What’s up with the Nazi’s and suicide? Even Uncle Adolf cleared his mind with a bullet

What’s up with the Nazi’s and suicide? Even Uncle Adolf cleared his mind with a bullet.

Isn’t suicide degenerate? Shouldn’t they have fought to the last man?

>Hitler moved to South America
>He believes suicide is uncommon
OP is fag

We all know Hitler didn't die in that bunker.
Even Stalin knew that.

They practically all fucking did it. Goebbels and his whole family. Adolf and Eva. Generals. Its more than uncommon.

Then redpill me on Hitler’s fate

Somebody didn't read the JFK files.

>only Soviets "found" the body
>conveniently burned the body and all evidence
>literally nothing except what the Reds have told us

Seems legit

Was it worth it for them to live in this world after the war? They knew.


Watch "Hunting Hitler"

>navy seals kill some random dune coon and dump his body in the ocean
>Obumbo claims he killed bin laden
Seems legit

no one here believes that was osama

>Soviets kept Hitler's skull
>Hitler had a female skull

i assumed that the sites they found in that show would house some of the important nazis but not the big kahuna himself

Yeah, we all know Hitler was killed in South America by Magneto in the 1960's.

Hilter didn't commit suicide. He lived to a ripe old age hiding out in Argentina. He had many offspring there.

lots of philosophers thought about that topic. Camus for example said suicide would be giving in to the absurdity of life - which would be wrong. Nietzsche thought it would be against the will to power - but also said: you should push what is already falling. - in lots of eastern cultures it is a matter of honor. death is not as bad as being publicly shamed/living a failed live and it mostly was/is meant as a sacrifice to free the own family from the societal stigma of an individual failure. you can say that this is weakness - but then again: it is hard to kill yourself when you are not mentally ill. people who say - suicide is cowardice mostly never considered it or came close to doing it (i don't mean playing mind games). it is a leap into the great nothing as far as we know - and we are all nihilist at heart. so you better have good reasons to consider doing it. most of the NatSoc i guess thought of Germany as deadafter they lost -> which from a historical/societal standpoint and standart is simply true (not saying NatSoc was good - or innocent). they also didn't want to be tortured or give the winners the enjoyment being able to humiliate them. lastly: they were free men - it was their decision to stay free and so they died free. where is the problem?

Project paperclip

The lying communists also pushed all their war dead aka their own genocide onto the Nazi account. Most of the "holocaust" deaths were committed by Soviet soldiers who cleared and (((liberated))) the death camps.

>implying Hitler didn't escape
One must remember that two days previous, Mussolini was executed and his body was publicly desecrated.

Project paperclip.
Hitler hated communists more than Anything

I love albert camus, and I agree , I generally cringe when people say "its the easy way out", it's really just the other of two choices we make, to live or kill ourselves. Nothing easy or cowardly about it.

Why do people believe Hitler survived the war? What motive would he have to live after the defeat and destruction of his people? His health was also pretty shit by the end of the war so escaping would seem pointless.

>the skull was female

There was a tunnel in Hitlers bunker leading to a airport named Tempelof. Hitler also had a body double. You can research this more cuz idc. The cunt is dead anyways.

How is your health by the way? Family doing ok?


watch your family get raped by the red army and everything you held dear crumble or spare you and your family by dying before getting tortured and raped repeatedly