Brit/pol/ : It's fucking windy outside edition

>Labour Transport secretary stuck on broken-down train en route to Rail protest

>Chris Grayling 'running scared' to Qatar from rail chaos

>Met Police chief warns of large Freemason influence

>Millenial journalists still can't handle Brxit

>Royal Navy sells flagship to Brazil

>Ryanair seeks UK license in Brexit airline chaos

>Priti Patel alleges campaign spending offences by Remain

>Starmer to force vote on EU rights charter

Thread Quote:
>“For last year's words belong to last year's language; And next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning."
-T.S. Eliot

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Hailing outside where I am...

This is an Eliot thread now

>"On the Rialto once.
>The rats are underneath the piles.
>The Jew is underneath the lot.
>Money in furs. The boatman smiles,"


hms ocean looks like a real piece of shit

Lads a lass I went full autismos on the other day, which included a frenzy of hate messages directed directly at her for her lack of loyalty due to an ex-boyfriend, has just sent me a friends request.

What did she mean by this?

They're vanity projects when we don't even have the current strength to defend say the Falkland's. Good for the shipbuilding industry and not much else

They were begging me to join the Surface Fleet when I want to the AFCO.

My instructor was begging me to switch to the Royal Marines.

I went submariner instead; Tactical Warfare Specialist.

At least it's not leaking...

Loyalty? Is she ur bird?

who up?

How long do you go on patrol for

>"Liberalism. . . tends to release energy rather than accumulate it, to relax, rather than to fortify. It is a movement not so much defined by its end, as by its starting point; away from, rather than towards, something definite. Our point of departure is more real to us than our destination; and the destination is likely to present a very different picture when arrived at, from the vaguer image formed in imagination. By destroying traditional social habits of the people, by dissolving their natural collective consciousness into individual constituents, by licensing the opinions of the most foolish, by substituting instruction for education, by encouraging cleverness rather than wisdom, the upstart rather than the qualified, by fostering a notion of getting on to which the alternative is a hopeless apathy, Liberalism can prepare the way for that which is its own negative: the artificial, mechanized or brutalised control which is a desperate remedy for its chaos."

Christianity and Culture

Not exactly, no. But it makes very little difference; she is showing direct signs that she is wanting to be my bird and always maintaining the idea that I am, in some way, a 'fuckboy' despite me not doing anything that would make me into that so I find it hypocritical for her to call me that and yet she can remain, in her own mind, unloyal. It triggered me, so to speak.

Bluddy windy down here too.

Deployment is 6 months but 3 months of them are at sea and most often than not we only go to sea once a year in the subs.

Not supposed to be saying this but we only have 3 subs at sea right now, the rest are being fixed.

Yeah this is probably some kind of test, I would lay down the law and make her explicitly acknowledge what's going on. Presuming you want that


2 attack 1 nuclear I assume? Promise I'm not the Russians...

Whats it like out at sea? Do you have to be quiet or was that just in the old days

wind and rain is comfy... mmmmmmmm..

One T-boat, one V-boat and an A-boat, aye. One bomber and two attacks.

We're really looking forward to Successor though.

And at sea it's on and off desu you do have to be quiet when you're red lighted (drills/engaging) but apart from that you can make as much noise as you want so long as you don't annoy signal department.

best part is the beer rations and food tho

I think this one wants to fuck Tommy Robinson. Piers Morgan would watch from the armchair and drop comments about how Americans need to watch more EPL while Piers ate many kebabs.

I always get blocked/deleted by this lass like once a month and yet she always unblocks me and returns to normal with me.

