If I remember correctly the general reception for this wasn't that good, even though in the end it was quite a decent show, with an interesting setting and nice references to old anime. The narration was non-linear but almost everything at the end was explained (I must say that the time-travel focused episode was the only one I did not enjoy that much, it's hard to deal with time paradoxes) and generally speaking the plot was good and characters had a decent characterization. Plus had some really good animations.
Was this show underestimated?
Other urls found in this thread:
That was the only good scene in the whole show.
It was decently popular on Sup Forums. Threads on airing days did reach bumb limit with mostly on-topic discussion, and sometimes there was even a second thread following the first one also reaching bump limit.
Quality discussion was fine, critique was accepted, people did talk about the morale of the week and what the superhumans represent, and people did eagerly await next week's episode.
All in all, it had fine threads.
Now there's nothing much to talk about it anymore, because there's no new material coming out for it, like always.
It's anime-original so it's of course either underrated or shit.
I really enjoyed it, but I expect the non-linear story confused a lot of people. Last spring was a damn good season all around.
that doesn't very anime
S3 when?
I miss it.
There was serious lack of Demon Queen Kikko.
You shall now pledge your eternal devotion to Demon Queen Emi instead.
Realistically, never.
The twitter ain't updating anymore, it's a series that got 24 episodes, the business partner of Studio Bones that helped finance Concrete Revolutio, the Anime Consortium Japan, doesn't exist in its original form anymore (now it's nothing more but Bandai/Namco), and unfortunately, it wasn't that much of a big hit in the West, and it didn't do well in Japan either.
ConRevo was an anime meant to spearhead the Japanese streaming service Daisuki into the West, but with Daisuki practically irrelevant, there's no need for that anymore.
The show seriously lacked one more episode for MONSTER vs the world. Nuclear Dragon Powered Rage Equss of Doom was too good.
Maybe if they somehow fused ski jumpers (they even got the V-style jump there wrong) with Devilo/a episode. Or get the gods theme to the latter and cut out most of the talk. You could get that way one more episode.
And even then I would prefer to get another one episode for Judas/Earth-chan.
Still the series was great and the threads were comfy as fuck, especially when everyone were looking for references and explaining them.
>The show seriously lacked one more episode for MONSTER vs the world.
Yeah, that was really a pity. It was quite disheartening to read that the second season would only have 11 episodes, instead of 12 or another 13 like season 1.
Yeah, especially when S1 finale was great three-parter, and S2 was literally episode and half.
I believe the term is underrated
Isn't it the same?
What's the difference? They should be synonyms.
I loved concrete revolutio. The threads were nice because there weren't so many anons watching it. Sure the story was a bit all over the place sometimes but it still kept me hyped. Also Jirou best boy and Emi best girl.
ehh... They do not have the same meaning.
You could have (in the context of the show) underestimated it's sales or the power to sell Daisuki, and the show is underrated because people were to fucking stupid to understand non-linear narration and references.
You can search it in the dictionaries but even if both terms have "value" or other same word in their definition that does not make them interchangeable in every context.
>Tfw Jirou was almost 30 here
Damn. I keep forgetting that.
Being 30 years old and still not achieving anything of significance in his life.
Truly depressing.
Thanks, I got it.
Shame that her song wasn't as good as the OST ver as the one in the show.
During the episode you could hear anger, sadness, powerlessness in her singing, but not so much in the "studio" ver.
All in all, ConRevo was just a depressing anime about superheroes failing to make the world a truly great place.
And that is one of the reasons that makes it good.
But is wanting to watch a bunch of powerful superbeings reflecting mankind in its myriads aspect struggling to usher world peace and utopia really something that people want to watch?
Nobody likes to be reminded of failures, even although it it important that the younger generation do not forget the hard lessons that lead to our current prosperous situation.
Those points are definitely true and can be depressing for some, but it was nevertheless a damn good series. Had everything from colourful scenery to my favourite VAs, and made me appreciate Ishikawa's acting a great deal.
Yeah, it was great how everyone put lots of efforts into that show, even if it did ultimately fail spectacularly.
Wow, it turns out that Seven Seas licensed that two-volume manga for physical release.
But they haven't done the Kikko-manga spin-off yet, right?