. Sand Niggers aren't white, no matter how "close" they are to being white, they're not white. Their culture is also backwards as fuck, and 5 minutes on google will bring up countless studies showing that about 50% of arab are literally INBRED. The number goes much higher when you look at places like Pakistan where it's getting close to 80% of Pakis being inbred.
i'm not the shitskin here buddy
i'm not the one that's saying
No, you are the one claiming USA is fine because you can just abandon your cities and move to the countryside.
the only ones that has european blood are some turks and iranians
>so we have the option of moving far away from shitskins
Until the hammer and sickle come down and they restrict freedom of movement. Where do you think all of this is going?
the same diference betwenn amerindians and east asian
>Implying If savage murcia dint murder all those people in wars, EUROPE wouldn't be mainly free from the hoards of your like minded savage kins.
Helo Mother.
Aren't Finns basically = Saami?
This guy gets it.
I am fine with J2 and E1 lineages, but not Jew1.
i'm saying that you are the one in trouble since you will become nonwhite faster than us which is true.
Since your country is half the size of California alone
>Aren't English basically Germans
We split at least 3000 years ago from early Proto-Finnic. So not really.
Look st the distance between Africa and Europe and Asia and Europe. Whites are closer related to Africans than Asians.
Thus racing mixing with an Asian chick is worst thanks racemixing with Africans.
> communism takes hold in America
kek the delusion
right now we are experiencing a right-wing WN revival.
White Americans are dropping the leftist liberal mentality and accepting the right-wing pro-white mentality.
And if you tell me that the rise of WN and far-right sentiment in America is a lie thn you're a fucking lier.
wer can I git qt Finno-Ugric gf ?
>The genetic heritage of Finns has always been known as special, but only now is it known that the Finnish population is completely unique in Europe. Finns differ so much from Europeans when it comes to genetic heritance, that they have to be classified as their own human population.
>If all genetic information would be put in a computer analysis, then all other populations would go to a completely different area. Finland is always there in it's own group, you can't put Finland anywhere.
>It's correct to say that Finns are not Europeans, they don't resemble Europeans genetically. But Finns are not Asians either, they don't resemble them either. Finns don't resemble any other population genetically.
Europeans and Asians are literally on the same fucking racial line you fucking nigger.
Niggers don't have any fucking Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon dna, how in the fuck can we be closer to them?
They are closer to fucking apes than homo sapiens (whites).
You guys are Turanid, half white and half Asian.
Turanids can be another branch of the Caucasian Race.
Other Turanid people are Bulgarians, Hungarians, Sami, Gaugaz , Tatars, Chuvash, .
I'd like to see what the distances are when you use more than 2 loci. You could probably choose two where Africans are closer than Middle Easterners if you chose poorly.
Why is this Lynn data always so heavily criticized
I always found Finns to be a little bit self-absorbed. You are like Scandinavians, in many ways, but more insecure.
wtf is this a chart of? Without the context of the axises this is meaningless for interpretation.
You just described any chart in the history of Sup Forums
cuz white people are fucking dumb as shit and middle easterners will out maneurvre them
without islam, the Middle East would have completely destroyed the "sacred aryans"
whites are totally incompetent and always have been
jews just used them for their gain and now they are sucking them dry
it's an index of relative genetic distance, not too difficult to read
you just now realizing that they're just a violent inbred version of Italians and Greeks?
Nah man.
We are the only true Aryans.
That is the final red pill my friend
>In 1890, Taylor published Origin of the Aryans, in which he proposed the "round-head theory," in which he argued that European Russia was the homeland of all of the Indo-European peoples, in opposition to the assertion of Max Müller, who had argued for Central Asia. Taylor believed that the Celts (tall stature, round heads), a branch of the ancient Finns, were the only true Aryans who had "Aryanized" the Iberians (short stature, long heads), the Scandinavians (tall stature, long heads), and the Ligurians (short stature, round heads).
>In regards to the origin of the Basques, Taylor believed that they were direct descendants of the Etruscans. Taylor’s theories on the Etruscans, though now obsolete, caused great interest at the time that they were presented. He believed that the Etruscan language belonged to the Altaic language group, and that Etruscan mythology was fundamental to that presented in the Kalevala, the great Finnish epic.
>In the early days of Assyriology, Sumerian was commonly believed to belong to the Ural-Altaic language phylum. This view originated with three leading Assyriologists, Edward Hincks, Henry Rawlinson, and Jules Oppert, and other big names in early Assyriology such as Friedrich Delitzsch supported it (Fig. 1). The Frenchman François Lenormant, who wrote on the subject in 1873-78, found Sumerian most closely related to Finno-Ugric.
t. buttblasted shitskin sandnigger
Funny that mostly all great Muslim Empires has a white ruling class and were ruled by Whites.
1. Ottoman Empire was a White Muslim Empire
2.Barbary States were ruled by White Muslims
3.Safavid Shia Empire was a White Islamic Empire
4. Egyptian Mameluke Sultnate was a White Islamic Empire
You shitskins didn't do shit
was there such thing as a Finno-Ugric empire ?
idk if this is larp or not
a finn told me that it existed 33,000 b.c
>But our country is 50 times bigger than Britain so we have the option of moving far away from shitskins.
>L-lets just run away and let others take our land
>I-it's okay, we didn't want that land a-anyway!
How very American of you
prove to me what I say is wrong
I said we have that OPTION , I'm not saying that is the thing we should do.
But i'd rather have the shitskins take the cities and terrorize the leftist scum that inhabit there kek
besides there are millions and millions of acres of fertile unclaimed land in the usa.
Just google leaders of those empires and see for yourself, faggot
Because diversity + proximity = war.
Which is why multicult is BATSHIT CRAZY.
>Of modern nationalities, Finns are closest to Cro-Magnons in terms of anthropological measurements.
You can see in their faces how unconfortable and disgusting the appearance of the skin that used to form his most recognitiable part of a human body is for both of them. Poor guy and poor wife.
i'm going to love this.
Pic Related is Mehmet the Conqueror, The Second Ottoman Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
Depicted in ancient Ottoman Art
The Barbary States were Muslim Semi-Independent States in North Africa .
The Leaders were all White Muslim European Converts and Berbers.
Their most famous leader was a Dutch Muslim named Jan Janzsoon van Haarlem a.k.a MURAD REIS
Because they fucked their cousins for a thousand years and now have nigger tier iq. Any more questions?
Maybe this is why you are all alcoholic?
The founder of the Safavid Shia Empire of Iran was Ismail the First.
Pic related is him depicted by Azerbaijani art.
>cherry picking
Yes many middle easterners do have “white” features. This proves nothing
Early Sumer before semites took over, Kvenland, Bjarmia, Eary Novgorod before slavization
Also, read The Arctic Home in the Vedas by Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Paradise Found: The Cradle of the Human Race at the North Pole by William F Farren.
The Egyptian Mameluke Sultanate was ruled by slaves that were brought to Egypt by the Arabs and Turks.
They were of Circassian, Greek, Albanian, and Slavic ethnicity.
The founder of the modern state of Egypt was Muhammad Ali Pasha. an Albanian.
Heres the family tree of Northern kingdoms according to Icelandic sagas
oh and I almost forgot the Moorish Caliphate of Spain, ruled by Berbers and Muslim Spanish Converts.
Pic related shows an ancient Spanish depiction of the Moors playing chess.
What about the caliphs who are descends of Muhammad? Are they white?
Spics, whiter middle easterners and NE Asians are fine. The problem is that all of those groups have different religions and seperate group identities from white euros, which is why they have to go back.
pic related is what i'm talking to you about
did it exist?