>So long…as we consider finance, industry, trade, agriculture merely as competing interests to be reconciled from time to time as best they may, so long as we consider “education” as a good in itself of which everyone has a right to the utmost, without any ideal of the good life for society or for the individual, we shall move from one uneasy compromise to another. To the quick and simple organization of society for ends which, being only material and worldly, must be as ephemeral as worldly success, there is only one alternative. As political philosophy derives its sanction from ethics, and ethics from the truth of religion, it is only by returning to the eternal source of truth that we can hope for any social organization which will not, to its ultimate destruction, ignore some essential aspect of reality. The term “democracy,” as I have said again and again, does not contain enough positive content to stand alone against the forces that you dislike—it can easily be transformed by them. If you will not have God (and He is a jealous God) you should pay your respects to Hitler or Stalin."

I like to misquote this so its just the final line minus "or Stalin" but that would be dubious

You get booze at sea? That's grand. Is it all blokes? You ever served on the Vs?

Fuck right off. That's my city's adopted shit.

I actually visited it last year, pic related.

Bizarro. You known her a while then?

For about 6 months.

t. hitlerphile

You know what? I think marrying Meghan actually is a strategic move on Harry's part. Here's why:

-By intermarrying with an American, you share our military which means you guys are back up top with the US as a superpower, which means you guys get your navy and colonies back from the US.

-All citizens and goods free to travel between Britain and the US, meaning Brexit ain't nothing but a thang.

-You get to share your superior culture with our superior technology, coming together to form the birth of an Ameri-Anglo masterrace.

I don't understand why you guys have to be so butthurt about this. This marriage literally fulfills everything Britain has been striving for over the last 15 years.

I've been on HMS Vengeance twice (deployed) but usually I'm attached to HMS Artful (which has just returned from deployment).

Also I've only seen woman on my 5 tours and she was a Lieutenant (just came from Midshipman at Collingwood) and aye you get the equivalent of 4 units a day.

>Not embracing Moselyism

That's not bad at all, can you save up the beers and drink them all on Friday... assuming not...

How deep do those fuckers actually go? And how the fuck did they manage to crash into the French one that time...

HMS Belfast is still my favorite British ship.

An A-boat goes about 950 feet underwater max depth and can go (I think) 35 knots but we don't go above 5 knots when wanting to stealth it.

I'm not part of the navigation team so I wouldn't know why we crashed into anybody but if we were submerged it is quite difficult (I'd imagine, since you are basically doing what bats do and using sound for vision) to navigate in tight situations.

And nah your limit is 4 a day (unless you've done something particularly worthy then your CO might give you an extra pint or something).

This, hail coming in sideways here!

Belfast is a nice ship I agree but I don't work on ships, I work on boats.

The most aesthetic ship still in service is probably Victory.

i read a conspiracy theory along those lines aswell when it was first announced. not only will their kid eventually be given a high ranking military position here but he'll also be eligible to run for the presidency in america being an american citizen, which might coincide with his cousin george taking the throne in the UK.

wouldnt put it past them, these cunts think in century's at a time

Only eligible for President if born in the USA.

you haven't been keeping up with brit/pol/ have you

Four pints is ite though, would definitely take the edge off.

What happens if there's a medical emergency on patrol?

>still in service

nah mate

I had to abandon ship because of the fucking paki poster whose been raiding the last month or so...

More of this sexy broad

For all the memes HMS Queen Elizabeth looks pretty good. I'm not sure how effective aircraft carriers will be in the coming decade with hypersonic weapons and whatnot, but aesthetically it's a nice ship. Victory is nice as well.

Aye it's not a bad night (or day, idk we don't really take the time down there).

Depends, really, on the severity of the injury and the duration remaining of the patrol and the location of nearby allies or allied vessels.

In Newcastle with howling winds outside. Absolute comfy

Victory is still in service as the First Lord's flagship.

The carrier is the pride of the Royal Navy now I suppose but a few of the lads (me included) in the scruffs don't think we needed it; 4-5 more subs would've been a better investment.

my mates in the navy and reckons he can save his booze rations and splash them all in one day if he likes. he's on a Ship though.

Supplies aren't really limited on the surface though.

enoch >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> oswald
being a germophile is a telling sign of retardation

How often would you surface while out at sea? Every day?

Do the navy lot look down on the army? Had a mate who was in the RAF a while back and they said they thought the army were all wankers

Clicked on this thread to put in my word that it is indeed very, very fucking windy here in Cheshire.

She looks like she used to be attractive.

Lads all I can hear are fucking milk cartons and other shit blowing down the road

Fucking bin day and everyone's left their fucking bins out!

Aldo fuck Irish roofers!

That's probably true. Increasing your nuclear deterrent probably would've been a better option than investing in another carrier. If it makes you feel any better we're fucking up even worse than you because the Ford class CVN's are planned to go through 2100, are ridiculously expensive, and will definitely be obsolete by 2050 with all the hypersonic weapons, railguns, solid state lasers, etc. that will be out by then. Investing in our Zumwalt DDs, as overpriced as they were, probably would've been better longterm then having 13 bloated MIC ships that might not even be effective a few decades from now.

Surfacing is dependent on what vessel you're in and what you're doing.

A-boats and V-boats (because they're nuclear) can stay underwater permanently because they make their own air and water but we do come to surface every week (maybe two weeks) for a bit of a breather; fake air, as we call it, stinks of hydraulics and piss.

We don't look down on the Army lads, nah, but we call the Air Force pompous pricks and full of lasses since most women go there.

It's usually when you get a few divers, marines or SBS on your sub for deployment that the proper rivalries start.

>inb4 Meghan being consider Queen of USA and US introduces it's own monarchy with the UK (despite US being against monarchies due to it's founding history).
>A US mix-raced Hollywood divorcee actress considered royalty somehow when engaged to a Prince who is likely born from an affair and also likely has no direct blood connection to the House of Windsor.
>Her divorcee status means Harry loses power to potential opportunities to move up within the royal household similar to Prince Charles (not that Harry had much chance anyways if previous point holds true).
>Assuming this mix race relationship has any significance to relations or power and is at best just a pet project for our mutual (((medias/ MSMs))) to play around and diddle with.

Too much bait and personally I don't think the relationship would last and even if it did I don't think there would be much significance overall (certainly no where close to your expectations).

Leon Degrelle > Codreanu > Mussolini > Mosely > Hitler

Enoch doesn't belong in that category in my view. He was a decent principled conservative who spoke out, not radical

>enoch doesn't belong in that category

Maybe, but they needed a platform for the F35 I guess (this was our rationale too), so maybe it'll work out. Delays are cancer.

The question is much more existential here though, we are a couple of poor decisions or budget cuts from being undefended, at least you have a buffer and the political will to fund these projects...

Aye lad I don't really like carriers apart from their aesthetic designs.

I'm also a big fan of the nuclear deterrent because I'm one of the fellas who gets to toy around with it. Big boys with big toys.

Air Force has always been posh AF. Would you ever switch to ships?

He's an irrelevant cunt that was always an edgy outsider amongst the family.
And now he's race mixing to appease his (((Puppeteers))) and accelerate white genocide. I'd rather not have 56%ers flooding my country to top it off.
Also there is no alliance in this marriage, its not like he's marrying a presidents daughter, just some no name mutt.

Who can read the letter of last resort?

I'm on year 5 of my 12 year contract now and I'm thinking of doing the final 3 years (9-12) on the surface so I am more qualified to move onto the bridge crew of cruiseships when I retire.

If he was in line for succession in any way the Queen would've stopped this.

I've become quite anti-Royal recently, I like the monarchy but I'm convinced Windsor are just globalist nonces

It's very windy. But not too windy to be uncomfortable and blow my garden shed into pieces. It's noisy windy, but comfy.

>implying submarine cruises won't be the vacation of choice by 2030

Nah sounds wise, submarines are obviously cooler but you've got to plan ahead

It's all just bants mate, navy call the raf ponces, army think the Royal Marines are all mentalband the Royal Marines refer to the navy as their taxi service. Push comes to shove and we all kick arse for the same team.

Just wish they all got the funding and respect they all deserve, they make Britain proud.

The Captain reads it and then gives his orders to the Warfare Officer who gives his orders to me who then, in theory, aims and fires the nuclear missiles.

I'm one of two people aboard the submarine to have access to the armoury though.

Morning lads, just woken up because a mate was emailing me from California freaking out about Trump and such, he's a very panicky young man, but he is ok now.

Thought I'd let you all know.

Unfortunately most of these projects are only serving the ZOG and will never be put to use for the good of the American people or WASP's in general. Who knows how it'll all turn out in the end. Whatever you do just don't let Corbyn become relevant. Also what's the status of faggotry in the RN? Do you have any stories?

Basically this. As I said though, the rivalry starts when divers, marines or SBS are on your sub and they steal your fucking bed and you're having to kip in the torpedo store.

Eitherway, at-least I will be prepped.

Thats pretty cool I guess.

I accidentally let off an Rpg once. Beat that.


Homosexuality being rampant in the Royal Navy is a complete meme mainly because having intimate relationships with your fellow crewmembers is strictly prohibited and will earn you a dishonourable discharge.

Sounds like something out of four lions...

The Queen.

If she's dead or busy then according to diversity protocol it's Reggie Yates.

Damn that golden rivet

Corbyn is hard to judge, he did well against the worst election campaign in British history, I strongly suspect he is a meme who will disappear when a real opponent is found but there's no sign of one yet.

>I'm also a big fan of the nuclear deterrent because I'm one of the fellas who gets to toy around with it

I would literally die for you if you 'accidentally' nuked Israel. You would go down in history as the greatest man who ever lived and Bongland would be saved from the eternal Kike. You know what you have to do Britbro.

Sank a Sachsen-class frigate (from Germany) in a wargame once, that was decent.


Kind of was really.

>Clearing compounds
>Found usual aks, shit tier russian weaponry, even a fucking nagant
>find rpg primed to fire (didnt notice this as usually when i see them theyre flying towards us)
>accidentally trigger rocket which buries itself in opposite compound wall scaring half the guys including a yank heart and minder who shit himself

That was the same day we found 3 dead goats with blown out arses and arab cum dripping out, fucking kek'd

Whats the yield on them? Would be quite satisfying to wipe out a city....

Also surely you may have to make a months long voyage before you can target whoever launched them? Or do you hang round the North Pole?

Does anyone every get claustrophobic? I've been on that grounded one in Portsmouth and its cramped AF


Ahem..... I SAID.... a-a-ahem! I SAID SAUCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>3 dead goats with blown out arses and arab cum dripping out
No fucking way...

I honestly don't understand how Nigel Farage isn't your PM yet.

100 kt yield on the thermonuclear head.

Depends; we never actually know where we are because I'm not in the navigation team.

Aye you get a bit cramped and it gets spooky with all these noises from outside the sub but you have to get on with it; probably what the beer is for.

Yeah man, we reckon it was afghan national army too as it had been deserted for a week before they rolled through.


Filename? Stupid yank.

>will earn you a dishonourable discharge.

All over your face, no doubt.

Made me kek.

He started an (admittedly successful) meme party instead of going into the Tories basically. I suspect he's very difficult to work with as well he's never had a powerful number two or anything. National treasure but I can't see him personally gaining any power.

Wew lad.

Fucking hell. That is genuinely subhuman

They were a good bunch. Didnt get scared of anything, i genuinely saw one of the fuckers jackie chan kick a dicker of a motorcycle once, shit was cash,

Right lads off to bed now, work in four hours and an hours journey to get there.

Look after those bombs for us

If we can Meme Trump into office, there must be a way for Nigel to get in. He's been a defender of your country for decades now, surely the muzzies haven't outnumbered you yet?